Let's take a minute to celebrate!

  • Too often the forums can seem to be a sea of complaints and squabbles.

    So let's take a step back from the things that grind our gears, and CELEBRATE the reasons why we play this game!

    I want to hear your favorite things about SoT!

    Personally, I love the player interaction. Meeting different crews and just being silly together is my favorite pastime!

    I also love helping others out. Whether its completing accommodations or simply leaving a fully stocked ship to a fellow pirate, it makes me happy to make another pirate's day!

  • 27
  • @pink-geek-chic playing with my girlfriend, though shes upset with me at the moment.

  • @howdoishoot926 said

    playing with my girlfriend, though shes upset with me at the moment.

    Although I'm happy for you, please keep it behind the closed bedroom door.
    Speaking about your private life on the forum just may be what is probably upsetting her. lol

    j/k :o)

  • @drbullhammer Great clip. Thanks for sharing.

  • @pink-geek-chic said

    Personally, I love the player interaction. Meeting different crews and just being silly together is my favorite pastime!

    I also love helping others out. Whether its completing accommodations or simply leaving a fully stocked ship to a fellow pirate, it makes me happy to make another pirate's day!

    Same here. :o)

  • @admiral-rrrsole I think the storms, weather and ocean physics are just awesome. I love sailing around.

  • For me it's the less is more approach = freedom.

    Being able to just play with friends, old & new, without having to chase an end goal is what got me hooked. Yes there's the grind to Pirate Legend and for some that's their aim, but for me it's all about the journey and PL will just happen.

    We choose our own adventures & goals and with so many different playstyles within the world each session is unique.

    Oh, and the snakes ... gotta love those slithery we fellas!

  • I'm a HUGE nerd on the early 18th century. Just the thought of life back then is crazy to me. Being able to slightly "act" like I'm in that time, brings me joy and excitement alone.

  • The reason I pre ordered this game was because I found out about the beta and played the last weekend it was available. I met a really cool guy named StiffBroom. On the last day we departed with one final dance off and promised to meet up once the game released. We did and it was great.

  • @dragonsire2016 said in Let's take a minute to celebrate!:

    @admiral-rrrsole I think the storms, weather and ocean physics are just awesome. I love sailing around.

    I love the ocean in real life so this game was perfect for me too because of this. I love sailing around and sitting by the fire at galleons grave listening to the waves hit the shore.

  • For me there's so much to love, the visual style, the pirate theme, the gameplay, the community. All of it!

    But the thing that sets Sea of Thieves apart from the rest has to be the Memories it helps create.

    Most games have those water cooler moments that you just can't wait to share with others but the conversion is often a "how cool was that!" said one and done kinda topics. Whereas with SoT I've found it's more "and then, and then oh and then!"

    My friends and I have had so many bizarre, competitive, epic, crazy and fun shared experiences out on the seas. Memories that will likely stick with us across our collective gaming careers.

    It's not to say the game is without it's criticisms but what Sea of Thieves sets out to achieve it does so very well.

  • For me it's so many things.... The calm of the ocean lapping against the hull of the ship, the ocean waves crashing against the shoreline, the friendships made, the adrenaline induced via player versus player combat, the extremely beautiful songs played on the hurdy gurdy, the unknown, the ability to discover something new despite having over 800 hours player, the sating of my piracy love....

    I could go on, but I love this game. Anyone who questions me or anything about me - just realize how much I love this game. Sure, yes, it needs more content, but even before all that content gets added - the base game is fantastic. Thank you Rare for creating it....

  • Responding quickly (he says, as he begins to type - so, we shall see)...

    The FREEDOM!!
    Even when I was young, and playing very old games on machines that many, today, would laugh at, my favorite thing was veering off the path (even just driving on the grass in Pole Position, lol).
    This game is almost entirely off of any rails, whatsoever, and I fully appreciate and enjoy that. Couldn't be much more pirate, in that regard.

