Annoying junping pvp players

  • I wish rare would put in place somthing if u jump about constantly u run out of breath like what happens when you sword thrust these kind of kangeroos are annoying n mainly pc related players ARGHHHHHHHHH

  • 42
  • That's the main PVP and a PVE technique, so don't complain about that because they're not going to do anything about it. It could be better if you learn to do that as well.
    As I can see in your profile pic you're a Pirate Legend with very high AT level, so why are you complaining? As a pirate legend, you should know that.

  • @chris-houlden Also I saw Rare Employees which are PL doing that exact thing. So better if you stop complaining about that, 'cuz like I said, they're not going to do anything.

  • @eggamer13 From what I understand, only a handful at Rare are actually Pirate Legend

  • I feel like the same, mouse gives great advantage over controller.
    Constant jumping guys are so annoying

  • Try using some of these to help you out and even the field of battle.

  • @triheadedmonkey Yeah, but they do that kind of things.

  • If u don't like it buy a keyboard and you can also jumpo i don't know where is the problem it's a feature of the game improve your skills and that's all game cannot change becouse people beats u

  • Not exactly a complaining just a sugestion to ANNOYING people junping about your boat n it always resolves to find another game comments its a suggestion + feedback part of a and forum well i gave feed back n i gave a suggestion who was moaning ?

  • N Inprove what exactly to spam my A BUTTON SKILLS QUICKER so i jump allover no thanks

  • I prefer not jumping all the time, i guess some good timed jumps are more effektiv in melee combat.
    If i have a bunnyhopper encounter i shoot them with my pistol and cut them down immediately with my cuttless, i got them all pritty fast this way...

  • @fancyathlete182 said in Annoying junping pvp players:

    I feel like the same, mouse gives great advantage over controller.
    Constant jumping guys are so annoying

    who said anything about mouse or controller?
    both platforms can bunnyhop

  • @chris-houlden theres your first problem. Your still using the a button to jump. Try switching it to a button that cause you to take your thumb off the joystick and hinder your aiming efforts. Then you can make yourself a harder target while still being able to stay on target yourself

  • I agree that jumping opponents are annoying, but there is so much about jumping that is not PvP related.

    If you want to stop your opponent from jumping, the actual best cure is a Sword currently as it stops them on their track.

    I would like some kind of change to jumping, similar to how Counter-strike does it, or make the jump height smaller and smaller instead of the running speed, if the jump button is spammed again after landing within half a second, then the jump will be smaller each jump without that half (or maybe full) second pause.

    But I do not think it is needed, if you are chasing a pirate, it is best to focus on blocking his routes as you reload your guns, and challenge him where you think you can get him with your sword to have him stand still. If you are chasing with a friend, let your friend chase, and you try to block his path.

  • @fancyathlete182 ya but that’s why they added the sensitivity boost to balance it slightly it is still a little unbalanced due to more hot key options but I can typically hold my own against pc

  • @sturm4gottes said in Annoying junping pvp players:

    @fancyathlete182 ya but that’s why they added the sensitivity boost to balance it slightly it is still a little unbalanced due to more hot key options but I can typically hold my own against pc

    how many more keys do you need for pvp related activities? sprint/jump/attack/bananas and the 2 joystick to move around/look... i'm sure your controller has enough buttons to map for pvp

  • Any news on forsaken shores update yet i know its been put back a few days

  • @chris-houlden

    No news as yet, perhaps keep an eye on Sea of Thieves twitter or Joe's post on the forums -

  • @chris-houlden personally I blame Fortnite for this jump dodging display of annoyance!!

  • Yeah blame game for jumping in fight coz this is first game in which people are using Jump button to be more effective in fights :D
    alt text

  • Yea, Rare, let's make jumping skeletons who spawn only in your back
    The combat system is at fault (maybe cuz of only few ways to attack). What about replacing the jump in combat by a side-roll move ? It would add a dodge move.

  • @nefrit-od no one was blaming the game ? Somthing could be put in place to stop it like run out of breath simlier to the sword thrust cos as stated its annoying

  • @beardfaceyo fortnites can s*****y toes

  • @derteenaimz think it just comes down to been used to the controller in that way its set up i think id feel like a (noob) if i changed anythings about only thing iv got mapped is the cannonballs on the left dpad

  • @chris-houlden i play on xbox and sometimes you win sometimes you lose....i jump around alot when i fight...its defense techinque...happy sailing!!

  • Its annoying ya bouncy people haha new comedation n title for rare to consider
    (Take down 10 crews in your kangeroo outfit while the rest of the crew look like headless chickens )

  • Just grab a blunderbuss and the next time they try it, shoot upwards at a 10’ angle and send them flying backwards.

    That being said, sometimes you have to do what you have to do to avoid gun fire.

  • I have proposed this before...

    Bloom - Your bullets are not pinpoint accurate unless your feet are on the ground (running/standing) and aiming down the sites. Different levels of bloom based on weapon and character movement...


    • Aiming: 0 Bloom
    • Hipfire: 1 Bloom
    • Aiming + Hopping: 2 Bloom
    • Hipfire + Hopping: 3 Bloom

    Eye of Reach:

    • Aiming: 0 Bloom
    • Hipfire: 3 Bloom
    • Aiming + Hopping: 4 Bloom
    • Hipfire + Hopping: 5 Bloom
  • @chris-houlden написал в Annoying junping pvp players:

    @nefrit-od no one was blaming the game ? Somthing could be put in place to stop it like run out of breath simlier to the sword thrust cos as stated its annoying

    For jumping ? In every game where you can fight people you can JUMP and hit.

  • @chris-houlden I changed my controls about 3 weeks before I beacame a legend and it was definitely a big change and hard to get used to, and I actually hated it at first. But after practice it was so much better than the default. I’ve changed my controls so far from original I’m lost when I pick my girlfriends controller up. Only buttons that are the same are the left and right trigger pretty much

  • @squaz05 ya that’s why I said I can typically hold my own, I usually only use sword anyway... no need for nanas

  • @leonewgate said in Annoying junping pvp players:

    If u don't like it buy a keyboard and you can also jumpo i don't know where is the problem it's a feature of the game improve your skills and that's all game cannot change becouse people beats u

    They can't use a mouse and keyboard with this game on Xbox.

  • @chris-houlden That is just how you are suppose to fight in this players do it can buy paddles for your controller for like $25..easy fix. It won't be nerfed due to this being apart of PVP and PVE..imagine trying to fight skeletons and every time you jump you stopped moving..picture that before trying to get the jump nerfed and honestly sometimes I run around just jumping for is a habbit so that would kill the game for me lol!

  • Learn to aim.

  • @averageheroz i wouldnt spend another penny on the game bought the controller £60 bought the game for £50 bought merch coins n even to comic books im not spending another penny buying paddles to stop kagaroos lol im almost done with the game n i think soon as another game simlier to thieves comes out i barely turn it on (i pay this game every single day for over 8 /9 hours at a time n love it but im starting lose intrest now ) lets hope this forsaken shores saves me lol

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