Crew Management

  • @themuckypaw said in Crew Management:

    @y0ujerk Both would be applicable. They are synonyms.

    I have been on ships and been invited to meet the pilot and to have a shot at piloting the ship (IRL).

    Anyway, apples to apples.
    This could also be seen as "Manning the Helm"... Hence "Helm" and "Man."
    At least this discussion hasn't devolved into the "Captain" being the role of "Guy Who Drives Teh Boaty-McFloaty"

  • @realbadhor5e said in Crew Management:

    @y0ujerk you need a person in charge :P They dont have to be a "captain" but there has to be one giving clear instructions.

    It won't work if there are multiple conflicting set of instructions.

    Having a captain is not the same as having defined roles on a ship. In real life there can be roles since they do require a degree of competence and expertise.

    And @NastyNative007 since we are not dealing with real life with very simplified mechanics, roles are not wholly necessary. You don't need to know gunpowder quantities for the cannons or knots for the sails. Roles may be helpful for newer players who have no idea what to do, but for those who already "know the ropes" they are pretty unnecessary. If everyone is paying attention, then your ship will be spotted and a plan made before the cannonballs fly.

    Again, personally I am not keen on having pre-defined roles on a ship since that doesn't suit me. If you want to do that, by all means go for it. If we do encounter each other on the seas may the battle be glorious.

  • @zeo said in Crew Management:

    "Teh Boaty-McFloaty"

    Oops... Accidentally found my ship's name.. Haha..

  • @themuckypaw said in Crew Management:

    @zeo Dude. I've been on ships many times in real life and they were always referred to as pilots. Was the captain lying to me. Check the dictionary, 'pilot' is a common term used by the navy etc to refer to the person steering the ship.

    I was in the RN before transferring to the RM after 4 years and in all that time I never heard of the use pilot (except auto pilot) unless near a harbour.

    Space ship pilots however, I’ve head of 🤓

  • A quote:
    "A helmsman steers the ship.

    The Captain gives orders, the Pilot gives advice."

  • As the assumption by definition of the word Pilot, being that of someone who gives advice, pointing the helmsman in the way of clear waters, avoiding obstacles.

    Another quote:
    "Only in transit of the Panama Canal and in Canada does the pilot have the full responsibility for the navigation of the vessel."

  • So the pilot assumes the role of helmsman at certain times.

  • My sincerest apologies. When someone comes aboard my ship, and says things that are contrary to extensive research based on minimal experience and no research, I normally feel the need not to only correct the error, but to inform the person that a personal bias based on minimal firsthand experience is not always the correct answer, and could be better used under a microscope as to not spread misinformation. This goes for any community. Thusly, I am not exactly a fan-favorite when it comes to informational insight.

    However, if anyone would like to prove my analysis of the situation wrong, I am also welcome to information regarding the proper terms, and am willing to learn about which situations that this information would be undoubtedly correct, and welcome this information that is new to myself, as I will likely be passing the revised information on top of the situations wheresaid information is not of use, as well.

  • @program-024 @program-024 my point being you need someone in charge. Doesn't matter if they call themselves captain or not. There has to be one person that gives clear instructions, especially when it comes to combat.

    If you have multiple people, even adults, giving conflicting instructions, you are bound to fail. You will have one person that says drop the anchor and another saying not to. Who do you listen to? Hence why you need one in charge.

    You also need people to work one sail each, they can pick which sail they work. This is more important than people realize. This is only other role that is needed besides the helm/leader. Everything else should be on a needed basis.

    It's kind of having roles without giving out roles :P if you tell people you need to do this in a game, they will most likely not take it well. Creating a teamwork environment, without being dictorial :)

  • @ironuzuka said in Crew Management:

    So the pilot assumes the role of helmsman at certain times.

    Seemingly upon popular beleif, the only real case where the Helmsman is the Pilot as well is only in the Panama Canal.
    Other than that, information seems to prove that the helmsman, which in some cases can be the Captain, or an appointed officer on deck can be the vessel's controlling factor.

  • @salazar-armando said in Crew Management:

    sounds too tryhard for me. aint nobody got time for that

    Cause you're "that guy".... the one who does nothing to help sail the ship. You just stand there until the boat gets near the island, then you're the first to jump off to try and find the treasure.... (which takes you 10 minutes because you cant read a map or decipher riddles) when you return to the ship you won't even help raise the anchor.

    ... and you wonder why you got put in the brig later, saying "I didn't do anything". Because you didn't...

  • This thread looks like its navigated way of course. hah

  • @themuckypaw said in Crew Management:

    Who Is Who - Pirate Ranks on Ship

    "Captain had absolute control only in a battle. In everyday life, Captains did not have much more rights than any other crewmember. Even sail courses were determined by voting."

