So....... I'm making me a 3D modeled Ship's Sign ;-)

  • bit better...textured rather than deformed :D

  • A successful test print! Had to tinker the text a lot for printability and increase the size to 5 inches wide. Now for cleanup and some paint.

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  • @specialadvisor I wish I could paint that. Great job. Looks awesome.

  • Ay good job !
    Print it in jello next please

  • @specialadvisor I NEED a 3D printer :(

  • @triheadedmonkey yeah...I'm a lucky fellow. They are the next best thing to having a Star Trek replicator in the Man-Cave :-D

  • Sooo cool! 3D printers are magic to me.

    On the previous topic of fonts I like Treasure Map Deadhand:

  • @wo0dox another good one...thanks for the link :-D

  • @triheadedmonkey Me too!

  • @specialadvisor The 'Pieces of Eight' font is the font used by Disney for Pirates of the Caribbean online :D

  • @lizalaroo you ARE a 3D printer! :D

  • I didn't get any painting in on the Ship's Sign yesterday...might be the 11 other pieces I'm currently working on ;-)

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  • @specialadvisor These look great!

  • Well...I'm gonna call that one done :-D

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    Done and done!

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    Already in good company ;-)

  • @specialadvisor Awesome! They look great! You should do one for each of the taverns that exist now in the world. (Kinda like collecting momentos of your travels haha)

  • @stacky-a funny you should say that. I have been taking screen shots of every new Tavern Sign I run across which is not many so date I've seen the George & Kraken and Drowned Rat and that's about all...till about 10 minutes ago when I first saw "The Unicorn."

    That reminds me, yesterday I saw the first Ship's Sign with an actual name. Was on a wreck where I spawned. I'll post the screen cap of it. Was interesting.

    While I have actually 'played' the game...I get as much if not more fun exploring and taking screenshots for new projects. I just keep a weather eye on the horizon and give Galleons a wide if I see a sloop I'll shout an ahoy...but usually keep on sailing :-D

  • I'm guessing this is the Black Witch? The aforementioned Ships Sign found on a vessel spawn island from yesterday.

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    Pretty sure it was on this island...
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  • @lizalaroo ...I’m en route back from a voyage and reading the Art of Sea of Thieves! Have you seen it yet? It’s a veritable treasure horde of prop references...already planning my next prop. Highly recommended!

  • @specialadvisor haven’t recieved it yet but have found a few other sources for some excellent props. Can’t wait to see what you have in mind!
    Did you see my ships wheel finished?

  • @lizalaroo No! Thanks for the pic. usual! :-)

    Highly recommend the art book. I got it in hardcover and Kindle so was able to read it on the plane and get my next project laid out...mentally :-)

    The first darn day Sea of Thieves was released I left for a 9 day vacation! I was able to squeeze in one short voyage and secure my Day One Eyepatch before heading to the airport! I just drug back in the door...not sure if I should unpack or set sail! Awww...who am I kidding :-D

  • @Premous This will give you an idea of what I was talking about.

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