    The SAILING!!! (especially combined with the freedom)
    Both the sailing mechanics and that DAMN BEAUTIFUL SEA. The wind, the raising and turning of the sails, the waves, the storms... PLUS the teamwork for making the galleon cruise like a dream!

    The COORDINATION!! It deserves its own category here. I love working with 3 other crew-mates that jump on the sails and the anchor with me. Getting to learn that, in the beginning, was fantastic fun. And it's always fun teaching new pirates "the ropes".
    I think that's a fantastic element of the game and it's a big part of drawing me to the galleon, over my usual soloing gamestyle.

    Last but far from least - THE ATMOSPHERE.
    This game is atmospheric. When I'm not playing, I like to turn on certain streamers, just to continue to enjoy breathing in the salty winds, feeling the splash on my face... watching the skies and the waves, ever changing. The skull clouds and the skeletons and the sharks... The game world is beautiful AND immersive.

    Those are the top things that I immediately think of.

    They all, also, ring true for what pirates are all about. Freedom, sailing, coordination, atmosphere.
    Combine all of that with the inherent humour of this game... and, yeah, 'tis my favorite.

  • Love meeting new friends, sailing in general, exploring to find loot...
    But most of all I love the things that happen that you weren't expecting!

  • @tartansnake-8 said

    Oh, and the snakes ... gotta love those slithery we fellas!

    Dang you almost had my up vote until you crossed the line and added the animation.
    I swear, one of these days. lol

  • @admiral-rrrsole nah.

  • TL;DR : me like game...game make fun times.

    I really enjoy sailing just next to a shipwreck. Climbing up to the crow's nest to look for sharks and pirates. The coast is clear except for one shark just past the wreck....I can get to the ship before she'll get me...no probs.
    Just before I fly from my safe perch, I glance at the setting sun as the waves play with the sunlight. 🌅🤓nice

    My speed entering the water was a bit too much and I quickly go further than necessary...but I notice a distinct glow coming from the Captain's quarters...a skull....YES!!
    I slip through the water and pull my way through the ship hoping to find more below deck...nope...nuthin.
    Snag a floatin nanner and head to the CQ. Work my way round the mast and see the glow of the skull warming the doorway...BAM!!!
    The shark bites me gud.
    I scurry through the door, turn and ready my pistol. The shark's gaping maw gnashes at the weakened wood of the door frame, splinters float around the end of my pistol as the blast erupts into the flesh of the toothy beast.
    She thrashes violently away and zooms around the back of the ship. I follow her strong, scarred body through the windows of the back of the cabin.
    I watch her with a skeptical glare as she bitterly awaits her meal. A dead, dark eye glows green as I reach for the skull resting on the now suspended desk. Her massive, muscular tail bangs against the wall of windows. A tiny crack in one of the panes appears and she seems to react to it. She swims around again and seems to gather distance for another lunge at the windows. I feel my lungs burn under the strain of holding back the impulse to breathe in large amounts of water. "I'm going to drown down here for this stupid skull."
    Just as this thought completes in my mind, 2 more cracks splinter across the glass of the same tiny little pane. She begins her dash towards me and her mouth smashes closed and open and closed again...preparing for what it does best.
    I swim backwards as far as I can in case she breaks through. I drop the heavy skull and pull out my pistol again. Here...she...comes...baboom! Baboom! Baboom!
    The shark turns quickly and swims off into the darkness, never making it to the window.
    A splash and two successive blasts rock the water just above me and right near...MY SHIP!? Stowing my pistol, I grab the skull and swim for the door.
    Bursting through the surface I gasp for air...All of it. I spin around looking for the dastardly villain who shot at my defenseless ship. I see a set of sails well beyond my bow, on the edge of a storm. A 3 masted galleon with brilliantly red sails...and a shark fin...speeding towards me.
    I stretch out, splashing swiftly, tugging at the water while digging my fingers into the eyes of the skull.
    Within seconds I'm pulling myself free of the water and up my starboard ladder. I hear her body banging against the hull beneath me. Tooth, water and wood in a bitter battle. I smirk as I pull myself to the deck and place the skull next to my wheel.
    Another sequence of flashes and blasts illuminate the edge of the storm. The steamy heated cannonballs igniting the humidity of the storm ripple through the air towards me.
    I hear the gurgle of water burbling into my lower deck...but I've heard that sound before and I can take several more hits like that before I need worry. If these ones fair better, I am in trouble.
    I start cranking on my anchor and the waves start to thrash my sloop around freely. I dash for my sails and within seconds I'm at full and angled for winds mixing into the strengthening storm. My best chance for escape is through the storm but to use it, I'll have to speed right past a galleon with who knows how many psychopaths aboard.
    With rudder and sails ready, I run downstairs and arm up; Cutless and a buss will do. Back up to the deck and onto the wheel. Point her dead on for the storm and the galleon's stern. My sail bursts to life and the ocean lunges me forward. Crashes of water against wood blasts spray into the air and across my face...my glowing green face.

