Sea Monster Speculations/Ideas. What do YOU want to see?

  • The purpose of this here topic thread is to share ideas and thoughts on what kinds of Sea Monsters will be added into the game down the line, what kinds of Sea Monsters you would like to see, and most importantly how they would work and mesh with the gameplay and how these beasts would be implemented.

    There are no bad ideas, this thread is for those of us who enjoy the concept of combating monsters from the depths and want to share and exchange ideas for fun.

    I'll start.

    1. Scylla and Charybdis. Scylla, a many headed terrestrial behemoth from Greek myth waits on a small island to snatch up and eat passing sailors. Charybdis is a massive massive whirlpool next to Scylla's rock. In myth it is refered to as being similar to the modern phrase "between a rock and a hard place".

    What I am proposing is a boss battle scenario on a fixed island somewhere in the Sea of Thieves. Place Scylla on an island with a hoard of treasure on it, and have an oversized Charybdis be actually
    slowly circling the Island in a way that make it impossible to hit Scylla with cannon fire unless youre within the boundary of its orbit. This would make players have to sail ahead of Charybdis and manage its location while shooting and attacking the heads of Scylla that attempt to batter your vessel and snatch away your crew. Scylla could be this massive Hydra like creature that blocks the sun if youre sailing into the sunset or sunrise. Kill Scylla to claim the riches of its Island Domain.

    1. A Big Ol' Chinese Style Sea Dragon. For those who may not know what the Chinese Dragon looks like they are generally serpentine with long ascthetic beards and whiskers. They usually have front arms but not always back legs. Anyways, similarly to how the Kraken works this creature would be ever wandering the Sea of Thieves. However the key difference would be that it is attracted to large quantities of TREASURE! So a Galleon full of booty, would essentially have a bullseye on its hull. The more high value chests you have with you the more likely the Sea Dragon will attack. Not being as large or physically strong as the Kraken the Sea Dragon would latch on to your ship with its front arms, and maybe wrap around it once or twice with its serpentine body, but then it would start spewing seawater from its mouth down into the lower decks to flood them and bring you and your vessel down. Your crew would have to attack the body and face to drive it off. But just imagine you're sailing back to port to sell off your ill-gotten gains when from the crow's nest you see a massive serpentine form coiling and breaching the surface of the water heading straight for you.

    Maybe it could have a cave lair you could sail into and out of where it keeps all of its stolen hoard in a big pile surrounded by water. 1 to 3 chests for every player ship it sinks. Crews could team up for "raids" of the lair, because disturbing even one chest will call the Sea Dragon back from wherever it is, even if its mid attack on a ship it will break it off and beeline for its cave. Crews could either steal as much as they can before the beast catches up or wait for it and try to slay it in order to recieve a special reward chest or something.

    What do you think? How could they better be implemented? What are your ideas? What do you think Rare will do in regards to future Sea Monster additions? Let's have some fun here!

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  • @based420polecat Aspidochelone A giant sea turtle the size of a island with trees and every thing it moves all around the map submerging and emerging its from norse mythology its also depicted as a whale but I like the sea turtle more

  • @based420polecat Got some other ideas
    1:The Dobhar-chú it is a giant carnivorous lake monster that lives in Ireland and they can act like super aggressive sharks and the can jump on your boat. 2:Iku-Turso Total jerk of a sea monster. Terrifying. Sometimes mentioned as the god of diseases and/or war in Finnish mythology a slimy giant with the head of a lion and horns of a moose it can throw s*********s at players and poison them and you can shoot it in its glowing eyes to kill it. 3: last one sea monk from Japanese mythology giant black figures burst from the sea it has barrels its fills ships up with water or drowns players in them. done

  • I really like all of these monsters!
    While I like the idea of adding known monsters into SoT, I think I'd like to see a monster that comes straight from Rare's imagination. That would be interesting to see.

  • Sirens? If you are within earshot, your boat automatically steer in their direction until you are close enough for them to attack you. You could counter them by filling your ears with cotton, but would be unable to ear anything like gunfire or your teammates on voice chat and would only see the sign they make.

