
  • Not trying to [Mod edited] and moan so bear with me.

    I'm starting to get frustrated with the game. Last night my brother and I logged in, gathered some resources from the outpost voted on a voyage and were getting ready to go.... only to have another sloop show up and destroy us at the dock before even weighing anchor.

    Then after gathering some loot we were on our way to turn in and call it a night (we dont get to play together that long or that often) we encountered another sloop only to spend the next hour running away from them. Passing multiple shipwrecks they could stop at instead of chasing us. It became frustrating to the point we debated on just rage quitting and calling it a day.

    It feels like something needs to be done so that people dont have to spend their entire time playing having to run from another ship especially when they are still newer to the game and aren't that good at ship to ship battles yet.

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  • Or.... you could have fought back? The only way to get better.

    I know I'm coming off as a jerk here and that is really not my intention. Nor do I claim to be the lord of the seas I lose my fair share of battles. But the best way to repel attackers is to sink them.

    Being newer gives you all the more reason to fight more and learn.

  • Gotta agree with @Rdizz, the best solution is so sink those who chase you. You may lose some battles, but that's part of the learning process. It's far quicker than hoping to outrun somebody, and it empowers you to solve the issue yourself instead of asking for changes to game functionality to solve them for you. I know how frustrating it can be when you just want to sell some loot and log out, but it's a rather big part of the game.

  • Exactly what @Rdizz said. Make them feel like they wasted more time than you.

  • @rdizz this really is the only answer. I hope this doesn’t spoil your entire SoT experience though because it is something special.

  • @drunkpunk138 Hey mister! I've got a bone to pick with you :P You never answer my question in this thread.

    You don't have to though lol.

  • There were a myriad of ways you could've played it. Instead of encountering another ship and thinking "oh welp, they found us. Nights ruined," you could've turned it on them. You could've showed them their folly for picking on you. Or you could've retreated to an outpost, one of you sailing while the other jumps off and sells. One of you could've tried to board and anchor them, giving the other an opportunity to get away or sell.

    I second Rdizz's post. We don't mean to sound like jerks, but getting frustrated about a situation when its on you to create the solution will always result in a poor gaming experience. Approach in-game problems with an eye for solutions. This is your gaming experience, if another ship is attempting to derail it and take it from you, take it back.

  • @usnavyref What the others said I am afraid. I play more like you, don't fire first an' try to avoid combat unless provoked. When I meet a dastardly pirate who wants a scrap I fight back. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose.

    The problem be, the game can't be changed to accommodate those that don't like the smell of cannon fire without breaking the core. When ye create a world where players can chose to be treasure hunters or skeleton vanquishers or merchant runners or looting pirates.... well yer going to run into looting pirates from time to time.

    Best advice be to try an' improve yer skills with cannon and cutlass. If that really just no be yer thing, switch server when ye come across more aggressive pirates. Ye'll only end up running into 'em again later on and yer frustration will grow.

    Happy sailing matey. Hope yer next session be more to yer liking.

  • Sometimes it's difficult for newer players to get the experience needed to repel even other new crews. This may be down to lack of game time or just sometimes some players genuinely can't get as good as others. There Is no area where you can cut your teeth, before dipping your toe in the water with experienced gamers or ships with larger crews than your own. I think this seriously needs addressing asap, as these posts are getting more and more prevalent.

  • @usnavyref It's tough, but at least it was Sloop vs Sloop and not a Galleon running up on you making it 2v4 in most cases. I think its different when when a Sloop attacks a Galleon, they are asking for it. You have to keep a look out and run in most cases or fight. All the tactics mentioned are the only options. Screaming close to an outpost and having someone jump with a skull or chest to sell and then grabbing the Mermaid to repeat is about the best option. Just have to plan a number of Outposts or circle and hope they don't get someone on the islands too.

  • @usnavyref unfortunately, while the game is still massively lacking in events and content, some players are going to focus on PvP as their main way to have fun on the game. Sad but true. This isn't going to change until Rare gives us something to do in game besides fetch quests, and fetch quests with enemies.

    Maybe try again later this month when Hungering Deep is released?

  • what people said are true, i feel its more to do with the lack of fun and interesting things to do so all people have is to go agro.

    Hopefully, things will change when the hungering deep releases. Until then all you have is to fight back or try and disrupt their chase by boarding and dropping their anchor/killing them.