  • @pink-geek-chic

    Great idea for a thread!

    The huge thing for me are the stories and the choices playing Sea of Thieves helps to create.

    Whether you're sailing alone, on a sloop or on a galleon, the potential is always there for a different experience - the whole mechanic around 'are they friendly or not', whether you decide to team up or go your separate ways, or fight to the death, encountering familiar names on the seas, battling it out at forts or working together to tackle those skellies and the freedom to decide for yourself how these encounters might go.

    The world itself is gorgeous and the sailing is also a huge attraction for me, to be able to traverse the seas, hearing the creak of the rigging, the sounds of the wind and water and watching the sun go down til that last flash of green, is pure magic.

    The community is a passionate one and I very much enjoy reading the ideas, discussions, opinions and suggestions for the game and the stories and even the random things pirates do in game, you're all excellent :)

  • @pink-geek-chic Favorite thing about SoT?
    The game screwing up my glorious plans! Do you know the movie Guardians of the Galaxy? The scene when Rocket explains what he needs for his breakout plan and why they should get the battery at the end? That's it!

    And those treasure chest "riddles". I do really like them.

  • I love exploring the islands.

  • There is a lot to this game I love.

    The world for one is so beautiful, I get distracted a lot by the pretty sunsets and just random things whilst out exploring. I love the fun art style as well and all the creatures like pigs, snakes, chickens, sharks and megs also even the skeles. I can spend a lot of time just taking screen shots and videos.

    I also like the social side of this game. I have made so many new friends just through being a part of this community and through meeting people in game. I love logging in not knowing what kind of fun shenanigans our crew will get up to or what we will encounter be it combat or other friendly crews. The memories and fun times this game has given is priceless, no other game I have played has been like this.

  • @tartansnake-8 said in Let's take a minute to celebrate!:

    for me it's all about the journey and PL will just happen.

    I am in complete agreement! I have many PL friends that I enjoy playing with, however I refuse to enter the hideout until I earn it myself! I am in no rush (though I am soooo close!) I just want to enjoy the adventure getting there...

  • I love it because of the Sea of Possibilities you have every time you set sail. You could have a leisurely cruise to a skeleton infested Isle or a nail biting battle against a determined Pirate. It is great fun and my little guy can play too which I can't say for a lot of the games out nowadays.

  • @jester776 The multi-generational aspect is fantastic! I also love playing with my children...and the fact that teenagers have something to play with the little ones.

    The shorties so look up to their older siblings, and just want to play with them. But, too often, the games the older kids play are inappropriate for the younger ones. SoT bridges that gap and let's them play together.

    It makes my heart happy!

  • I'm sure I've said it before, but for me it's the people.

    Sure, water looks amazing, styling is absolutely gorgeous and it's a very funny game, reminding me of Monkey Island in its style. But those things will last you what, 50hrs? 100hrs? Yes, any game that can get my attention for that long is pretty good and successful. Not this one. The interaction with others is what's still keeping me here long after the 100hrs mark.

