Can We Encourage Pirating?

  • The game is called Sea of Thieves, but involves a very small amount of pirating and stealing. The community is just grinding out voyages with little to no special encounters. Can we have a ship sunk, pirates sent to Davy Jones’ locker, stolen loot Faction or accommodation. Can we have an actual PIRATE RANK to find out who the actual infamous Pirate Legend is. PVP is fun in this game and friendly competition should be encouraged along with collaboration. Right now the community seems to want to get rid of PvP all together do to everyone’s softness. Pirates are tough! Let’s toughen up and fight (and steal).

  • 70
  • Wait this isn’t sea of friends damit i got the wrong game lol

  • Yeah, we are pirates, I wanna steal, burn, and kill!

  • @xxx1ra1xxx Yep that’s the idea. Don’t forget r**e. Good thing the games rated T for teen though

  • @macadoodledew it's best to think about the theology of SoT; it's an environment where you forge your own story. Much like a playground...what happens and how it happens is up to you and those you interact with. You can be encouraged to make friends, but i'v never encountered a parks employee saying "pssst... hey...go punch that kid right in the kisser for a dollar"

    Rare won't put us in sumo suits, but they won't implement a system that negatively affects someone else's story.

    Becoming a notorious pvp pirate is your story, become known. You have zylbrad and burke blacks' crew known...see what I'm saying?

  • I just wish there was more you can do to put your own personal touch on your ship, so you could build an identity that can be recognized from a distance.

  • @violentandroid said in Can We Encourage Pirating?:

    @macadoodledew it's best to think about the theology of SoT; it's an environment where you forge your own story.

    ok i'm with you there

    Much like a playground...what happens and how it happens is up to you and those you interact with. You can be encouraged to make friends, but i'v never encountered a parks employee saying "pssst... hey...go punch that kid right in the kisser for a dollar"

    wait what? Thats a terrible anology, some false eqvilance there.

    Rare won't put us in sumo suits, but they won't implement a system that negatively affects someone else's story.

    Ok fair enough but how is rewarding exsiting play more negitivly effecting then the play itself? Could this not be used to benifit both sides?

    Becoming a notorious pvp pirate is your story, become known. You have zylbrad and burke blacks' crew known...see what I'm saying?

    No i don't see what saying. Become known how? Via Streaming? Or are you arguring to use ones imagination. Cause other then serious trolling or being suspected of cheating would serve any benifit or reason to find remember someones gamer tag for being nortorious and most times crews are different each time. As far as im aware the only other ways to become known are by using outside means like reddit, youtube...ect.

  • @crazed-corsair said in Can We Encourage Pirating?:

    I just wish there was more you can do to put your own personal touch on your ship, so you could build an identity that can be recognized from a distance.

    I hope so too. But I would find it diffcult to judge ship at a distance as the render distance on my OG Xbox one is poor. The personalizations would have to be drastic to notice from beyond engagement range like with the lights on the skelly ships.

  • @macadoodledew Yeah the server farms are real, i haven't found a pvp server yet thou. Also it seems when i try to PvP i'm activily getting punished for it. Be it the meg always showing up or getting stuck on a dead server. I do think PvP is alive but i feel its petering outside of pure mutines. Which im not opposed to, but man the pure salt that comes from that is getting overwhelming.

  • I think there are two simple changes you could start to build on to encourage pirating and the pvp experience for players not fully interested in pirating.

    1. Increase Rewards/Achievements for PVP experience
    • achievements for sinking ships/stealing treasure/kills
    • treasure/title drops for pvp wins/losses/exp
    1. Increase notoriety for server pirates
    • create bounties (encourage response to priates) possibly including the new treasures gained by pirates (successful pirates = lots of loot to be taken)
    • Banners added to identify worthy targets

    Just a side not that me and friends have discussed, maybe try not to force so much co-op, good replay-ability in co-op experience comes from a known real threat in the waters (maybe even a announcement of ships sunk)...let the players respond on their will happen.

    The GreekGinger

  • @macadoodledew I’ll have what you said, WHEN, there are merchant ships, a better merchant grind, and a bounty system, (last one is optional). Otherwise I see no reward for PvP yet.

  • It's a game of freedom. You're free to pirate if you want more pirating then go pirate.

    I don't get this post. There's noone telling you not to be a pirate.

  • I'd like to see a PvP orientated Bilge Rat's Adventure for a couple of weeks although I imagine the ammount of salty tear ridden forum posts would deter Rare from doing it.

