There shoulb be two mermaids one to get you back on your ship and one that will attack ya
A mermaid enemy
I think there will be evil mermaids because you saw a few in that one cinematic trailer a while back.
55 seconds in.
@tedakin i dont think the mermaids should have weapons i feel they will bite like in pirates of the Caribbean
@tedakin the trailer doesn't show any hostile mermaids they are scavenging or repairing the sunken ship. From what I've heard once your ship goes down when you use a mermaid to spawn you at your new one it's apparently the same one just repaired with magic or something.
@ch3wiie Looks like they took inspiration from that one real life video of a supposed mermaid. I like it. (seal of approval! Arf out of 10 arfs!)
@tedakin This video makes me even more hyped now. You can really tell a difference between E3 and now. Love this game. (sorry, off topic)