Possible Additions - Ideas Welcome {UPDATED: 08/03/20}

  • Ahoy Pirates! Here's a list of feedback/suggestions thought of by myself and the SoT Community...

    For an Arena Specific list, check out our fellow Pirate: @BaronBrr's Post here: Arena Feedback/Suggestions

    ~New Content Additions~

    -New Land Creatures (Friendly)-

    • Tortoise- Hides in shell once provoked, used in Merchant Trading. Found in tropical green islands.

    • Turtle- Can be captured in net (not killed), sold to Hunters Call.

    • Chicks- Found in Chicken nests, placed in a basket, can be sold to the Merchant Alliance, for Gold.

    • Lizards- Can kill Chicks, move fast, can be sold to the Merchant Alliance, for Gold.

    • Land Crabs- Can be sold to the Hunters Call. (Many variants: e.g. Hermit Crab, Red Crab, Coconut Crab)

    -New Sea Creatures (Friendly)-

    • Whales- Can be seen squirting water out of the sea, and jumping. Also can bump into ships causing some hull damage.

    • Dolphins- Can travel in pods of 4-6. Can be seen jumping out of the water occasionally, used to add more friendly sea creatures to the game. Potentially can lead you to floating loot.

    • Sea Crabs- These are bigger than the usual Land Crabs, they are slower, but if the player gets too close, they will try to attack. Causing low damage.

    -New Land Creatures (Hostile)-

    • Poison Dart Frogs- These are very small frogs, that can spit small amounts of poison at the player. They are found in tropical areas, but can leap away if the player comes too close and looks at it. This meaning it's very hard to kill with a weapon. But the player shouldn't worry, it can't deal lots of damage. It's only there to make the game more colourful and thriving with life, and of course to make the Pirate's life harder.

    • Crocodile

    • Rats- These rodents can infest your Ship, stealing food... what a pest... Arghh!

    (Any others you'd like to see? Comment them below!)

    -New Sea Creatures (Hostile)-

    • Electric Eels- Swim around close to islands, can give you a nasty shock! (Credit: @Galactic-Geek)

    • Jelly Fish- Swims around tropical islands, can sting the player causing damage. (Credit: @Galactic-Geek)

    • Sea Serpents- Have the ability to wrap around a Player's body, dragging them under. Can be killed and drop Sea Serpent's tooth (Rare). Most commonly found in underwater caves.

    • Sirens-Disguise themselves as friendly creatures, e.g: Castaways, once interacted with will attack the player. Can drop gems/gold/chests stolen from other pirates. (Credit: @Zevaryian)

    (Please comment on any others in the comment section!)

    Random Events:

    • The Ocean Crawler- These are hidden under sand, close to islands and grab the ship with both pincers, causing hull damage. To kill it the Player must use the Cannons/Guns to crack the shell of the pincers, then use the Cutlass to slice the exposed flesh, for the most effective way. This is a random event and will trigger once a ship has come into the area. This can attack all types of ship. Once killed drops loot, Hermit Chest, and Ocean Crawler Meat.

    • Kraken Variants- Just like the Megladon has variants, why can't the Kraken? One could squirt ink at you instead of sucking you up, etc. (Credit: @Zevaryian)

    • Whirlpools- Open up randomly across the sea, causing any nearby Ships to be pulled in! Can be escaped from by going fast enough, however, this causes hull damage. (What’s funnier than being swirled around while frantically trying to escape?)

    • Castaways- Can be found on an island, big or small. Just as rare as a 'Message in a Bottle' or 'Golden Artefact', once found, he can either be captured and handed to Bilge Rats or the player can drop him off at their desired island. Dropping the Castaway off may result in more or less money than capturing them, it’s a gamble. (This will link into the ‘Wanted Pirate’ posters around outposts).

    • Rogue Pirate Raid- NPC Pirates take over an outpost, like the Skeleton Fort, however, the Outpost cannot be used properly until all the Rogues are killed. After they are, you can go around to all the shops and the Inn, to claim a reward, for being a good sport. The three traders will also give you Reputation for your help.

