The Brigantine is Faster Into the Wind Than the Sloop. It's Not Balanced.

  • The Brigantine is faster into the wind than the sloop, and it is not fair for sloop players. I have now been sunk twice because I couldn't outrun a brigantine. In combat, you are asking a crew that has one less person and two less cannons to go up against a boat that is faster than it in all situations. I know the sloop has better maneuverability, but that is not enough of an advantage, especially in an open stretch of water. Make the sloop at least equal to the brigantine in speed going into the wind, if not faster.

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  • @darpuhdarp Have you been trimming your sails properly? Even upwind; sail position matters. Next time, look at how their sails are set up, and see if matching their setup helps. Also if they are are approaching from your side, and you are dead upwind, they will be faster by nature of having some additional wind in their sails.

  • @ultimavisio I had my sails turned correctly. It did nothing for me.

  • @darpuhdarp Speed is not the only thing that makes the game balanced. Sloops are better to turn over, easier to control, the helm turns once less. You only have to fit one sail instead of two. The anchor goes up much faster. It is faster against the wind. There are many factors, so it is balanced.

  • The Galleon is faster than both. It's pretty justified. 1 sail, 2 sail, 3 sail

  • @darpuhdarp said in The Brigantine is Faster Into the Wind Than the Sloop. It's Not Balanced.:

    The Brigantine is faster into the wind than the sloop

    No it's not. I've outrun multiple brigs in the past week.

  • @targasbr said in The Brigantine is Faster Into the Wind Than the Sloop. It's Not Balanced.:

    @darpuhdarp Speed is not the only thing that makes the game balanced. Sloops are better to turn over, easier to control, the helm turns once less. You only have to fit one sail instead of two. The anchor goes up much faster. It is faster against the wind. There are many factors, so it is balanced.

    The sloop is not faster into the wind than the brigantine. I have been caught twice by a brig when sailing a sloop, and one of those chases the brigantine was much farther behind when I started fleeing.

    I am also making the argument that having a third crew person also doesn't keep it balanced. You may have another sail to turn on the brig, but you have another person to do it.

    Also, a sloop may have better turning speed, but when you're going into the wind that turning speed isn't as helpful because the brigantine is already slowed down, thus giving it a bit faster turning radius as it would have if it was going full speed. And if you were already going into the wind, where would you have to turn to other than to a direction that would give the brigantine more wind in its sails, thus increasing its speed? Even if you managed to out maneuver them, you're still ultimately going to have nowhere to flee to because the brigantine is faster.

  • @darpuhdarp disse em The Brigantine is Faster Into the Wind Than the Sloop. It's Not Balanced.:

    The sloop is not faster into the wind than the brigantine. I have been caught twice by a brig when sailing a sloop, and one of those chases the brigantine was much farther behind when I started fleeing.

    @targasbr said in The Brigantine is Faster Into the Wind Than the Sloop. It's Not Balanced.:
    It is faster against the wind.

    I am also making the argument that having a third crew person also doesn't keep it balanced. You may have another sail to turn on the brig, but you have another person to do it.

    You can also sail in a sloop with 2 crew members...

    Also, a sloop may have better turning speed, but when you're going into the wind that turning speed isn't as helpful because the brigantine is already slowed down, thus giving it a bit faster turning radius as it would have if it was going full speed. And if you were already going into the wind, where would you have to turn to other than to a direction that would give the brigantine more wind in its sails, thus increasing its speed? Even if you managed to out maneuver them, you're still ultimately going to have nowhere to flee to because the brigantine is faster.

    A battle (or escape from it) does not have much to do with speed. It's a battle, not a race. Use the advantages of your ship in your favor.

  • @thathiflyinguy said in The Brigantine is Faster Into the Wind Than the Sloop. It's Not Balanced.:

    The Galleon is faster than both. It's pretty justified. 1 sail, 2 sail, 3 sail

    It's actually the slowest ship in every single aspect of the game.

    The Brig is actually the fastest ship in every single measurable way.

    It's also the easiest to keep floating with a single bucket, it's also on par with the sloop for repair simplicity because like the sloop both decks are on the same level meaning you can repair waterline and below waterline holes from the same point.

