To many peoples in the community get Mad crazy at those playing pirates in a pirates theme game ... its getting silly ...

  • I cant no longer count the numbers of time i have encounter this phenomena of peoples who have some loot on board from a white skulls to 30+ captain chest or Athena etc.. who get insanely MAD and start smack talking calling us " toxic " before we even start smack talking back at them ... just by playing the game as a pirate chasing them and sinking them etc... they call the behavior of " playing as a pirate " in a pirate theme game " TOXIC " ... let me tell you ... its not

    Its totally square and fair to chase other ships if you want to , its totally square and fair to sink other ships for their loot , its totally square and fair to sink other ships who compeate for the same " forts loot " or are a threat to your athena quest and what not ... its not toxic ....

    The funnyest thing in these anecdotic encounter is that the others team always call us toxic and then goes on insulting us to the point where my friends might insult them back and then say they would " report us" for that wich is kinda funny because they say atrocious stuff wich " personally i dont mind " smack talk dosnt hurt me at all especially that i am winning over them i see it as a desperate attempt to " attack us " but a guy who call us N words , F words and what not and curse us with all the name on earth and said we were toxic for chasing his ship etc.. is kinda silly and compleatly out of this world ...

    When will these peoples will understand playing pirates in a pirates game is square and fair ? Almost a year after release ? I understand they are frustrated to loose their loot ... but its the game ... you win or you loose

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  • @stew360 Its just the nature of people to get upset when they loose what is "theirs". But good for you fellow pirate, do your part and keep the thieves in Sea of Thieves!

  • If I had 30 chests on board and you sank me I would be mighty annoyed but also feel really stupid for keeping 30 chest on board.

    I learned not to keep a stack of chests on board in the first few days of playing.

    If you repeatedly sank me though, knowing I had nothing and just trying to get a rise out of me, then thats different, thats what I call being ‘toxic’.

    Only encountered a crew like that twice on my way to PL, each time I just logged off and changed servers.

    I am a low key PL.

  • Sea of Thieves game base look like:

  • while solo slooping some weeks ago,i crossed a crew on a galleon,first they chased me and stole my whole athene loot 8 skulls 10 chests,(mostly i sell at 8 items on board when i play solo).the worst case i crossed them again with my legendary chest on board and loosed my legend those cases just keep calm and quit;) not forever just for the day or some hours

  • There is nothing to win or loose? Loot has only cosmetic value which is zero...

    If pirates want loot they can have it without a fight maybe they need to buy a new beard or something

    I dont get it until they kill chickens then i get angry its not fair they cant defend in a coop :(

  • @stew360 The real question I have to ask is how many times did you have to come back and sail back? Did they sink you any at all? Did you sink them during this course? You leave out the majority of this session so for all we know is you kept sailing back after sinking 7 times and being the people that just don't know when to quit and abuse the attrition system. Like for real.

    Give us more information.

  • The pirate code says to do it with honor; more and more players are not buying into that. So players become more gunshy because there seems to be a greater chance the crew approaching them are going to be less than honorable about it.

    I make sure I always have no treasure, so the joke's on them! :)

  • Misery loves company. Anyone invested in this game has been on the ferry plenty. I steal, sink, shoot and slash my way through like everyone else... but try to show a little honor among thieves. I don't feel the need to continually prove myself to an overmatched opponent. I also don't get enjoyment prolonging anyone's unhappiness (spawn killing for no reason). To me, that's toxic.

  • @stew360
    Keep on thieving, and make sure you report those who use expletives at you.

  • People get mad when caught in a mistake of their own making. Instead of realizing the fault of their actions and adapting, it's easier to deflect the anger on to someone else.
    As dyfrin said, you keep being you. Be the better pirate, don't get drawn into the conflict, and report them as needed.

  • That is a shame. Whether attacking or defending, the pirate code works both ways. Fight honorably, and be honorable in defeat too.

  • Huh, I hardly ever hear a peep outta the pirates I encounter.

    Then again, I'm usually the one sinking when that happens, so maybe that's to be expected. =P

  • TL;DR
    Short, short version....
    "I'm awesome and too amazin so peeps be hurtin in da feels."

  • Well I just had an awesome battle with a Galleon which we had just seen take down a skull fort. They bailed for Sanctuary Outpost, tried to drop off a rowbost with the goods.

    Ended up in a 10 - 15 minute battle on foot around the outpost, megakeg going off, sword fights, naval bombardments. Awesome fun. In the end I stood on the back of the boat to thank the other crew for a good battle, and the guy I was speaking to replied with "don't even start" or something, I think he must have thought I was going to be toxic but I was serious. If they only knew how many times they were miliseconds away from sinking us. They gave a really good account of themselves, I hope they had as much fun as I did.

    Forts pop up every 15 minutes, but in nearly 12 months of playing that was the only battle like that I've ever had. Sometimes people can be so focussed on loot that they don't realise that the loot isn't the fun part. I don't think that was the case with these guys though, they seemed like good sports. Gentlemen, I owe you a grog the next time I see you, shall we say Sanctuary? For old times sake.