  • @trollkiller50 I really like the Dobhar-chu idea. What does it look like? I like the idea of a sea monster being able to board your ship and attack you. Could there be Dobhar-chu swarms? A sort of environmental thing to avoid like a bad storm? Could be seen from the crows nest as churning and thrashing water maybe? If they are excepionally large maybe they could be downsized to be akin to a leaping pihrana swarm?

  • @sandyshorts6397 Thats also something I'd like to see. What can Rare imagine that would be compelling, interesting, worthwhile, and teamwork-oriented to fit this game?

    I can't see them putting in anything too outlandish though, as the systems and mechanics of the game thrive on how deceptively simple things are.

  • Another idea; Poseidon.

    For those nefarious players who hassle and harrass other players who do not wish to participate. There could be a sort of karma system where the players who get reported for whatever reason a lot are more likely to incur the Wrath of Poseidon.

    Poseidon; colored the same as his ship bow ornament, will cause lighting and thunder to crack and a large ring of clouds to form as he slowly rises from the sea in front of notoriously villanous players and will attempt to use his fist and or Trident to pummel their vessels to splinters. In the spirit of giving everybody a fair shake, even jerks, Poseidon would attack slowly cause of how big he is. His attacks would be so slow that skilled and coordinated crews would be able to steer around his punches and stabs. Crews daring enough could attempt to drive him off in order to get a special reward for it or attempt to flee while he gives chase and attacks at the same time until Poseidon times out. Although if he is going to be used as a punishment for unfair play rewarding Poseidons defeat probly shouldnt yeild rewards.

    Or they could scrap the Karma and Reported Players option and have Poseidon act like the Kraken, always present and always looking to mess you up.

  • @spookyblackhole I like that idea a lot. Maybe instead of attacking directly, at least at first, the Sirens could cause your ship to steer into rocks or run agound on an island?

    What if they had a chance to spawn nearby the large rock formations in the dangerous seas and when you got within their range/ensared by their song, a thick fog bank could roll in?

    Just imagine, you can barely see a thing, all you can hear is the Sirens eerily and ominously singing. You plug your ears with cotton and strain in complete silence to see a crewman at the front of your ship frantically signing and gesturing for you to turn before you're all dashed against the rocks.

    That would be fantastic. Great idea with the cotton mate.

  • The idea of Rare making a unique sea monster is a really cool one. I would love a Nessy type sea monster. Just like a huge Liopleurodon that is the size of a small island, some times it might straight up attack ships, sometimes it might just reach its neck out of the water and eat a Pirate/yank a Pirate into the sea before leaving the ship alone, and sometimes it might just poke its head out of the water and maybe make a screech like noise before disappearing again, as a reminder it still exists.

  • Also the idea of two sea monsters fighting each other as a randomized event based upon if a lot of ships are in a target area—that would be crazy as it could cause a “we need to work together to kill them or we won’t be able to do ANY quests in this area” situation

  • @anamericannerd Haha I like this! It'd be like pure spectacle. I'd just want to watch them fight it out to be honest!

    Could be like a couple Giants or freakishly oversized Cyclopses going at it. Whichever one loses the winner will bellow in a victory roar and slip back into the depths. Maybe not Cyclopses or something that breathes air in that case though... Maybe do a nod to Godzilla and have it be a couple oversized Galapagos Iguanas lol.

  • @based420polecat said in Sea Monster Speculations/Ideas. What do YOU want to see?:

    Maybe instead of attacking directly, at least at first, the Sirens could cause your ship to steer into rocks or run agound on an island?

    That's even better! It's a simple mechanic and the more strategic players could use this to their advantage by luring other ships toward sirens while shooting from afar!

  • @anamericannerd I also like your idea of a Nessie type monster. Something like a Plesiosaur could circle your Ship a few times before either snatching up a crewman or making a litlle roar and swimming away.

  • @spookyblackhole Now I need sirens and whirlpools so I can attempt to keep Galleons off my one manned Sloop’s tail... or have my risky plans blow up in my face! All or Nothing!

  • What do you all think of Ghost Pirates or Skeleton Crews? In lieu of there being NPC merchant ships to plunder maybe there could be Haunted Ships that actively hunt down players that stray within a certain obscenely huge perimeter around the Haunted Ship?

