Sea of Thieves - The Boardgame

  • Sea of Thieves: The Boardgame

    Table of Contents
    Update 1

    Ahoy there,

    I have been thinking, for some time, about creating a Sea of Thieves inspired boardgame. I've been brainstorming a bunch of ideas, ideas that would reflect what Sea of Thieves is at its core: A shared adventure taking place in a pirate world.

    The Warsmith has returned to the Sea of Thieves and our brave captains need to sail together to defeat her. But this time victory will not be as easy as they thought. Madame Olga tells them about a mysterious chest that contains an ancient magical scroll that could bring the Warsmith’s terror to an end. The party will have to embark on a dangerous voyage in search of the lost scroll.

    The players will have to work together to find hints that will lead to the ancient scroll’s location. They will have to deliver the scroll before the Warsmith amasses her fleet of skeletons and brings ruin the Sea of Thieves.

    Prototype Cards

    I would love to hear your thoughts on this project!

    Lots of love,

  • 15
  • @eredhar nice keep up the good work mate

  • @closinghare208
    Thank you so much. I will keep this thread updated as the game develops.

  • @eredhar ok will you sell it on the sea of thieves store when you finish

  • @closinghare208
    Oh, this project is a fan made project, meaning that you won't see it on the Sea of Thieves Store. I will do my best to provide some ways for people to get their hands on the final product.

  • @eredhar ok I see the devs should let you sell it on the store and people WILL buy it

  • Any successful board / card game depends on its play mechanics:

    • How it works
    • How to score and win
    • The balance between chance and skill
    • Originality of the idea (e.g not just another Cluedo skin. Although that might be fun. "I think it was Three Sheets Neate, on the dock, with the rowboat oar!")

    I would like to hear more about what you have in mind for that. I do like the artwork, though!

  • @surveyorpete
    You will definitely hear more about the mechanics and gameplay as soon as we are ready to provide more details!

  • You guys can also keep an eye on this Tweet for more future updates too.

  • I love the idea, but as a designer (and programmer) I would change some small things to make it more readable, such as font color in some cases and the font itself in others.

    Anyway, great work! I hope it continues and that we can enjoy soon!

  • @targasbr
    Cheers mate! Those are just prototypes and things will undergo some changing as things develop.

  • UPDATE 1

    Ahoy there, me lads and lasses!

    Been working on designing cards and mechanics for the Boardgame and we're ready to showcase a few things.

    Damage System

    Each Player Card will have a predefined damage value, value that can increase or decrease based on equipment cards or certain events.

    In the example above, Captain Pheebs has 1 Damage Power, dictated by the red segment of the Bar.

    Equipment Cards

    Throughout the Voyage, each player will be able to acquire Equipment Cards. By doing so, they will increase or decrease their Damage or Health.

    In the example above, acquiring the "Sailor Pistol" will add 1 Damage to the Player Card.

    Player Board

    Each player will have their own Player Board to put their Player Card, Item Cards and Equipment Cards.

    Thank you everyone for taking your time to read this Update. I will be providing you all such updates as the Boardgame develops.

  • @eredhar Looks great so far! I would love to see a Sea of Thieves boardgame or cardgame. I'm assuming this game will be a co-operative game where all players work together against certain events? Interested in seeing what game mechanics you employ and how it develops - would love to play it too when its done!

  • @stacky-a Bless you!
    It will have both a PVP and a Co-Op modes. Right now, i'm focusing on the Co-Op. I will make sure to post updates on a regular basis, but only when i'm certain of a how a feature will be.

  • @eredhar Cool, both modes sound fun! As someone who loves boardgames (and may have a slight addiction to them) I'm super curious as to how it will work. I'll make sure to stay tuned and follow your updates 🙂

2 out of 15