  • @lil-fokker said in Let's take a minute to celebrate!:

    TL;DR : me like game...game make fun times.

    I really enjoy sailing just next to a shipwreck. Climbing up to the crow's nest to look for sharks and pirates. The coast is clear except for one shark just past the wreck....I can get to the ship before she'll get me...no probs.
    Just before I fly from my safe perch, I glance at the setting sun as the waves play with the sunlight. 🌅🤓nice

    My speed entering the water was a bit too much and I quickly go further than necessary...but I notice a distinct glow coming from the Captain's quarters...a skull....YES!!
    I slip through the water and pull my way through the ship hoping to find more below deck...nope...nuthin.
    Snag a floatin nanner and head to the CQ. Work my way round the mast and see the glow of the skull warming the doorway...BAM!!!
    The shark bites me gud.
    I scurry through the door, turn and ready my pistol. The shark's gaping maw gnashes at the weakened wood of the door frame, splinters float around the end of my pistol as the blast erupts into the flesh of the toothy beast.
    She thrashes violently away and zooms around the back of the ship. I follow her strong, scarred body through the windows of the back of the cabin.
    I watch her with a skeptical glare as she bitterly awaits her meal. A dead, dark eye glows green as I reach for the skull resting on the now suspended desk. Her massive, muscular tail bangs against the wall of windows. A tiny crack in one of the panes appears and she seems to react to it. She swims around again and seems to gather distance for another lunge at the windows. I feel my lungs burn under the strain of holding back the impulse to breathe in large amounts of water. "I'm going to drown down here for this stupid skull."
    Just as this thought completes in my mind, 2 more cracks splinter across the glass of the same tiny little pane. She begins her dash towards me and her mouth smashes closed and open and closed again...preparing for what it does best.
    I swim backwards as far as I can in case she breaks through. I drop the heavy skull and pull out my pistol again. Here...she...comes...baboom! Baboom! Baboom!
    The shark turns quickly and swims off into the darkness, never making it to the window.
    A splash and two successive blasts rock the water just above me and right near...MY SHIP!? Stowing my pistol, I grab the skull and swim for the door.
    Bursting through the surface I gasp for air...All of it. I spin around looking for the dastardly villain who shot at my defenseless ship. I see a set of sails well beyond my bow, on the edge of a storm. A 3 masted galleon with brilliantly red sails...and a shark fin...speeding towards me.
    I stretch out, splashing swiftly, tugging at the water while digging my fingers into the eyes of the skull.
    Within seconds I'm pulling myself free of the water and up my starboard ladder. I hear her body banging against the hull beneath me. Tooth, water and wood in a bitter battle. I smirk as I pull myself to the deck and place the skull next to my wheel.
    Another sequence of flashes and blasts illuminate the edge of the storm. The steamy heated cannonballs igniting the humidity of the storm ripple through the air towards me.
    I hear the gurgle of water burbling into my lower deck...but I've heard that sound before and I can take several more hits like that before I need worry. If these ones fair better, I am in trouble.
    I start cranking on my anchor and the waves start to thrash my sloop around freely. I dash for my sails and within seconds I'm at full and angled for winds mixing into the strengthening storm. My best chance for escape is through the storm but to use it, I'll have to speed right past a galleon with who knows how many psychopaths aboard.
    With rudder and sails ready, I run downstairs and arm up; Cutless and a buss will do. Back up to the deck and onto the wheel. Point her dead on for the storm and the galleon's stern. My sail bursts to life and the ocean lunges me forward. Crashes of water against wood blasts spray into the air and across my face...my glowing green face.

    This. :)

  • Better question for me would be what NOT to celebrate ^_^

    Sailing with friends is my personal best. Just working together having a blast with gunpowder and just singing/ drinking/ exploding etc.
    We have a system in place where we allow one gunpowder teamkill per session per person. (We're not counting shooting the new skeletons by the way) This prevents an unending loop of kill and revenge but does deliver the fun of getting your revenge/ pulling shenanigans like handing someone a lit bomb..

5 out of 27