Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2

  • @oxynator
    Hey man, I'm not bashing ramming.

    I'm bashing ramming being the ONLY tactic, every 3min, due to horrid respawns.

  • @zeo
    "SMASHING your ship against another ship's hull, however, is griefing."

    Come again?

  • @nebenkuh My apologies, I'll edit, so you can understand what I was meaning.

    "SMASHING your ship against another ship's hull Until the Cows come Home, however, is griefing."

  • Whilst spawn distances seem to be the popular opinion, did anyone else kind of liked the idea of being able respawn and immediately chase back your stolen loot after being sunk? I'm probably in the minority but I've managed to win my loot back after round 2 and now I'm not going to be able to do that due to increased spawn distances. Hey ho.

  • @zeo
    I agree with that. :)

    Well, sinking means you lost, so that should have consequences. Ofc it was nice to sometimes steal your stuff back, but this is a good change. Now, losing actually means something.

  • Excellent work. Thank's guys.

    The respawn alteration is a welcomed change! Looking forward to playing this evening.

  • @zeo sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    Hey man, I'm not bashing ramming.

    I'm bashing ramming being the ONLY tactic, every 3min, due to horrid respawns.

    Ahh, okay, i thought so, but wasn't sure... yea that is true! you can ram to get advantage

  • Wait so you can teleport with chest now?

  • @zeo Right???? SOOO many times I sunk several Gallions teaming, or just solo ALWAYS just to have them come back continually.

  • 15min, and we'll all get to test this new 'feature' as I'd refer to it as... out.

    Watch out boys. Going on the war-path.

  • @nebenkuh said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    I agree with that. :)

    Well, sinking means you lost, so that should have consequences. Ofc it was nice to sometimes steal your stuff back, but this is a good change. Now, losing actually means something.

    I suppose....I'll just have to get on with it!

  • For all who cannot equip a second weapon, i have found the solution!!

    Leave the game and go to a solo sloop. Then click on your friends icon from the xbox app and re-join their game (hopefully before some scurvy brown dog steals your spot).



  • Content roadmap when?

  • Still no fix for bounty skeletons not showing up! The disappointment doesn’t stop.

    Could we please get keyboard chat support for Xbox. This isn’t me begging for new content just a simple feature already present on win10 added to the game.

  • anybody figured out the actual respawn distance they incorporated? how many squares?

  • Slowly but surely moving in the right direction. Can't say I'm not disappointed as content is sorely needed, but bugs and mechanic must take precedence.

    It will be interesting to see the response to the respawn distance and if any further tweaks are needed.

  • @khaleesibot

    thats what i call " hear the community"!

    Thx rare and keep up the efford and good job, we so much enjoy SoT and have the best multicrew experiences EVER!

    thx again and ignore the imature hate and AHOI!!!

  • @usatfjumper I'm GUESSING that you just can't teleport while holding a chest, instead of being able to teleport but losing the chest in the process.

  • @usatfjumper Probably not, they probably made it so you cannot use the mermaid to teleport WITH anything in your hands.

  • @syreave said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    Content roadmap when?

    They mentioned a long while back that there wasn't going to be a roadmap.

  • @oxynator
    In a specific instance: I was with a few friends of mediocre experience.
    They were being floaty and flighty, doing as they please, and I was allowing them to. It wasn't in me to bark at them as I would players who should know better. It just wasn't that serious.
    A sloop. 2 man. Much more experienced than my own crew..
    Came from behind as we were on a voyage.
    Yes, a VOYAGE.
    Not a Fort, to drive the argument about forts being the only method of respawn tanking.

    We sank them, the first time. Through effort and cunning, and a bit of marionetting, but they came back. By the second time my friends who are very flighty were annoyed and bored with it, and their experience was literally ruined due to it.

    I have not been able to get them to come back to the game.

    THIS is the reason I pushed so hard. THIS is the reason I raise my nose.

    Not only griefers now being the ones penalized, but all ill-equipped pirates.

    Best skill-up before you even think about sailing in my direction.

    Just remember... We don't fire first.

    We make sure we're the last to fire, though.

  • @khaleesibot really good news. Great job, keep it running ;)

  • @adderexia said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    For all who cannot equip a second weapon, i have found the solution!!

    Leave the game and go to a solo sloop. Then click on your friends icon from the xbox app and re-join their game (hopefully before some scurvy brown dog steals your spot).



    Just equip a second weapon and die.


  • Patience is rare in these forums. More updates will come. Rare seem like a company that care about their community. But they cannot fix everything all at once, nor can they add more content at the drop of a hat.

  • @usatfjumper
    No. Now if you're holding a chest (or skull, or animal, etc.) you can't use the mermaid at all. This prevents people from swimming to a mermaid with a chest, teleporting back to the ship, and leaving the chest floating in the water. Now, in order to use a mermaid, you can't be holding anything.

  • @diamondvp 3 months away

  • Many thanks for this update. Looking forward to see how the respawn mechanics effect the game play.

    Keep up the great work!

  • The bug where you only have 1 weapon has been really annoying. Every time I log in I have to equip another weapon and die to get 2 weapons.

  • @bloodfrenzy187 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    What about bounty quests not spawning skeletons?

    I believe that's covered at the bottom of the update under "known issues":

    Bounty quest skeletons sometimes do not spawn or cannot be found.
    If you encounter this bug, a potential work around is to sail away from the island until it’s out of range, and then sail back in to trigger the Island Name banners.

  • @s1ictrck I don’t think you understand how creating new content works. Definitely takes longer than 2 weeks

  • Poor update, I've cancelled my game pass, I'm so bored with it, sorry Rare. Hopefully when actual content arrives I'll be playing again.

  • @khaleesibot

    Bounty quest skeletons sometimes do not spawn or cannot be found.
    If you encounter this bug, a potential work around is to sail away from the island until it’s out of range, and then sail back in to trigger the Island Name banners.

    This is not a valid work around. I've tested it multiple times and have yet to have it work, primarily on the South Western most island of Shark Bait Cove.

  • @zeo They put it in quotes.. “griefing” as when someone doesn’t agree with the word used to describe something, but in a response so that the person they are placating understands.

    In this instance, they are placating to the people who considered the players constantly reattacking griefing.. even though they don’t agree that it falls within their definition of griefing. They said this so thay those players understand that they heard those complaints and that they did this action to appease those calling for spawn distance changes so that the player wouldn’t get chased after respawn..

  • Nice job on the whole ship spawn thing. That will be nice. I’d like to see something done to matchmaking though. If I’ve got space on my ship (or visa versa with my buddy) I’d really like to be able to Have him join me in game instead of having to back out of the game and lose all progress on my voyage or make him wait while I finish said voyage. I understand some may take advantage of this system to level up quicker but I feel it’s a necessity to make the game more accessible. It makes the grind more fun with a ship mate and rewards our time in game better I think.

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