  • I do agree with everyone on here that's why I'm not really [Mod edited] about it just venting my frustrations. It's become such an issue my gold supply is always low so I'm not really able to purchase any of the cosmetic upgrades so it sucks logging in grinding for an hour for a couple chests and skulls for maybe 5k in gold total. Only to lose it without any chance to turn it in.

  • @usnavyref said in Frustrated:

    Not trying to [Mod edited] and moan so bear with me.

    I'm starting to get frustrated with the game. Last night my brother and I logged in, gathered some resources from the outpost voted on a voyage and were getting ready to go.... only to have another sloop show up and destroy us at the dock before even weighing anchor.

    Then after gathering some loot we were on our way to turn in and call it a night (we dont get to play together that long or that often) we encountered another sloop only to spend the next hour running away from them. Passing multiple shipwrecks they could stop at instead of chasing us. It became frustrating to the point we debated on just rage quitting and calling it a day.

    It feels like something needs to be done so that people dont have to spend their entire time playing having to run from another ship especially when they are still newer to the game and aren't that good at ship to ship battles yet.

    While I pledge to not join a crew until I reach Pirate Legend, I swear on me mum that if we ever sail on the same server, You'll have me cutlass, guns and sloop as an ally.

    Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for us!

  • @drunkpunk138 said in Frustrated:

    Gotta agree with @Rdizz, the best solution is so sink those who chase you. You may lose some battles, but that's part of the learning process. It's far quicker than hoping to outrun somebody, and it empowers you to solve the issue yourself instead of asking for changes to game functionality to solve them for you. I know how frustrating it can be when you just want to sell some loot and log out, but it's a rather big part of the game.

    Agreed, @USNavyRef If you have 2 people have one drop out of sight and grab their ladder and the first order of buisness is to ALWAYS go for the anchor first. Usually someone will try to grab it and you shoot them easy kill, Focus on healing and dodging and try to kill them. Spawn kill as your teammate turns around and then put holes in them until they sink, This is when spawn killing is ok when you need to sink their ship. Also if you are on the ship and they are dead CLIMB THE MAST! Any player worth his salt has a gunpowder barrel in it use that to sink them instead of your teammate turning around just do it safely so you dont die from the blast so you can defend the holes.

  • As someone who tends to be the attacker when i see a ship run the second i get close before i am even trying to engage it is a red flag that they have something good.

    Flighting back is a way to drive a lot of people off. They may not think its worth it or you can force them off the wheel and use that opportunity to escape. Also good maneuvering and using environment to your advantage is another thing you can do.

    Keeping someone at or near the ship and running the second a ship is visible keeps people away. Once someone gets close with hostile intent engaging in some way is your safest bet as counter intuitive as that seems.

  • A running tactic with sloop is fine but usually requires one of the three additional moves:

    • Set sail on a safe course (nothing in front of you) try to be sneaky jump in the water and grab their boat's ladder - drop their anchor kill them if you can.
    • See another sloop or galleon - lead the chase in that direction - usually the pursuing ship will attack the docked ship or the other ship will join in on a battle as they fight leave the area
    • Keep a boom barrel - sneak drop in the water and go boom
    • head into a storm - jump ship or outlast them with planks
    • if being chased by a galleon - make turns into the wind - allow them to adjust their sails - quickly turn into the wind - find rocks turn in between rocking areas - if needed do an anchor turn where they can't see you go a different direction than expected.
    • do the same as above with galleon if they are dumb enough to follow you through rocks drop boom barrel in path or hand deliver in front of their ship.
    • turn and fight

    There are many options. If there are two of you vs two - you really shouldn't have an issue. Single player sloops must be more careful and make sure their ships are going in a safe direction before doing jump tactics - but still works.

    @usnavyref said in Frustrated:

    Not trying to [Mod edited] and moan so bear with me.

    I'm starting to get frustrated with the game. Last night my brother and I logged in, gathered some resources from the outpost voted on a voyage and were getting ready to go.... only to have another sloop show up and destroy us at the dock before even weighing anchor.

    Then after gathering some loot we were on our way to turn in and call it a night (we dont get to play together that long or that often) we encountered another sloop only to spend the next hour running away from them. Passing multiple shipwrecks they could stop at instead of chasing us. It became frustrating to the point we debated on just rage quitting and calling it a day.

    It feels like something needs to be done so that people dont have to spend their entire time playing having to run from another ship especially when they are still newer to the game and aren't that good at ship to ship battles yet.