  • @hynieth. You have the freedom to read my topic and understand it too. I’m suggesting the game adds a Pirate Rank with rewards and customization. Stolen goods should be valued higher to encourage looting.

  • @macadoodledew If that were the case the balance would be broken, the wolves need more sheep, not more wolves. Now that we have more sheep the wolves can dine.

    You have the freedom to become a wolf and take advantage of all those people working together to get more and more loot on ships. This is the reason you need for piracy, so yeah it's still a choice that needs no incentives.

  • I think a more appropriate answer to this would be to examine why people don't want to PvP. There are several reasons that are built into this game that automatically make people not want to PvP.
    1 - The mix of PC and Console players introduces a very unfair advantage in hand to hand combat on land. Not many console players understand the ways to mitigate this, such as force the combat into water, where the PC player no longer has the advantage, or at least not as much of one. There are possibly other things Rare can do on their end to mitigate this as well. Such as place a "handicap" on the pc players combat. Nothing drastic, just enough to even the playing field.
    2 - The ship takes sooooooooo long to stock that losing it because of "playful" PvP is a none-starter for most. And to do quests properly, or the current Cursed Sails event, you need a stocked boat. Rare could make this a mute point as well by introducing a new merchant that will "sell" you a fully stocked boat for some gold. Make it a fair amount, and only something you can buy at the outposts. Or have various levels of stock you can buy. Honestly, stocking your boat for anywhere's from 30 minutes to an hour depending entirely on your luck in finding stock sucks. And I know there are many times I avoid PvP entirely simply because of that.
    3 - Crates, if you are doing an athena or merchant quest and you sink, you lose the crates and have no mechanism in game to allow you to buy or obtain replacements (other than pure luck in finding random crates here and there), meaning you lost that quest. Again, I have avoided PvP many times because the risk of losing those crates mid quest. which kills the quest. Rare could allow us to buy replacements at the merchant to fix this.
    All three of these things are something that Rare can do to make it more appealing to do PvP without forcing it on us, without adding rewards for hunting/killing. I admit, I am not strong at PvP, but I am strong at naval combat. So I like PvP, but when I am in a quest, normally an Athena, I don't want to lose hours of effort and have to start over from the beginning. I don't mind losing loot. I think most would agree that losing loot, while it sucks a little, isn't nearly as big of a loss as the time spent stocking, or the crates loss and its effect on your quest.

  • Since getting Pirate Legend I have mostly been sticking to solo sloop PVP. I can't help but feel bad for my victims as they cry and whisper me their profound sorrows! I am Athena 4 and I am just annoyed that the Athena's are multi hour grind fests. I find it absolutely heinous and don't enjoy it one bit. Now, every PVP encounter ends the same... Win or lose (mostly win :) I get shouted at, cursed at, whispered, and claims that I have been reported by all their friends. Because how dare I win 1v5; 1 ship vs 2.

  • It's insane the amount of "pirates" who get upset about me actually pirating them and not just alliancing up and becoming friends.

  • @macadoodledew After playing alliances I think now is a great time for rare to introduce two new factions into the game: one pvp based for plundering and one moreso based on defending pve. A faction that gives you rep based on selling stolen loot, and a faction based on sinking ships with stolen loot. Alliances would help combat the pvp faction so people don’t get upset and I would certainly love to take on a fleet of ships and plunder their loot (already done it).

  • Me and my crew often receive new titles from other players in game but I'm not sure I can repeat them on these forums without getting a ban.

  • @ashllleyftw Not really. The main way to rank up in the game is to complete voyages and cash in what you find. If you go and attack someone when they are not interested in PvP and take all their loot they have a right to be p****d off. It wouldn't be as bad if completing the voyage gave you something but you don't get anything till you cash in.

  • @macadoodledew PvP is only fun if its equal. When a bored PC pirate legend with 1000hrs of game time attacks a mid rank Xbox player with 10hrs of game time and no interest in fighting its not fun for the xbox player.

  • @macadoodledew I would like the combat system cleaned up before this is implemented but I would like to see things like If I sink someones ship and get thier loot it comes up as a shipwrecked variant of that chest.

  • @ashllleyftw I usually sink people who dont submit to my Pirate fleet and join lol

  • A true pirate doesn't need recognition from a ranking system. He just kills, plunders, and sinks.

  • @phlz said in Can We Encourage Pirating?:

    @macadoodledew PvP is only fun if its equal. When a bored PC pirate legend with 1000hrs of game time attacks a mid rank Xbox player with 10hrs of game time and no interest in fighting its not fun for the xbox player.

