New Skele battles...

  • Anyone know how many waves there are now for the skele ships? Is it just as hard as b4? Or is it nerfed and not as much loot? Also can there be a skull Fort and a skeleton ship battle clouds at the same time???

  • 10
  • @shotgunoverdose Ahoy matey!

    The battles work pretty much the same... with the same amount of waves and loot... however if you have cursed cannonballs it is much, much easier!

  • @musicmee So all the cursed cannons work on skeleton ships too? :D That is cool!

  • What about Forts and skeleton ships active at the same time???

  • @shotgunoverdose I saw in my game yesterday afternoon a Skeleton ship instance as well as the pirate fort, so yes it can happen :)

  • @the-vladinator I saw that as well both active it’s a full sky and pretty fun lol

  • @musicmee said in New Skele battles...:

    @shotgunoverdose Ahoy matey!

    The battles work pretty much the same... with the same amount of waves and loot... however if you have cursed cannonballs it is much, much easier!

    Half the final loot and the "ship balls" don't work against the skelly ships which i think is a bit of a missed opportunity from Rare.

    I feel that the Cursed skellies being the first to introduce the cannonballs to the world it would only follow that we would turn them back on them once we got them in our hands. And also it would make for a bit of an easier battle since no one will ally with another ship for the full event for HALF the loot now.

    I was really hoping for a captain's ship to pop out of the water randomly like Meg. Then when it was up there would be a cloud to show other crews where you are, like a fort. Then once you sink it you'd get on of each chest and skull and whatever random loot was on the ship too. This would be the ideal implementation in my mind.

  • @m1sterpunch Ahoy matey!

    The purple balls do work against the skeleton ships, I used a few last night. If they didn't work for you please submit a ticket using the link below.

    Submit a support ticket.

  • @musicmee said in New Skele battles...:

    @m1sterpunch Ahoy matey!

    The purple balls do work against the skeleton ships, I used a few last night. If they didn't work for you please submit a ticket using the link below.

    Submit a support ticket.

    I will test as I saw them not work in a stream so I didn't bother to try it myself. I saw the Riggingball aura (on the mast) but it didn't slow the ship at all. I figured since we can't drop the anchor on the skelly ships that the option wasn't available. If this is true than I'm going to try and solo them now! Thanks!

  • @m1sterpunch The good news is the curses work regardless of real physics and abilities... so you CAN drop the anchor on them :D

    Good luck in your journey/battle!

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