    ~Ship Ideas~

    Ship Customisability:
    (All can be bought from the Ship Market)

    • New Lantern designs. [Shape]
    • New Map designs.
    • New Barrel designs.
    • New Mast designs.
    • New Harpoon designs.
      *New Bell designs.

    -Ship Cosmetics-

    • Arena Ship Designs - Add Arena ships designs to Adventure. Earnt by winning matches using specific ship design. E.g: 'Lucky Clover Wins Grade II' unlocks 'Lucky Clover Flag' Credit: @KlutchxKing518 Original Post

    -New Ship Features-

    • Ship Name engraved above the entrance to Captain's Quarters, and on the sides of the ship/rear. (Adds a more personal touch to your Ship!)

    • Walk The Plank-Players who have to leave the game, whistle on the ship has the option to 'Walk the Plank'. This would make the plank have an actual use, and would be fun to watch a scurvy pirate jump to his long-awaited fate. Even the sharks would love this feature! Free Snacks!

    • Dice/Card Games- Long voyage ahead? Why don't you stand around a barrel and play some games! This would make long voyages more entertaining, and create panic moments when there's an enemy ship coming your way!

    • Barrels Spawn- When a ship sinks, the Cannonballs/Planks/Food barrels spawn above the wreck in the sea.

    • Closing doors- Doors should be able to be closed on the Galleon.

    • Fire Spreading - Fire should gradually make it's way up/down the mast. This makes it more realistic and gives people time to respond to the flames making their way up to their gunpowder kegs.

    New Character Content

    Character Customizability:
    (All can be bought from the Clothes Shop)

    • Glasses
    • Commendations should be able to be worn as badges on clothing.

    New Curses:

    • Curse of Legends - Received for completing Pirate Legend Commendations. Adds a light mist around character.

    • Curse of the Skeleton Lord - Gives character skeletal features, earned by completing: The Cursed Crews and Cursed Sails commendations.

    • Curse of the Ashen Dragon - Gives your character a fiery appearance, earned by collecting all the Tomes found in ashen chests.

    New Equitable Items:

    Musical Instruments:

    • Harmonica
    • Guitar
    • Flute
    • The Music Box- Used to keep snakes calm during voyages, can be placed and activated on the ship. (The one in Taverns and Shops)


    • Drunken Sailor - Sell 100 Chests of 1000 Grogs

    • Happy Birthday - Only available if it's a sailors birthday, checked against Xbox Account Birth date.

    • Deck The Hulls - Available from December 1st-January 10th.

    • Bosun Bill Holiday Shanty - Available from December 1st-January 10th.

    • We Shall Sail Together - Unlocked upon becoming Pirate Legend.


    • Blowgun- Shoots a dart from a small tube, can be tipped with Snake Poison/Dart Frog Poison to cause nausea and poison to the enemy. (Similar to cursed cannon balls, tipped arrows are rare).

    • Coconuts- These can be placed into cannons and fired at ships to cause some damage, and if hit near a player will fill their screen with milk!

    Pet Additions:

    • Default Pet- Have all players be given a basic pet (Brown Monkey/Red Parrot).

    Pet Interactions

    • Making certain noise if another pirate is in water.
    • Parrot ability to mimic sounds e.g. Gunshots, Skeletons, Gunpowder fuses, etc.
    • Ability to be given small items to carry e.g: Skulls/Artifacts/Gems. (Pet will follow you) (Credit: @Zevaryian)
    • Ability to be shot at other pirate's ships and steal small loot, however if shot, will drop loot. Pet will not be injured. (Credit: @Zevaryian)

    Trading Companies Suggestions:

    Order of Souls

    New Loot:

    All of below replaces Villainous, adds greater variety and could come with extra commendations too.

    • Gilded Skull: Dropped by Golden Skeleton Captains, this skull is immensely heavy and the carrier is slowed down due to the weight.

    • Ivy Skull: Dropped by Wild Skeleton Captains, this skull blends in very well with bushes, grass, etc. Can poison the carrier, occasionally.

    • Ghastly Skull- Dropped by Shadow Skeleton Captains, cannot be seen well in the night, however, with a lantern, it can be uncovered.