    As the captain of my own ship, I do not demand respect. I usually earn it through successful battle situations, and swift navigation. I only outshine my crew, because 99% of the time in most of the play sessions with people with less experience, as the "Captain" and normally the "Helmsman" as well, (which is a seriously strenuous task sometimes..) I can outshine my crew normally in all aspect, less of raising every sail for achnorless stops. (Not that I can't do this, as well. It's just much more difficult amongst an unruly crew, and wastes a TON of time.)
    Voyages and routes are something the entire crew has a say in, as well as battle engagements themselves. Everyone says their peace, and then I elect a vote amongst the crew. (Normally everyone is up for a good battle, but I won't be the one to force the situation if someone opposes.)
    A captain is someone who respects his men, and his ship, as well. Iron-fisted captains are likely the driving factor in why people have a sour taste about 'appointing' one captain.'s_Code

    As per the "Pirate Code" goes..

    "The captain of a ship is to be elected by a majority vote of its crew. If any time a crew, with sufficient evidence, finds their captain to be lacking in ability or offensive in nature, a new captain may be freely elected amongst the ship's members. The captain shall be made aware of the situation and will graciously step aside, assuming another position on the crew. Failure to follow this procedure will be deemed mutiny."

    "These pressing details were decided by vote, with the majority ruling. If the Captain were to go against the vote, then he too would be in violation of the Articles of Piracy, and would most likely step down from command and new leader would be chosen."

    I stand by the Carribean's rules, because it gives the crew more power than the official pirate's codes, where no mention of out-casting the Captain is not considered an act of mutiny. This too, can be considered a fair play though, as far as I am concerned. To the brig with me! Have at you!

    As well.. As per the Code:
    "Any person who refuses to serve aboard a pirate's ship must die."

  • @realbadhor5e said in Crew Management:

    It's kind of having roles without giving out roles :P if you tell people you need to do this in a game, they will most likely not take it well. Creating a teamwork environment, without being dictorial :)

    I agree fully right there. If everyone is always on the same page, then the need for explicit commands decreases. Everyone naturally falls into their own niche and synergy takes over. It's great when that happens

    Note that I said that having a captain is not the same as having rigidly defined roles. As you say, having at least one guy calling the shots in high stress situations is the best situation really. Otherwise you get mixed messages and then things go down from there.

  • @voodoo-ic0n what the hell someone is a bit angry. You don't have to be fully prepared managing your crew perfectly to be good at the game mate. sounds like you just go on and speedrun quests without having fun. like what is your problem.

    If I play with random people im not gonna tell them how to play dude like its a fun little pirate game not some army discipline procedure

  • @salazar-armando said in Crew Management:

    @nastynative007 while you are dictating people where to go and everyone is locked in a role. our crewmates will be all messing around in each role of the ship and having huge laughs because of how much of a mess we are doing. you might as well shout and them and call them scalywags if they dont mop the deck...

    Kinda sad the competition will be slim to none...
    But some people enjoy losing a naval fight cause they cant figure out who is going to repair all the holes we are going to be ripping through ur ship.

  • @nastynative007 I love how "Intellectual" you guys are. careful dont mess with there experience pro players. why do you have to take this game as a "competition"? can't you both just have fun and stop taking it as some sort of call of duty game. is not like hard to manage your ship either. if there is a hole, repair it, if there is water, take it out, simple...
    have fun in the seas i guess geez...

  • @salazar-armando You came into a thread called "Crew Management" and then expect us to agree that letting people figure it out is more fun than then actually managing ur crew. Also much of the fun comes from sinking ships and taking their loot!
    If you enjoy the madness and sinking ships Im not going to tell you not to do it.
    I personally think sinking ships and being competitive is more fun cause you are actually winning!

    Also just wait until Fleets are in full force and you get surrounded by multiple coordinated ships...

  • @nastynative007 I didn't say it wasn't fun to sink ships. I love the action in this game and if I get surrounded by a ton of ships that's gonna be actually amazing and it would be extremely action packed, even if we loose the fight.

    Just don't see why im getting called a bad player for not telling everyone to have their own position even thought it doesn't really make much different on the game.
    Imagine a poor guy on repair duty, and having no enemy ship put a single hole in it, maybe he want to swap to steering.
    dont take my opinion as if I want to just mess around and explode gunpowder barrels around my ship haha, just thought it was interesting how that other guy was being an a*s

  • My thing is , I don't care what I'm doing, as long as everybody is doing something. Also that it is organized. Honestly, I don't see how you play this game if its not, its a disaster and chaotic. Good luck to those who think they will just jump in this game and screw off because that will die quickly. It takes coordination and teamwork or your going to lose ALOT!

