How to be LEGENDARY and earn gold by doing nothing

  • When I joined random Galleon there was Legendary Mission activated and one man always staying on the ferry not moving (well at least he was standing at the same place each time I was coming back on Ferry).
    We tried to lock him in the Brig. Not worked. And he remain to stay on the Ferry. Then one crew man left and no one was connecting. And we could not invite friends to Game as well(I thought that this feature is not available yet).
    I suspect that the guy was using the bug with broken inactivity timer while on the Ferry of the Damned to earn Gold for doing nothing.
    Have enyone experienced the same?
    Devs, need to fix this somehow!

  • 33
  • Same happened to me yesterday :/

  • Interesting thing was that when we all voted to put him in the brig, one of us left the game. And no one could connect. And we could not send invite.
    Maybe this is some kind of bug when you put someone to the Brig while he is on the ferry, and then no one can connect until he leave the ferry???

  • If you're wondering how to stay connected and avoid the inactivity kick, pay attention to this thread, someone will surely explain how its done.

  • Today I met another pirate in legendary clothes who behaved strange. It seemed like he did not wanna play. He was standing at an outpost even when ship left. When I came to him he tried to play songs, drink grog e.t.c. Then when he saw that I am not gona leave, he showed me his poket watch and wrote in chat: "Watch it matey. We`ve got time". Yes maybe he just wrote it for fun. But the hole situation seemed strange for me.
    Then I wrote in chat, that I am capturing the game and I already investigating this problem on Forum. And right after that he run to mermaid and back on the ship. Coincidence you say? Maybe. But again the hole situation seemed strange as the guy was in LEGENDARY clothes.

  • Wish I knew any legends I could participate in some voyages with haha. I don't see the appeal in afking it. Helping makes it faster

  • @tre-oni said in How to be LEGENDARY using inactivity bug:

    Wish I knew any legends I could participate in some voyages with haha. I don't see the appeal in afking it. Helping makes it faster

    I agree with you, but let's say you play SoT for a few hours a day. But you also have a lot of time when you have to do some other tasks on your computer and cannot stay focused on the game. In that case you can connect to random galleon and just wait until your crewmates will bring chests to you.

  • simmilar.. but this guy .. used a macro,, and always moves evry few seconds a milimenter forward. my guys and me left the game

    (Mod Edited)

  • @der-neni

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  • I checked, inactivity kick works even on the Ferry. So I guess you are right that these guys cheating using macros.

  • Friends can join trough your profile by selecting Joinable game, would be nice to have an invite system and I hope that they are working on it.
    Vote to kick players would be a huge addition for us.

  • @evildutchrebel said in How to be LEGENDARY and earn gold by doing nothing:

    Friends can join trough your profile by selecting Joinable game, would be nice to have an invite system and I hope that they are working on it.
    Vote to kick players would be a huge addition for us.

    I think it is even worse, because I don`t want to be kicked on the way to outpost because someone desided to connect their friend just to get my money.

  • Perhaps they could add a check for repetitive inputs, after 600 seconds of the same inputs being repeated the player gets kicked.

  • Personally I would just vote to cancel the voyage.

  • personally I think when you hit the ferry the inactivity timer should be start the moment you get on the ferry, You can leave the ferry after 30 seconds so it shouldn't be an issue but will force them to not be idle on it because if you are on the ferry for more then 5-10 minutes you get a lazy beard. This would also be the easiest solution for the devs to implement I believe too.

  • @ve111a But they can afk with a macro outside the ferry too?

    It's the first time i see a game where afking became a huge practice from a lot a players, maybe because the pve is too intense?

  • @atyoss said in How to be LEGENDARY and earn gold by doing nothing:

    @ve111a But they can afk with a macro outside the ferry too?

    It's the first time i see a game where afking became a huge practice from a lot a players, maybe because the pve is too intense?

    If it was me I'd bring all the loot to an outpost If I saw this, I'd scuttle my ship after the loot is on the docks, Hopefully he drowns, Or I'd kill him with a powder keg and wait for the ferry to do the rest.

