Leaving Cursed Cannonballs Behind.

  • So, I guess this is the right forum to put this in as it does help with other people's voyages... I think.

    So me and the missus, we put all of our unused cursed cannonballs in a barrel on a jetty whenever we leave the game for other players to get. Or that's the intention. Would other players actually find these cursed cannonballs or not?

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  • From what i understand the barrels respawn on a timer and whatever is currently in the barrels disappears and is replaced. I could be wrong though

  • I'm pretty sure the things you put in the island barrels vanish when the barrels restock. So if they're lucky enough to spawn there before that time then yes. If you're looking to leave them more permanently, put them in the rowboat chest and leave the rowboat if you have one. As far as I'm aware rowboats don't despawn so they'll remain there until they're taken.

  • This other guy asked for a barrel on the ferry .. he told he died so he could gift the glowballs to other pirates on the ferry :") i think for now its the best way

  • @thesmilingjack5 Rowboats do despawn.

  • @lonegoatknifer Really? News to me! You know how long it takes one to despawn?

  • @Thesmilingjack5 I'm not sure.

  • @x-n7-117-x
    Well, Sir , like people above said , sadly the barrels respawn and erase their previous content , but like again others said you can give them away...Not only have your cannonballs a use but sometimes you can hear the amazement in the voice of them who you give yer cannonballs to...The not so frequent , and sometimes unlucky person, thinks that SOT is a Trollheaven but it's people like you and the other ones who do this , that alter that thought...It's a little gesture but one that can have really good consequences in making people return to this game...Thanks for you and all the other ones who are willing to share their seldom and valuable cannonballs.

  • Once per X amount of time the barrels will reset, so chanses of anyone finding them are slim. Best bet is to put those cannonballs in the trunk of a rowboat.

  • I always fill a barrel to when im done, hoping some other pirate finds them. I think though from now on I will gift them on the dead boat, that's a great idea. Thanks

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