    Disagree completely.

    In my experience, the Xbox users that I have proselytized into trying this game have only stayed and played on their own if they get into a scrap pretty quick after we start. As they are noobs and I am focused on show and tell, winning is not a priority for me and we sometimes don't. Due to games like Fortnite setting the expectation, they just wanted to get back into it.

    The PVP in this game is asymmetrical at it's best: whether its the number of ships in the fight, the number of players, the presence or lack of boom barrels, the meg, fighting near an island taking shots at players or whatever. That's why I don't get the controller vs keyboard gripe: literally NOTHING in this game is focused around arranging fair fights and that's a feature, not a bug.

  • Regarding the topic: I would like achievements and titles based on VERY large PVP numbers. I don't think there should be cosmetic rewards, because that pushes people who wouldn't enjoy being aggressive but are completionists to feel like they have to do something they otherwise wouldn't. It dirties the whole thing up. PVP should be for the love of PVP, I would just like the cheevos for tracking and the titles for a fear factor.

    I really like the sheep and wolves analogy by @Hynieth above: I think it is more important (for my PVPing) for the "sheep" to be kept happy. More quests and PVE events are good. More cosmetics for everyone. A more 'alive' world. Better merchant stuff. That keeps them playing. See?

  • @sytoki said in Can We Encourage Pirating?:

    @macadoodledew After playing alliances I think now is a great time for rare to introduce two new factions into the game: one pvp based for plundering and one moreso based on defending pve. A faction that gives you rep based on selling stolen loot, and a faction based on sinking ships with stolen loot. Alliances would help combat the pvp faction so people don’t get upset and I would certainly love to take on a fleet of ships and plunder their loot (already done it).


  • @phlz as a PL and Athena’s 10, I can see how that might be frustrating for lower levels. But why should my fun stop because you are trying to level up? It’s a PvPvE game. If you choose to just do voyages, go ahead. Just like if I choose to engage in a fight with you, I will. I’ve sank quite a few pirates that have ended up becoming my friends and sailing with me and I’ve gotten them to PL as well. There’s no reward for leveling other than cosmetics so learn to enjoy all aspects of the game.

  • @jonaldinho. Pirate legends are animal farmers and not pirates. NOT RIGHT. I love your faction quote post Jonaldinho.

  • @baldmunkee Sheeps don’t deserve the Title Pirate Legend. THE WOLVES DESERVE PIRATE LEGEND. Sheep can be rewarded gold and innocent looking aesthetics. Pirate Legends deserve special flags, hulls, and sails that mark their infamy, to put fear into the hearts of voyagers.

  • What are you insane the cattle must Grind I mean imagine the horror of a half decent encounter. I mean it's not like this game is stagnating in growth because it was dull and repetitive. But what do we know I mean pve is all that matters

  • @ashllleyftw said in Can We Encourage Pirating?:

    @phlz as a PL and Athena’s 10, I can see how that might be frustrating for lower levels. But why should my fun stop because you are trying to level up? It’s a PvPvE game. If you choose to just do voyages, go ahead. Just like if I choose to engage in a fight with you, I will. I’ve sank quite a few pirates that have ended up becoming my friends and sailing with me and I’ve gotten them to PL as well. There’s no reward for leveling other than cosmetics so learn to enjoy all aspects of the game.

    Yes I belive doing the same thing with random people is fun. All aspects you mean killing bone heads and the odd lad with no loot but hey us low level and new players (you know the life blood of the game) must learn to enjoy all aspects of the game

  • @weststormborn said in Can We Encourage Pirating?:

    @macadoodledew I’ll have what you said, WHEN, there are merchant ships, a better merchant grind, and a bounty system, (last one is optional). Otherwise I see no reward for PvP yet.

    Goodnews there a better merchant gring coming tthe Forsaking shores update calles Cargo runs, As for merchant ships i'm assuming you mean A'I ships, well we have the skelly ships now although. idon't see how that encourages PvP so i guess The bounty system should be coming soon... hopefully. I mean the reaper mark would be useful for this.

  • @hynieth said in Can We Encourage Pirating?:

    It's a game of freedom. You're free to pirate if you want more pirating then go pirate.

    I don't get this post. There's noone telling you not to be a pirate.

    Really cause it seems so far people are being more encoraged to be freindly and making people who don't socially melined. There is more of an argument to be made why you shouldn't priate then there is to actually priate which is strange for a game about being a pirate.

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