  • @ve111a написал в How to be LEGENDARY and earn gold by doing nothing:

    personally I think when you hit the ferry the inactivity timer should be start the moment you get on the ferry, You can leave the ferry after 30 seconds so it shouldn't be an issue but will force them to not be idle on it because if you are on the ferry for more then 5-10 minutes you get a lazy beard. This would also be the easiest solution for the devs to implement I believe too.

    solution about what? Ok he will not be able to stay afk in ferry but he can do it in brig :O

    and for thoe who say "we could not brig him whyle he in FoD" sure you can't ! He's dead how you supose to lock him

  • @nefrit-od said in How to be LEGENDARY and earn gold by doing nothing:

    @ve111a написал в How to be LEGENDARY and earn gold by doing nothing:

    personally I think when you hit the ferry the inactivity timer should be start the moment you get on the ferry, You can leave the ferry after 30 seconds so it shouldn't be an issue but will force them to not be idle on it because if you are on the ferry for more then 5-10 minutes you get a lazy beard. This would also be the easiest solution for the devs to implement I believe too.

    solution about what? Ok he will not be able to stay afk in ferry but he can do it in brig :O

    and for thoe who say "we could not brig him whyle he in FoD" sure you can't ! He's dead how you supose to lock him

    This was a solution for people being afk on the ferry not the brig, The brig itself as a whole needs a lot of work.

  • @ve111a I am web developper irl and i will never ask an user to find a solution for a bug on the site.

  • @ve111a a dit dans How to be LEGENDARY and earn gold by doing nothing :

    @nefrit-od said in How to be LEGENDARY and earn gold by doing nothing:

    @ve111a написал в How to be LEGENDARY and earn gold by doing nothing:

    personally I think when you hit the ferry the inactivity timer should be start the moment you get on the ferry, You can leave the ferry after 30 seconds so it shouldn't be an issue but will force them to not be idle on it because if you are on the ferry for more then 5-10 minutes you get a lazy beard. This would also be the easiest solution for the devs to implement I believe too.

    solution about what? Ok he will not be able to stay afk in ferry but he can do it in brig :O

    and for thoe who say "we could not brig him whyle he in FoD" sure you can't ! He's dead how you supose to lock him

    This was a solution for people being afk on the ferry not the brig, The brig itself as a whole needs a lot of work.

    Anyway putting in bridge an afk is useless.... he will still be afk.

  • @atyoss said in How to be LEGENDARY and earn gold by doing nothing:

    @ve111a I am web developper irl and i will never ask a user to find a solution for a bug on the site.

    ok? cool. I work in IT troubleshooting connections an managed routers. If the client has an idea that will fix the issue I will always listen. More information is always better.

  • @atyoss said in How to be LEGENDARY and earn gold by doing nothing:

    @ve111a a dit dans How to be LEGENDARY and earn gold by doing nothing :

    @nefrit-od said in How to be LEGENDARY and earn gold by doing nothing:

    @ve111a написал в How to be LEGENDARY and earn gold by doing nothing:

    personally I think when you hit the ferry the inactivity timer should be start the moment you get on the ferry, You can leave the ferry after 30 seconds so it shouldn't be an issue but will force them to not be idle on it because if you are on the ferry for more then 5-10 minutes you get a lazy beard. This would also be the easiest solution for the devs to implement I believe too.

    solution about what? Ok he will not be able to stay afk in ferry but he can do it in brig :O

    and for thoe who say "we could not brig him whyle he in FoD" sure you can't ! He's dead how you supose to lock him

    This was a solution for people being afk on the ferry not the brig, The brig itself as a whole needs a lot of work.

    Anyway putting in bridge an afk is useless.... he will still be afk.

    Not if it auto kicks on the ferry, That's a very feasible solution for the ferry afk. If you don't leave the ferry in 5 minutes you get kicked with Lazy Beard. Or make a new one D****e Beard

  • @ve111a a dit dans How to be LEGENDARY and earn gold by doing nothing :

    @atyoss said in How to be LEGENDARY and earn gold by doing nothing:

    @ve111a I am web developper irl and i will never ask a user to find a solution for a bug on the site.

    ok? cool. I work in IT troubleshooting connections an managed routers. If the client has an idea that will fix the issue I will always listen. More information is always better.