    Additionally the brig has almost all the advantages of the Galleon without all the work for minus 1 player..

    There is no advantage to using the galleon at all what so ever at this point in time when you can 3 man a Brig for notably superior performance.

    The only reason I sail the galleon any more is because my crew is too large for the Brig.

  • @darpuhdarp right so I had this problem today but manged to escape mostly because the frenchies were sloppy.
    What I do is sail directly against the wind towards an island, if they follow your path you should be able to turn around it quicker than they do and then try to gain distance u till they give up.
    Shores of plenty use sandy banks, wilds use the rocks and the ancient use the numerous cannons from the islands get familiar with where they are to also keep them busy. If sailing into the wind they should get good accuracy.

  • pfft... the brig. I just made the fool out of another one.

  • This is simply not true. The sloop, from first hand experience, is faster than the brigantine when sailing directly into the wind.

    Now, you may have been beaten by a certain glitchy aspect of the wind and sails - did the brigantine position their sails to be perfectly perpendicular to their bow (straight across, and not turned to either side)?
    When sailing DIRECTLY (and I mean directly) into the wind, the ships actually gain speed when the sails are "set to stupid", as someone accurately dubbed it - and set perpendicular to the oncoming wind (as though the wind was directly behind the boat, instead).
    While it doesn't make the ship go that much faster, it will make it go faster than if the sails were set off to the side.

    And, if the chasing ship uses that technique, the ship in front will be caught, unless they, too, use that trick.

    And then, the balance is struck again, and the sloop is faster than the other ships when sailing directly into the wind.

  • you need to face your sailds against the wind. proper against them trust me you are doing it wrong, I evade brigs with ez. your just doing something wrong. and if its just that they are turning abit to get a little extra wind you need to watch and then turn the opposite way so they cant do that. its easy

  • @swimplatypus7 With full sail going with the wind, the galleon is faster than the brigantine, although the brigantine will have faster acceleration.

  • @rip-chongy said in The Brigantine is Faster Into the Wind Than the Sloop. It's Not Balanced.:

    You make the brig sound so good. Why not use it to your benefit?

    The Developers of Sea of Thieves have designed this game so that there is no "best solution" all of the time, but rather a best option for each situation. There is supposed to be balance in each of the options for ships and combat weapons, hence the recent adjustment of the guns. If you want to sail solo or with two people, a sloop is best for you. If you have three people, the brigantine is the best choice, although you could also do a galleon, but there will be some disadvantages to that.

    I don't always sail with a crew of three or more, so I often choose a sloop. There are supposed to be certain advantages to using a sloop (even though there are also many disadvantages) that will help me have a fair chance of navigating the seas, especially if I have an encounter with a crew that has a larger boat. I am arguing that the advantages a sloop has to offer are not as comparable to the brigantine, which has an unfair edge over the sloop due to it superior speed. I am trying to point out imbalance in the game, but your solution is to simply use the "superior" option.

  • The galleon is NOT faster than the brigantine...

  • @darpuhdarp said in The Brigantine is Faster Into the Wind Than the Sloop. It's Not Balanced.:

    I don't always sail with a crew of three or more, so I often choose a sloop. There are supposed to be certain advantages to using a sloop (even though there are also many disadvantages) that will help me have a fair chance of navigating the seas, especially if I have an encounter with a crew that has a larger boat. I am arguing that the advantages a sloop has to offer are not as comparable to the brigantine, which has an unfair edge over the sloop due to it superior speed. I am trying to point out imbalance in the game, but your solution is to simply use the "superior" option.

    It sounds to me like you just expect the sloop to be the SoT trump card. Sorry, it's not. You can escape nearly anything in a sloop (even solo), but you still have to put some effort and smarts into it.

  • Brig = vastly overrated. I’ll take it on in a sloop any day (or get away from the fight if I’d rather). It is way easier to sink than a sloop, terrible at maneuvering. And yes the sloop is faster straight into the wind so I’ve got no idea where the notion that it isn’t comes from. Maybe you weren’t going exactly straight into the wind? Or maybe the brig wasn’t? A brig can, however, overtake surprising quickly if not dead into the wind.