  • On any of my ships that has ever sailed, the only difference of opinion is that all is permitted - ‘fair and square’ - not square and fair, as you put it.

    tongue firmly planted in cheek

  • I think the only time I get frustrated to the point of turning the game off is when I get "camped" or a ship repeatedly chasing and sinking us, dancing on us and trash talking first. Losing loot you have worked an hour to collect is frustrating but maybe the pirates that sank you had the same thing happen and wanted revenge in good spirit.

  • What I don't like is when folks try to coax a fight out of you, especially with insults and the "It's a pirate game, act like pirates!" line. I respect their freedom to come at me, guns blazing and looking for a fight, but they also need to respect the freedom of people who don't want to fight and choose to run away.

    Notice how I didn't say they couldn't sink them? If a pirate doesn't want to fight, then sink them, get their treasure and move on. Stop trying to instigate something someone else doesn't want by insults and spawn camping.

  • @hazerblade Sorry but pirates where not stealing stuff from " willing merchants " ready to give their stuff ... what are you saying i have a hard time to get it ...

    Some peoples indeed expect a fight probably and might be disapointed by the low level of resistance of some players .. also no ones is forced to get so call " spawn camp "

    you either kill them or either scuttle your ship ... you also have your own choices

  • If i'm being chased for over an hour then it becomes laughable. Whether or not I have loot, that hour could have been spent voyaging / forting. So the pursuers are left with nothing but wasted time lol
    If I show no interest in pvp don't chase me thinking you'll outrun me

  • @stew360 Of course there is the choice, but trying to force a choice onto someone is pretty lame. Then insulting them for not choosing what you want is even more lame. Regardless of which side of the fence you are on, attacker or defender. What's worse, is when the "winner" is decided, the smack talking continues and berates the other crew for their choices. It's toxic either way, no matter what side.

    Also, you're correct, no one wants their stuff taken from them, and will put up a fight. For instance, my crew and I are far more passive than we are aggressive. However, put into the situation, we have no problem attacking ships that decide to go up against us. We rarely, if ever, start the fight; but we don't mind finishing it if we need to.

  • I am a noob. I get the pirate thing, that’s the game, but when a couple or three experienced players board a solo sloop, kill you just to find you have no loot but remain on board waiting to kill you every time you respawn. Where’s the fun it that? That’s just mean and stupid (toxic if you will) and will ensure that the servers are sparsely populated by idiot trolls hoping to anger and fustrate. I would like the option of blocking players such as that and ultimately they would end up playing other misanthropes and I might finding other people who just want to enjoying gaming .

  • @aclassali said in To many peoples in the community get Mad crazy at those playing pirates in a pirates theme game ... its getting silly ...:

    If I had 30 chests on board and you sank me I would be mighty annoyed but also feel really stupid for keeping 30 chest on board.

    I learned not to keep a stack of chests on board in the first few days of playing.

    If you repeatedly sank me though, knowing I had nothing and just trying to get a rise out of me, then thats different, thats what I call being ‘toxic’.

    Only encountered a crew like that twice on my way to PL, each time I just logged off and changed servers.

    I am a low key PL.

    That happened to us last night. I brig followed us for three hours. We even turned in most of our loot while they harassed us. We all got off and didn't finish the Athena. They were toxic and even asked me if I was a friend or foe before they macro double shot killed me.

  • @stew360 I think it’s funny how you are mad at people getting mad. If I missed something I do apologize.

  • @shinten-rai said in To many peoples in the community get Mad crazy at those playing pirates in a pirates theme game ... its getting silly ...:

    @stew360 The real question I have to ask is how many times did you have to come back and sail back? Did they sink you any at all? Did you sink them during this course? You leave out the majority of this session so for all we know is you kept sailing back after sinking 7 times and being the people that just don't know when to quit and abuse the attrition system. Like for real.

    Give us more information.

    There is no attrition system. There are people who dont give up even when outgunned and out played. We should devalue their ability? I rather applaud the sailor who doesn't give up.

    Some think never giving up is silly and others think double gunning. In the end, until they find a way to stop it, it is a part of the game.

  • Im fine with PvP being part of this game I just cant stand when people get salty as hell because they were sunk by you when they are the ones that started the fight. Those are the kind of PvP'ers who annoy me but those types are in every online game.

  • Remember this post when you're chasing a brig and can't catch them!😀 We had a crew chasing us last week that were screaming obscenities from the water after trying to cannon shot towards us. We ran them all over the map for 10 minutes until our 3rd player joined then we squared them up and killed them. Then spawn killed them until they scuttled. 😀 What goes around comes around!

  • @stew360 I agree with the sentiment that it is a pirate game and fair call to chase and sink other players. I don't agree about the smack talking though (other than in relation to the use of truly offensive lanuage, such as the N word). Personally if someone comes after me I will smack talk them because I enjoy it and because it distracts them from what they are trying to do (to a greater or lesser extent depending on the player). Also it can be a great way of appearing more innocent than I actually am, for example I might want to be taken as a PVE player because it means the other crew is more likely to think that I am weak and vulnerable.

  • Welcome to the internet ;P

  • @d-jaguar It's easy. If you sink, you get server merged. I mean, what does it matter? It's all random anyway. Your voyages will still be on the table.