    It would work i agree with that, but it's not a solution... it's "plastering".

  • @atyoss said in How to be LEGENDARY and earn gold by doing nothing:

    @ve111a a dit dans How to be LEGENDARY and earn gold by doing nothing :

    @atyoss said in How to be LEGENDARY and earn gold by doing nothing:

    @ve111a I am web developper irl and i will never ask a user to find a solution for a bug on the site.

    ok? cool. I work in IT troubleshooting connections an managed routers. If the client has an idea that will fix the issue I will always listen. More information is always better.

    It would work i agree with that, but it's not a solution... it's "plastering".

    How is it not a solution. It removes afkers freeing a slot for actual players from a lobby. It's not drywall. The only other solution is a kick option and that would be abused greatly. making this the best solution

  • @ve111a a dit dans How to be LEGENDARY and earn gold by doing nothing :

    @atyoss said in How to be LEGENDARY and earn gold by doing nothing:

    @ve111a a dit dans How to be LEGENDARY and earn gold by doing nothing :

    @atyoss said in How to be LEGENDARY and earn gold by doing nothing:

    @ve111a I am web developper irl and i will never ask a user to find a solution for a bug on the site.

    ok? cool. I work in IT troubleshooting connections an managed routers. If the client has an idea that will fix the issue I will always listen. More information is always better.

    It would work i agree with that, but it's not a solution... it's "plastering".

    How is it not a solution. It removes afkers freeing a slot for actual players from a lobby. It's not drywall. The only other solution is a kick option and that would be abused greatly. making this the best solution

    I was thinking that Rare would have right an algorithm that can say if a player is afk with macros.

    The auto-kick from bridge to ferry, it works only on afkers or anybody you put in the bridge? The problem would still be the same because the game can't tell if a player is afk when he use macros to move is character.

  • @atyoss said in How to be LEGENDARY and earn gold by doing nothing:

    @ve111a a dit dans How to be LEGENDARY and earn gold by doing nothing :

    @atyoss said in How to be LEGENDARY and earn gold by doing nothing:

    @ve111a a dit dans How to be LEGENDARY and earn gold by doing nothing :

    @atyoss said in How to be LEGENDARY and earn gold by doing nothing:

    @ve111a I am web developper irl and i will never ask a user to find a solution for a bug on the site.

    ok? cool. I work in IT troubleshooting connections an managed routers. If the client has an idea that will fix the issue I will always listen. More information is always better.

    It would work i agree with that, but it's not a solution... it's "plastering".

    How is it not a solution. It removes afkers freeing a slot for actual players from a lobby. It's not drywall. The only other solution is a kick option and that would be abused greatly. making this the best solution

    I was thinking that Rare would have right an algorithm that can say if a player is afk with macros.

    The auto-kick from bridge to ferry, it works only on afkers or anybody you put in the bridge? The problem would still be the same because the game can't tell if a player is afk when he use macros to move is character.


  • @ve111a OHHHHH Ok i think i finally got it, it was hard but better late than never.

    A player is afk with a macros, you vote to put him on the brig, after for example 5 mins he is auto kick into the ferry, he is at best runing around on circle so he cant leave the ferry, after 5 mins of ferry he is kicked from the game.

    But there is still a problem.

    It mean if you have a troll on your crew wich is trowing chests onto the sea or dropping anchor for no reasons : You put him on the brig, he is auto kicked in the ferry and ..... he comes back to troll again.

    A good algorithm to detect leechers is the only way.

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  • @tre-oni ADD me (Wilffio) i Can give your party a Legendary voyage 😉

  • @wilffio if you're running some in the next little bit I'm down to help out. Just heading home from work now and I can hop on

  • @atyoss said in How to be LEGENDARY and earn gold by doing nothing:

    @ve111a But they can afk with a macro outside the ferry too?

    It's the first time i see a game where afking became a huge practice from a lot a players, maybe because the pve is too intense?

    Yeah but you can brig them and drown them at least. Then the afk timer would kick them.

27 out of 33