    Maybe the Haunted Ships could be heraled by whispering voices on the winds or a blanket of supernatural green tinted clouds fills the skies around them and makes the seas dark and foreboding.

    Maybe not give the Haunted Ship any rewards for defeating its crew. Instead have them be a hazard to be either outran or sunk. If you drop anchor in shallow water near an island coast the Haunted Ship could register that as inaccsesible and give up and sail off giving you a set cooldown timer before they can target your vessel again.

    Does that sound like an interesting addition? How would you implement something like this? What design choices would you do differently?

  • @spookyblackhole said in Sea Monster Speculations/Ideas. What do YOU want to see?:

    @based420polecat said in Sea Monster Speculations/Ideas. What do YOU want to see?:

    Maybe instead of attacking directly, at least at first, the Sirens could cause your ship to steer into rocks or run agound on an island?

    That's even better! It's a simple mechanic and the more strategic players could use this to their advantage by luring other ships toward sirens while shooting from afar!

    That's evil bloody genius mate. Attack a ship to try and make it go right into the Sirens! Wait for them to crash and shell the hell out of their wreck with cannon fire and then move in to mop up their treasure! Bloody brilliant!

  • @based420polecat so for a Halloween recurring event I really want a Man-O-War Flying Dutchman ship to come out of the sea, heralded by the a green fog like the Krakens black water. And it just attacks every ship it can reach. The bottom hull of course is filled with treasure—and ghost pirates everywhere!

  • I would also like to see more dangerous real world creatures other than just sharks. Giant squid in the depths, stinging j*******h etc.

  • Gojira amirite?

  • How about a Leviathan?

    I've played a couple games in the past which had sailing and featured both a Kraken & Leviathan hidden somewhere in the world, it was absolutely terrifying encountering either of them.

  • @anamericannerd said in Sea Monster Speculations/Ideas. What do YOU want to see?:

    @based420polecat so for a Halloween recurring event I really want a Man-O-War Flying Dutchman ship to come out of the sea, heralded by the a green fog like the Krakens black water. And it just attacks every ship it can reach. The bottom hull of course is filled with treasure—and ghost pirates everywhere!

    THIS. THIS. Have there be like THE Flying Dutchman as a boss type ship with buttloads of cannon resistance with a legendary Skeleton on board. It would be massive much bigger than the biggest player ship and either very ornate or decrepit and ancient looking (though I'd bet that Style of Dutchman is copyrighted for Disney).

    And then the Skeleton Crews that fill the seas could be just be 4 or 5 Skeleton Galleons or 2 or 3 Skeleton Sloops.

  • @trollkiller50 dijo en Sea Monster Speculations/Ideas. What do YOU want to see?:

    @based420polecat Aspidochelone A giant sea turtle the size of a island with trees and every thing it moves all around the map submerging and emerging its from norse mythology its also depicted as a whale but I like the sea turtle more

    Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes please and also sea serpents as described by the thread. But the turtle idea is amazing! Have the pub npc tell you it's sightings and lead you to its path on the map. Maybe activate it emerging by throwing explosives or dropping anchor in the exact position!

  • @based420polecat September-October Live Event “Invasion of The Dutchman” all ghost pirate ships arise with much display out of the depths!

  • @malkuno I REALLY like this! Like a massive Serpentine Creature that could rise hundreds of feet up and out of the water to come straight down and try to take your ship in one massive gulp. It could move slowly to give crews time to steer and avoid the gaping maw coming down on top of their heads.

    I'd probably soil myself being the Helmsman or Spotter in that scenario.

  • @spookyblackhole dijo en Sea Monster Speculations/Ideas. What do YOU want to see?:

    @based420polecat said in Sea Monster Speculations/Ideas. What do YOU want to see?:

    Maybe instead of attacking directly, at least at first, the Sirens could cause your ship to steer into rocks or run agound on an island?

    That's even better! It's a simple mechanic and the more strategic players could use this to their advantage by luring other ships toward sirens while shooting from afar!

    But have you know its because of them by hearing them sing! Maybe even add a quest to capture one! Imagine the whole quest to take a siren to the outpost!!!!!

  • @anamericannerd Imagine the spectacle!! Large eerie green lights shine through areas of the water the night of the start of the event. For a while they will be just that, green patches of supernatural light shining up through the waves then at a certain time,WHOOSH! Skeleton ship after skeleton ship BURSTS violently from the depths and set off in search of victims on tattered sails.