    Rogue Pirate Marks

    These marks can be exchanged to Duke, for doubloons, and some rare customisation options. They are a patch of cloth, think of them as ‘Dog-Tags’, the more experienced Rogue Pirate you kill, the rarer the Mark will be.

    • Mark of the _____ (Common – like Castaway)
    • Mark of the _____ (Uncommon- lie Seafarers)
    • Mark of the _____ (Rare- like Marauders)
    • Mark of the _____ (Rare...er- like Captain’s)
    • Mark of the _____ (Rarest- like Chest of Sorrow, Chest of a thousand grogs, etc.)
      (Spaces left for the tier name of the Rogue Pirate)

    Gold Hoarders

    New Loot:

    New Normal Chests:
    Check out @Cows-n-Muffins Chest Designs here

    • Legendary Chest- Golden, with diamonds engraved. 2000-2700 Gold.

    New Cursed Chests

    • Hermit Chest- Ruby red glow, with a pair of pincers sealing the chest down. It houses a crab in it..? Yeah... also I forgot to mention it's going to be really hard to keep this chest still! So, make sure you keep an eye on it! 1295-1750 Gold.

    • Kraken Chest: Found floating in the ocean after defeating a Kraken, or, is held by one of the tentacles and make the Kraken drop it by shooting it with cannons. It's best to keep this chest somewhere secure, you'll often see a tentacle come out of the chest and try to damage anything around it. Even the ship hull. Can be exchanged at the Gold Hoarders for gold.

    Merchant Alliance

    Merchant Items:

    • Crate o' Feathers
    • Jar o' Venom (Also used to tip darts with poison)

    Hunters Call

    Hunters Call Items:

    • Serpent Tooth
    • Crab Meat
    • Hermit Crab Shell
    • Ocean Crawler Meat

    Outpost Ideas:

    • Card Games- Located in the Tavern, players can play games such as Card games, Dice games, etc. To win Gold! This gives players a reason to not be too hostile towards others on the Outpost, well not during the game anyway!

    • Barber Store- This would make the game more realistic, having an NPC stand behind you, while you're sitting on a barrel. This could also make it so the NPC may not do the correct haircut every time, which adds some humour to it.

    New Gameplay Additions

    • Weekly Voyage- This Weekly Voyage could be a big voyage, which happens at the end of every week. This could be a high number of chapters Voyage and even have a mix up of the 3 Traders in there. The Voyage would be just as rewarding as taking on a Skeleton Fort.

    • Pirate Legend Only Tall Tale - Possibly a backstory of the Pirate Lord? What is the origin of the shipwrecked galleon in the Pirate Legend's Hideout?

    • The Old Mother - Tall Tale which delves into the story of how the Old Mother (Kraken) was captured by the ancients/mermaids. Possibly a new threat could be found during the Tale, an elder kraken that was in slumber?

    If you have any other ideas, comment them below and I'll add them to the list. All credit will be given. This isn't complete yet, and I will be checking back daily.

  • 258
    feedbackstory & lore
  • Liking the sound of these.

    Wouldn't mind additional trinkets into the random pool of goodies. Personal favourite is a Music Box you can sell, or use to aid in calming snakes.

    For the Giant crab, instead of making it act similar to the Kraken encounter in terms of location, have it spawn near an island beach. The claws could reach a fair distance towards the island, or even spawn smaller crabs without having to create AI for movement. Being near a beach could also make the chest rise from the sands as a successful battle.

    Since RARE has said in previous posts they haven't planned any NPC ship encounters, how about having a stationary Ghost Ship at the center of a whirlpool. Incorporate the skeleton AI for cannon fire and set the players ship to slowly circle closer towards it.

    As an additional Merchant's Alliance item idea, Beer Barrels with different tiers of grog and ale would be wonderful.

    Many have found that stealing another players ship doesn't go so well; constant respawning or eventual scuttling. As a potential mechanic of Sea of Thieves, have random Blank Ships spawn in the server. These ships could be half sunk from damage and gradually sinking, but if a crew was willing they could repair it with their supplies and claim it for themselves. My first thought was "How could a galleon of 4 be able to manage two galleons". A sloop is easy to solo, so having the Blank Ships be ONLY sloops could work, until you see the roadmap for the game with mention of a new ship type. An idea that needs quite a lot of balancing, so we'll have to wait and see.