  • @zeo said in Crew Management:

    @p0gue-mah0n I don't beleive OP has anything to do with that side of the discussion.. Lol

    just thought "driver" was more

  • @nastynative007
    I would have went with Drivey McSteerTheShipFace, but what's done is done. My bad for the history lesson. Lol

  • Navigator doesn’t need to go below deck, you can look through the grates on the top deck to see the map

  • @zeo said in Crew Management:

    @themuckypaw said in Crew Management:

    Who Is Who - Pirate Ranks on Ship

    "Captain had absolute control only in a battle. In everyday life, Captains did not have much more rights than any other crewmember. Even sail courses were determined by voting."

    As the captain of my own ship, I do not demand respect. I usually earn it through successful battle situations, and swift navigation. I only outshine my crew, because 99% of the time in most of the play sessions with people with less experience, as the "Captain" and normally the "Helmsman" as well, (which is a seriously strenuous task sometimes..) I can outshine my crew normally in all aspect, less of raising every sail for achnorless stops. (Not that I can't do this, as well. It's just much more difficult amongst an unruly crew, and wastes a TON of time.)
    Voyages and routes are something the entire crew has a say in, as well as battle engagements themselves. Everyone says their peace, and then I elect a vote amongst the crew. (Normally everyone is up for a good battle, but I won't be the one to force the situation if someone opposes.)
    A captain is someone who respects his men, and his ship, as well. Iron-fisted captains are likely the driving factor in why people have a sour taste about 'appointing' one captain.'s_Code

    As per the "Pirate Code" goes..

    "The captain of a ship is to be elected by a majority vote of its crew. If any time a crew, with sufficient evidence, finds their captain to be lacking in ability or offensive in nature, a new captain may be freely elected amongst the ship's members. The captain shall be made aware of the situation and will graciously step aside, assuming another position on the crew. Failure to follow this procedure will be deemed mutiny."

    "These pressing details were decided by vote, with the majority ruling. If the Captain were to go against the vote, then he too would be in violation of the Articles of Piracy, and would most likely step down from command and new leader would be chosen."

    I stand by the Carribean's rules, because it gives the crew more power than the official pirate's codes, where no mention of out-casting the Captain is not considered an act of mutiny. This too, can be considered a fair play though, as far as I am concerned. To the brig with me! Have at you!

    As well.. As per the Code:
    "Any person who refuses to serve aboard a pirate's ship must die."

    The wiki page said that real life pirates made their own rules....... some people lead and others follow ;)

  • @ben-bosek There are a lot of ways to interpret the laws on the open sea. This is however, my own personal manifesto.
    If the crew doesn't agree with me, that's what the brig is for. No complaints here.

  • @salazar-armando
    Not angry, observant. I don't speed run either. I spent a good amount of time sailing alone island to island without a voyage.

    But when I am on a crew, I prove I am worth my weight in salt. When I Co-op, I play with the other players. I don't lone wolf it while on a team.

    Cooperatively playing the game with specific positions, where every one tends to something to sail the boat, is efficient. I've been on those Crews and they dominate the seas. It takes less effort than the crews with a lone wolf, because everyone has to make up for what the Noob isn't doing, taking the fun out of the game and frustrating everyone.

    So, since I know the signs, I will brig that kind of player every time until they leave.

    So go on, be "that guy". You'll get bored of the game eventually and then everyone else who still wants to have fun won't have to deal with you anymore.

  • @voodoo-ic0n I think that if there is a noob in your team that doesn't know what hes doing, instead of being an a*s and locking him in the brig, making it so he has to take his time to join another server and hope that someone else doesn't do it,

    You should probably help him out, teach him tips and tricks that he can use to improve at the game since everyone starts a noob, and you were also at one point a noob like everyone.

    Locking a poor guy in the brig because he is not better than you will just make it so he stays a noob and joins another server and might find another like you being completely unhelpful.
    also judging me based on a comment where i said "aint nobody got time for that" just shows your high ego

  • Look how much fun we are having with a little coordination.
    We maneuver around so this ship would not see us.. was able to spot him from the
    crows nest over an island (but please stand on the main deck with ur

    Look how sad my crew
    I cant wait till tuesday!

  • I think having all these rules ruin the point of the game. The game is fun because there is no rules. By having rules, it stops people doing what they want for $60. To extend, that is too much to abide to, no one will listen to it as it ruins the point of playing by your own rules.

62 out of 64