  • @ve111a said in Frustrated:

    @drunkpunk138 said in Frustrated:

    Gotta agree with @Rdizz, the best solution is so sink those who chase you. You may lose some battles, but that's part of the learning process. It's far quicker than hoping to outrun somebody, and it empowers you to solve the issue yourself instead of asking for changes to game functionality to solve them for you. I know how frustrating it can be when you just want to sell some loot and log out, but it's a rather big part of the game.

    Agreed, @USNavyRef If you have 2 people have one drop out of sight and grab their ladder and the first order of buisness is to ALWAYS go for the anchor first. Usually someone will try to grab it and you shoot them easy kill, Focus on healing and dodging and try to kill them. Spawn kill as your teammate turns around and then put holes in them until they sink, This is when spawn killing is ok when you need to sink their ship. Also if you are on the ship and they are dead CLIMB THE MAST! Any player worth his salt has a gunpowder barrel in it use that to sink them instead of your teammate turning around just do it safely so you dont die from the blast so you can defend the holes.

    This. You can even do this a single slooper. Fix the wheel in a direction and make sure no islands are in the distance. Jump down and board the chasing sloop. First thing in order is to use the mic and ask why they are chasing before engaging in combat.

  • I can definitely understand your frustration. I think maybe trying to change your mindset could help some. I used to be in a similar situation as you where I couldn't play for long periods of time, so any treasure I gathered had significant value to me even if it was just one chest.

    I've been fortunate enough to have been able to avoid any treasure being stolen from me up to this point; however, I've read numerous stories of the opposite and always dreaded the idea of it happening to me.

    I decided that treasure being stolen from me is inevitable, and to prevent myself from the devastation that comes with it I've decided to change how I play the game.

    I now focus on the adventure as my main source of entertainment and the encounters with others. I consider any gold acquired from the completion of voyages, randomly finding loot, leveling up my factions, buying new equipment, and buying new cosmetics just icing on the cake and something that naturally happens in the background from going on my adventures.

    This obviously leads to slower "progression", but I find myself enjoying the game more and am less worried about losing loot, and more willing to fight and make things interesting.

  • @usnavyref

    Sorry you had a bad experience. With two people on your sloop your best option was to sail past an outpost and have one of you drop off the loot while the other sailed on and then the one who dropped the loot can take the mermaid back to the ship. It's not optimal but does work. Hopefully next time you get on you and your brother won't have to deal with that.


  • @oneeyed-w1lliam said in Frustrated:

    @usnavyref said in Frustrated:

    Not trying to b***h and moan so bear with me.

    I'm starting to get frustrated with the game. Last night my brother and I logged in, gathered some resources from the outpost voted on a voyage and were getting ready to go.... only to have another sloop show up and destroy us at the dock before even weighing anchor.

    Then after gathering some loot we were on our way to turn in and call it a night (we dont get to play together that long or that often) we encountered another sloop only to spend the next hour running away from them. Passing multiple shipwrecks they could stop at instead of chasing us. It became frustrating to the point we debated on just rage quitting and calling it a day.

    It feels like something needs to be done so that people dont have to spend their entire time playing having to run from another ship especially when they are still newer to the game and aren't that good at ship to ship battles yet.

    While I pledge to not join a crew until I reach Pirate Legend, I swear on me mum that if we ever sail on the same server, You'll have me cutlass, guns and sloop as an ally.

    Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for us!

    Hmmm 🤔🤔🤔🤔

  • @largestgordon lol That's a hail mary lol. You can even drop a cannonball crate if you got it it looks A LOT like a crate of spices from a distance.

  • @rdizz said in Frustrated:

    Or.... you could have fought back? The only way to get better.

    I know I'm coming off as a jerk here and that is really not my intention. Nor do I claim to be the lord of the seas I lose my fair share of battles. But the best way to repel attackers is to sink them.

    Being newer gives you all the more reason to fight more and learn.


    It sucks, we ALL go through it. Honestly I spent a week doing nothing but attacking things. No voyages, just getting myself in and out of trouble by any means. I've been a single man sloop with two galleons chasing me after I cannoned them both for no reason.

    The game has alot more going on than people give it credit for. Keep playing and roll with the punches.

  • @rdizz I laughed pretty hard at this.