    Yes, it is a good trait to not give up. But at the same time, if all you can do is just keep sailing back and make me waste my supplies until I get to the point where I am pretty much out of supplies is that really being a "skilled and worthy opponent"? No. It is not. If it takes you having to come back 8 times before I finally sink due to lack of resources while you can keep coming back with 15/15/60 plus whatever you can snag on the way, you didn't outplay or be the superior player. Then they abused the attrition system, they are being sore losers. I don't laud being a sore loser. Neither should any one.

  • My 2 doubloons on what is or isn't enjoyable and what has a negative impact on the future of the game/community.

    What I find enjoyable is a good fight. Although i solo virtually all the time, I always keep an eye out and an alliance flag up to help others and potentially make in-game friends.

    What i don't find enjoyable is similiar to what others have expressed and what I encountered today.

    While preparing to leave dock, another sloop dropped anchor next to my ship, and two scallywags (didnt know it at the time) boarded my ship. I waved.. and was shot for my trouble. No worries, I hadn't any loot and figured I needed to practice my pvp skills, so after the second respawn, I managed to kill them both. If that were all, it would have been a fond memory.

    Instead, they followed me from the dock, and harrased me (spawn camp, tried running ship aground) until I grew tired and scuttled. Not once did I hear them say a thing. /shrug

    After i got my new ship, I headed to a fort with my alliance flag up. Saw a sloop anchored and hollered as i came in, "Ahoy! Here to help". As I was repairing at the beachhead from the assault past the skeleton cannons. Boom! Out go the lights. I was then spawn camped and finally ran aground.

    So, attempting to taking it in stride, I refitted, and gathered supplies enroute to the skeleton ship battleground to the SW. Figured I would try and practice some gunpowder keg tactics on skeleton ships.

    While engaged with 2 skeleton ships, a galleon appeared (3 or 4 crew), sunk one of the skeleton ships then proceeded to board and camp me. ( I managed to kill one and get under sail before being killed again, and losing the ship.)
    I was a bit irked at this point, at the time i had invested in the session with nothing to show for it. Figured I would sail back, let them know I was just looking for some group play in skeleton ship/fort battles in order to earn money for shiny ship accouterments. Apparently they wanted none of that, as they tried, and succeeded in a canon launch and sneaky swim to me ship. Again with no loot on board, I was camped until i scuttled.

    Once again, I provisioned and set sail.

    I sailed for about 20-30 minutes, avoiding the two skeleton fort battles once i saw the same galleon sailing toward and anchoring at the forts.

    So, I kept sailing with a wary eye and finally encountered and sunk a skeleton ship. I cashed in quickly and set out for another.

    Success! Almost. After sinking the second skeleton ship, i was embroiled in not one, but two meglodon battles one after the other. Sadly, the treasure seems to be with Davey Jones.

    So, after 6-8 hours of play, I came away with about 2500 gold from 2 skulls and a chest from one ship, and a chest i saw randomly sailing by a beach.

    It isn't the lack of accumulated treasure that soured my experience today. It was that despite my efforts, I didn't seem to encounter anyone that wanted to play cooperatively. I am not saying I don't want pvp, but after a tussle, shake hands, make friends, and enjoy the game together for a bit.

    See you on the Seas,
    Baezzle Blackheart

  • It's not that people playing pirates is a problem at all. I enjoy a good fight, one where both sides exchange blows until eventually one gets the upper hand over the other. The problem lies in the balance between pirates and peaceful players. A good balance between both is perfect, but once there's too many of one, the other one is essentially screwed and rapidly begin to lose interest.
    As for people yelling obscenities, there will always be people who are mad at you for playing the game in a way that they dislike, even if that game was DESIGNED to give cadence to both their playstyle and yours.

  • @shinten-rai same can be said for chasing someone for 2 hours.

    Everyone has their dislikes. I guess the no longer stocked ship now has to learn how to evade sea battles.

  • @baezzle I have days like that.

    Some days it all pays off, some days nothing goes right. It's like a pirate movie where it all goes wrong for the protagonist.

    Sometimes you come across crews that are just better than you, sometimes you get unlucky and PVE threats ruin your day. Sometimes all it takes is one lucky shot and you're going for a swim while your plans ground themselves on rocks.

    It's the same in any multiplayer game, you win some sessions and you lose others.

    The loot in this game is fascinating from a psychological perspective, it has no real value, but as humans we're hard wired to feel attachment to things that we have worked for and are hard coded not to want to lose those things, so even having a couple of foul skulls aboard raises the stakes. Like in gambling the more you put on the line the bigger the rush. Just like in gambling, when you lose it gives you a sick feeling and a sense of loss (without the RL consequences).

    When you win or steal someone elses stuff it gives you a big dopamine release, which feels good.

    That's what loot is, it's the ticket that gives you admission to high stakes combat. You buy the ticket (dig up loots), take the ride (try to turn it in with the threat of PVP), win some, lose some, either way the loot does its job.

    Getting salty about losing loot is missing the point. The excitement is what the loot is for, the gold and reputation is your reward for not getting sunk before turning it in.

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