  • @lord-danielw said in Sea Monster Speculations/Ideas. What do YOU want to see?:

    @spookyblackhole dijo en Sea Monster Speculations/Ideas. What do YOU want to see?:

    @based420polecat said in Sea Monster Speculations/Ideas. What do YOU want to see?:

    Maybe instead of attacking directly, at least at first, the Sirens could cause your ship to steer into rocks or run agound on an island?

    That's even better! It's a simple mechanic and the more strategic players could use this to their advantage by luring other ships toward sirens while shooting from afar!

    But have you know its because of them by hearing them sing! Maybe even add a quest to capture one! Imagine the whole quest to take a siren to the outpost!!!!!

    I freakin like your style dude.

    Make a whole Merchant Company based around capturing and returning mythical and fantastical creatures.

    Capture Sirens, Skeletons of varying difficulty, Mermaids (I think i heard they are going to be more than just ship retrieval so lets see where that goes), things like the Golden Fleece or Golden Goose, magical artifacts and the like.

    That would be great fun scouring the Seas for beasts of legend to capture for sizeable profit!

  • @based420polecat This would be so amazing! And it could be in response to “fake” Pirate Legends. Davy Jones is the greatest legend after all, right? He could just be super jealous of the living or what he might see as weakly earned prestige from the Pirate Legends

  • the Return of Clanker!

  • Let's keep this party going! I'm seeing great ideas all around!

    There's no shortage of good ideas for this game, the simplicity of it leaves it open for wonderful and gripping experiences that would likely leave you on the edge of your seat!

    It'd be amazing if Rare could see these posts full of great ideas and translate some of them if even one of them into a fleshed out experience for this game.

    I mean hell, we've already got Sirens, Leviathans, Creatures from Historical Myth, Skeleton Pirate Scourges, and more in here. I only made this thread a few hours ago and you all are just pouring on good idea after another.

    Let's see how much we can come up with! Let's see if we can make this thread big enough to get Rare's attention! This game has too much going for it to just stop at One Sea Monster! Let's help Rare make this the greatest experience ever!

  • @based420polecat dijo en Sea Monster Speculations/Ideas. What do YOU want to see?:

    @lord-danielw said in Sea Monster Speculations/Ideas. What do YOU want to see?:

    @spookyblackhole dijo en Sea Monster Speculations/Ideas. What do YOU want to see?:

    @based420polecat said in Sea Monster Speculations/Ideas. What do YOU want to see?:

    Maybe instead of attacking directly, at least at first, the Sirens could cause your ship to steer into rocks or run agound on an island?

    That's even better! It's a simple mechanic and the more strategic players could use this to their advantage by luring other ships toward sirens while shooting from afar!

    But have you know its because of them by hearing them sing! Maybe even add a quest to capture one! Imagine the whole quest to take a siren to the outpost!!!!!

    I freakin like your style dude.

    Make a whole Merchant Company based around capturing and returning mythical and fantastical creatures.

    Capture Sirens, Skeletons of varying difficulty, Mermaids (I think i heard they are going to be more than just ship retrieval so lets see where that goes), things like the Golden Fleece or Golden Goose, magical artifacts and the like.

    That would be great fun scouring the Seas for beasts of legend to capture for sizeable profit!

    Yeeeeeeeeeees that's exactly what I had in mind!!!!!!!!!
    I have found me m8!

  • @anamericannerd Lol, Rare could have the Davy Jones boss bellow across the seas to any nearby Pirates things like "YE SCURVY DOGS WOULDNT KNOW SWASHBUCKLIN' IF IT BIT YA ON YER A**E" and/or "HERE BE THE TREASURE OF DAVY JONES, COME AND TAKE IT IF YE ARENT SCARED OF A WATERY GRAVE"

    I dunno, too much?

  • @based420polecat dude I had thought on going to David Jones locker by sailing off the map long enough (sea turns red but if bucket out water long enough) make it to the edge of the world on a waterfall alike end to fall into the depths of the underworld (like banjo tooie underwater level of Jollibee Roger's lagoon) search for the cursed treasure.

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