  • link text
    Yea it's gotten to the point where my crew actually are pirates. We rob n kill no matter the ship. We even play sometimes where the only loot were allowed to have is shipwreck and plundered loot. Even at skullfort. We will wait and have to chase the ship down to rob them. Just for some action. So here is a tip for u and your brother. Next time your chased, one or both of u jump off while ship is going in a safe direction and try getting on their boat, drop anchor and fight. Store powder kegs in nest, try to get one to them and boom. Or try selling loot by drive by jump, sell, mermaid back to boat to another outpost. After a while the loot doesn't matter. Trust me, being g legend is c**p. The adventure is the fun part. I'd even inv u to be our 4th and well let u get a taste of owning the ocean.

  • @oneeyed-w1lliam said in Frustrated:

    @rdizz I laughed pretty hard at this.

    The similarities tho lol

  • @largestgordon said in Frustrated:

    @ve111a said in Frustrated:

    @drunkpunk138 said in Frustrated:

    Gotta agree with @Rdizz, the best solution is so sink those who chase you. You may lose some battles, but that's part of the learning process. It's far quicker than hoping to outrun somebody, and it empowers you to solve the issue yourself instead of asking for changes to game functionality to solve them for you. I know how frustrating it can be when you just want to sell some loot and log out, but it's a rather big part of the game.

    Agreed, @USNavyRef If you have 2 people have one drop out of sight and grab their ladder and the first order of buisness is to ALWAYS go for the anchor first. Usually someone will try to grab it and you shoot them easy kill, Focus on healing and dodging and try to kill them. Spawn kill as your teammate turns around and then put holes in them until they sink, This is when spawn killing is ok when you need to sink their ship. Also if you are on the ship and they are dead CLIMB THE MAST! Any player worth his salt has a gunpowder barrel in it use that to sink them instead of your teammate turning around just do it safely so you dont die from the blast so you can defend the holes.

    This. You can even do this a single slooper. Fix the wheel in a direction and make sure no islands are in the distance. Jump down and board the chasing sloop. First thing in order is to use the mic and ask why they are chasing before engaging in combat.

    This is bad advice. If they are chasing you need to assume they do not have your best interests in mind. And as I've both learned and delivered "never trust a pirate"

  • @rdizz yeah I never even caught onto it when I did the screen cap on my sign in screen. I just thought it would be an awesome avatar for my Xbox Live account.

    I just realized it today when you pointed it out XD

  • I love that so many replies here say that you should have just fought them. Rare's poor design has turned this game into a frustrating PvP game and not a fun, adventurous, shared world experience. I hate the PvP in this game. It's a war of attrition every time. It takes too long and the end result is never satisfying.

    The breaks between me playing this game are getting longer and longer. I want to like it, but I just can't. The core is so good. Sailing boats, and screwing around with friends is so much fun. The fact that other people can not only ruin that fun, but that it's actually encouraged to do so blows my mind. You can play for hours and have all your progress erased because some people decided to be [Mod edited] today. No wonder this game is dying. Content is not the problem. The problem is that it's maybe the most toxic game ever created.

  • @oneeyed-w1lliam said in Frustrated:

    @rdizz yeah I never even caught onto it when I did the screen cap on my sign in screen. I just thought it would be an awesome avatar for my Xbox Live account.

    Just realized it today when you pointed it out XD

    Made me want to make my pirate my avatar lol.

  • There's nothing to do so we attack everything. Hold full of loot from sinking people? Don't care. I'm attacking. The gold is worthless. It'll accumulate regardless. The ships are throwaway, and death means nothing.

    If you are being chased, just jump off and try to bomb/board them. No reason not to. Miss? Mermaid back to your ship and try again. Die? Respawn and try again. The person being chased has the advantage because there are literally no negative consequenses to failure.

    I suggest taking a couple of games to focus on attacking people. Pay attention to your positioning and sails. Know the anchor turns, and know when to raise and lower your sails. Anticipate enemy movement. Get your timing down on cannons, and learn to adjust your fire. Keep a barrel at all times. Practice sailing through rocky areas and use the landscape to your advantage.

    Good luck, and happy hunting.

  • @luke-pawlowski said in Frustrated:

    I love that so many replies here say that you should have just fought them. Rare's poor design has turned this game into a frustrating PvP game and not a fun, adventurous, shared world experience. I hate the PvP in this game. It's a war of attrition every time. It takes too long and the end result is never satisfying.

