Snake bite

  • Hello pirates,

    Since last patch everytime I got bitten by those « misunderstood snake » when the screen come back to normal it is like I am bitten again however I fell like its not happening and not losing more life... Did u have that too ?

    Sorry for my english

  • 17
  • @jereffuse
    So far, nothing changed on my end. BUT, i will sacrifice myself to the snakes just to test it out

  • At least 3 times i have had it happen, no damage, just an extra purple screen after the initial poison wears off. Crewmates too. Not too bothered really...

  • @jereffuse Yes this is one of the many new bugs I've been finding since the last patch. If you get bit sometimes after the toxins ware off it'll appear like they come right back. You take no damage but your screen is still purple for the full duration of being bit twice.

  • Ok then I wasn’t dreaming lol

    Thanks all

  • "Snakes, why did it had to be snakes?"
    Had to do it ;)

  • Yes, this has happened to me as well. I’ve been bit by a snake, and it’s like a double bite. Screen is whacked out for like 30 seconds. Bring on the “watch out for snakes then”. It’s. Another. Bug. Mind blown.

  • Happened a few times to me last evening.

  • Yeah I'm having the same thing. Not the end of the world, but it sure is annoying =P

  • Same here.
    After got bitten once... it takes two rounds of violet fog till it’s gone.
    Seam to be buggy after the patch.

  • I'm noticing that this bug seems to happen to me the first time I'm bitten during a gaming session but then it's fine on subsequent bites. Strange..

  • I've experienced the same issue. Got bit, screen transition triggered, lost some health, then the transition just lingered for an extended period of time.

    On a side note, I've noticed when killing a snake the snake sfx (hissing) remains in the world. Bug has been entered.

  • @dutchyankee said in Snake bite:

    @kaldyron It's almost certainly a bug. I think the bite animation is running twice. (You see the fade out/in halfway through).
    If they had wanted to extend the period that the poison affects you then they would have extended the animation. Unless Rare was just being lazy?

    Rare is pretty lazy...

  • Yes, this is most certainly a new bug. Please submit a support ticket with any information you have. This has been happening since the 1.0.8 patch and has happened to myself and my crew numerous times. As soon as the poison begins to fade away, it suddenly reappears without any additional sound effects or harmful health effects, simply a double visual effect of being blinded.

  • This happens to me literally every time I get bitten... Its so annoying! Hopefully next patch will sort it out.

  • @mattydove74 Yeah, of course. Their weekly patches & updates along with weekly videos explaining changes & upcoming content are obviously them being lazy. Smh

  • yeah I experienced this the other day. I filed a support ticket but im still waiting. I'd advice anyone who's experienced it to file one also so they are aware that it's affect more players.

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