  • @gamingboy177 i really like this

  • Awesome suggestions. You have my upvote!

  • Please be a developer for this game

  • Um, YES PLEASE! If all this would be in the game, daaamn!

  • Take my upvotes!

  • @anybodybuthim LOL

  • @gamingboy177 I thought it was kind of a waste that the ship has a plank but we can't tie people's hands and make them walk it. We should have the ability to capture other pirates rather then just kill them, stow them in the brig, and make them walk the plank. With their hands bound, it's harder to swim up to the surface, and they can't eat food to stay alive.

  • Rare please hire this man

  • @ii-hooty-ii I just added an idea similar to this, I'll add your idea too!

  • @ironstout-iv That's a good idea, added to the list!

  • @qmanray Glad, you like my ideas! :D

  • @anybodybuthim I'd love to be one, but for now, I'd rather have the excitement of not knowing what is to come for this game! :D

  • Any thoughts on cursed ship raids? Skeleton crew manning a man o war? Or skull caravans, with multiple galleons and a man o war at the center holding a bunch of loot?

  • A Craft System

    I allow myself to post a link to my topic on the "Craft System" if you are interested !


    Otherwise, super topic !

  • @gamingboy177 This needs to be put into effect, this post has summerised pretty much all the main points I have seen from both the sub and so far here in the forums.

  • @angry-squirlz I did have this, it got changed to the Phantom Fort, due to Rare not wanting to have AI ships.

  • @knobiealix Interesting Idea, would you like me to add it to this summary list?

  • @gamingboy177 are they dead set on that? Even just as an event that pops up at about the same frequency as skull forts? It would just be kinda cool in my opinion, ultimately I think they know best though, I’m so happy with the game already!

  • @gamingboy177 can you do me a favor and look at my recent post I’d love to here your opinions because you obviously know what you’re talking about with this game!

  • @angry-squirlz Yeah they are, it goes against their word. I did have the Phantom Fort idea replace the Phantom Ferry idea I had.

  • @gamingboy177 a dit dans Exploring Possible Additions - Sea of Thieves Feedback - Last Updated: 06/04/2018 :

    @knobiealix Interesting Idea, would you like me to add it to this summary list?

    Yes, I authorize it, but only if you like the idea and you find it interesting. I do not want to force anyone's hand !! 😉

  • @nmrawesome5 Sure can matey!

  • @gamingboy177 I love all these ideas if we got every single one of these in game, this game hands down would last a very long time and would be a blast too play.

  • @knobiealix I do like the idea, it works with my Poison Dart idea too. Using the Snake's Venom.

  • @corrupt-fellow It would be amazing, I'd never stop playing it! All I need now is more ideas on the ranking and levelling system really.

  • Great topic!

    What do you think about these:

    Ship types

    • Ketch - 2 players ship
    • Brig - 3 players ship


  • They should hire you.

    And take me with you, i can paint and 3d model.

  • @o3ozon Thanks! I'll check them out, I've still got 30+ Ideas to add here, notepad is getting annoyed at me haha.

  • Another thought, I love finding those unique chests, I’d love there to be unique skulls just as uncommon as a chest of sorrow, they would be themed after the boss type you defeat:

    Ghastly skull: dropped by phantom captains, Black skull with glowing cracks throughout the front, would become transparent in the sunlight sells for 1000-1600

    Gilded skull: dropped by golden captains, pure gold without any glow, pearl necklaces and random treasures infused to it/ hanging off it sells for 1300-1900

    That’s all I’ve got now but I’d love to hear other ideas!

  • @gamingboy177 I think they need to add AI ships we wouldn’t know if they are AI or not. Make them hard, etc. Maybe they don’t know how to code an AI ship? Or laziness?

  • I like any and all of these! A ghost ship raid or random enemy that appears at night would be epic.

  • @corrupt-fellow It would be nice, but Rare has clearly stated they DO NOT want this.

  • @gamingboy177 Exactly this is a very solid foundation of ideas. I really hope AT LEAST half of this stuff is implemented we can hope. Let’s hope Rare sees this.

feedbackstory & lore
26 out of 258