    The breaks between me playing this game are getting longer and longer. I want to like it, but I just can't. The core is so good. Sailing boats, and screwing around with friends is so much fun. The fact that other people can not only ruin that fun, but that it's actually encouraged to do so blows my mind. You can play for hours and have all your progress erased because some people decided to be [Mod edited] today. No wonder this game is dying. Content is not the problem. The problem is that it's maybe the most toxic game ever created.

    Luke... that's just it. It IS a pvp game.

    Adapt or die, right? Maybe one day things will possibly change but for now it is what it is.

    People in generally are just toxic man. There are toxic people in pve and pvp alike there are toxic kids in elementary school and toxic jerks at work. Toxicity exist everywhere it's how we deal with it that defines us 😎

  • @rdizz said in Frustrated:

    @luke-pawlowski said in Frustrated:

    I love that so many replies here say that you should have just fought them. Rare's poor design has turned this game into a frustrating PvP game and not a fun, adventurous, shared world experience. I hate the PvP in this game. It's a war of attrition every time. It takes too long and the end result is never satisfying.

    The breaks between me playing this game are getting longer and longer. I want to like it, but I just can't. The core is so good. Sailing boats, and screwing around with friends is so much fun. The fact that other people can not only ruin that fun, but that it's actually encouraged to do so blows my mind. You can play for hours and have all your progress erased because some people decided to be a******s today. No wonder this game is dying. Content is not the problem. The problem is that it's maybe the most toxic game ever created.

    Luke... that's just it. It IS a pvp game.

    Adapt or die, right? Maybe one day things will possibly change but for now it is what it is.

    People in generally are just toxic man. There are toxic people in pve and pvp alike there are toxic kids in elementary school and toxic jerks at work. Toxicity exist everywhere it's how we deal with it that defines us 😎

    Crewmates bombing your ship is always fun...

  • @mrgrim67686 said in Frustrated:

    @rdizz said in Frustrated:

    @luke-pawlowski said in Frustrated:

    I love that so many replies here say that you should have just fought them. Rare's poor design has turned this game into a frustrating PvP game and not a fun, adventurous, shared world experience. I hate the PvP in this game. It's a war of attrition every time. It takes too long and the end result is never satisfying.

    The breaks between me playing this game are getting longer and longer. I want to like it, but I just can't. The core is so good. Sailing boats, and screwing around with friends is so much fun. The fact that other people can not only ruin that fun, but that it's actually encouraged to do so blows my mind. You can play for hours and have all your progress erased because some people decided to be a******s today. No wonder this game is dying. Content is not the problem. The problem is that it's maybe the most toxic game ever created.

    Luke... that's just it. It IS a pvp game.

    Adapt or die, right? Maybe one day things will possibly change but for now it is what it is.

    People in generally are just toxic man. There are toxic people in pve and pvp alike there are toxic kids in elementary school and toxic jerks at work. Toxicity exist everywhere it's how we deal with it that defines us 😎

    Crewmates bombing your ship is always fun...

    I guess we can add toxic people exist in your own crew as well.... lol

  • @luke-pawlowski said in Frustrated:

    I love that so many replies here say that you should have just fought them. Rare's poor design has turned this game into a frustrating PvP game and not a fun, adventurous, shared world experience. I hate the PvP in this game. It's a war of attrition every time. It takes too long and the end result is never satisfying.

    The breaks between me playing this game are getting longer and longer. I want to like it, but I just can't. The core is so good. Sailing boats, and screwing around with friends is so much fun. The fact that other people can not only ruin that fun, but that it's actually encouraged to do so blows my mind. You can play for hours and have all your progress erased because some people decided to be [Mod edited] today. No wonder this game is dying. Content is not the problem. The problem is that it's maybe the most toxic game ever created.

    The game is called "Sea of Thieves." It is a pirate game. You're given a gun, sword and a ship with cannons. Your mind is blown that people have taken these things provided in a pirate game and have decided to....pirate? You've juxtaposed "PvP game," which you've characterized as frustrating, with "fun, adventure and a shared world experience." For many of us these two are one in the same. Hating PvP is entirely fine. But expecting this game to conform to your vision of what a pirate game should be instead of allowing it to be exactly what it is--that blows my mind. This game allows us all to create our own adventure, find our own sense of fun in a shared world. If some a****e is ruining your fun, you should fight back. This is your gaming experience, defend yourself and don't take it lying down.

    No one in this thread is recommending OP to become a PvP seeker. But he should be prepared and willing to defend himself against others.

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