  • I think the balance is fine I have sunken a brig with a sloop hands down.

    You need to be more creative with your approach. It's an open world with so many options.

    I'll teach you add me on xbox

  • @galactic-geek

    Honestly I don't get where they keep coming up with this "Galleon is faster" nonsense, because its simply not.

  • Brig is faster into the wind but only slightly and it is harder to steer but easier to sink. I think the ships are all very balanced.

  • @acebead40319154 said in The Brigantine is Faster Into the Wind Than the Sloop. It's Not Balanced.:

    Brig is faster into the wind but only slightly and it is harder to steer but easier to sink. I think the ships are all very balanced.

    If the ships only needed to be balanced around mobility then maybe, but probably not. You are ignoring a ton of advantages the brig has over the sloop, but if we are just talking about mobility you completely ignored that it is much faster with the wind(which is far more powerful than speed against the wind). If the brig is faster under every circumstance how in the world would slightly slower steering be enough of a handicap to be considered balanced?

  • @acebead40319154 said in The Brigantine is Faster Into the Wind Than the Sloop. It's Not Balanced.:

    Brig is faster into the wind but only slightly...

    This is false. The sloop is faster into the wind.

  • @vin-delanos I want to clarify terms; instead of saying "into the wind" which can easily be misleading, you can say "with the wind" or "against the wind" so there's far less confusion with your phrasing. As is now, your phrasing with the word "into" could be interpreted, or misinterpreted, as either "with" or "against" and that simply doesn't work.

  • @galactic-geek said in The Brigantine is Faster Into the Wind Than the Sloop. It's Not Balanced.:

    @vin-delanos I want to clarify terms; instead of saying "into the wind" which can easily be misleading, you can say "with the wind" or "against the wind" so there's far less confusion with your phrasing. As is now, your phrasing with the word "into" could be interpreted, or misinterpreted, as either "with" or "against" and that simply doesn't work.

    Against the wind.

  • Sloop is the slowest ship in every instance. Period.
    I don't know what the balance is. Idk what it should be. However i do think the sloop could get a speed buff to actually be faster then both brig and galleon when directly against the wind. This would indeed be the true balance fix as the galleon and brig are faster with wind. and would be slower against wind. However THIS IS NOT HOW IT IS RN. The handling on the sloop is definitely the only thing getting you away other then battle. You surely are not out running a galleon or brig. Period. They are faster then a sloop and can easily run away from a sloop with wind. This needs to be the case with the sloop against the wind. Its balance.

  • Playing other games has quelled my hatred for SoT. I used to love it, but the many directions it’s taken since launch steered my interest towards other games.

    I agree that the brig is faster against the wind than the sloop. I’m not sure why the developers decided to do this, although I’m not sure the developers are even aware that this is the case.

    “Make changes and wait for the gamers to inform the developer what changes they’ve made.” “Oops sorry populace, we didn’t know! It’s up to the player to figure out the bugs!”

    Blah blah blah blah PLA10 blah blah blah

  • @they-sank Or when players play the game the way you designed it, call it an exploit instead of taking responsibility. lol

  • @betsill a cannonball from an opposing team hit my boat, reported!!!

  • Tell that to the 5 brigs I sunk last night while on my Galleon easily and without the use of GPB's. If the brig is so Op then how did I win each fight? Also its not really that hard to sink a brig with a sloop, just out sail them. Why is it whenever someone loses they blame their Monitor refresh, their control scheme, Their ISP, The game itself must be rigged against me. Everyone else must be on PC or a hacker because I lost! Also fyi, pc doesn't mean a better pc than an xbox one. Some pc players are rocking dinosaurs.

  • @starquest said in The Brigantine is Faster Into the Wind Than the Sloop. It's Not Balanced.:

    Tell that to the 5 brigs I sunk last night while on my Galleon easily and without the use of GPB's. If the brig is so Op then how did I win each fight? Also its not really that hard to sink a brig with a sloop, just out sail them. Why is it whenever someone loses they blame their Monitor refresh, their control scheme, Their ISP, The game itself must be rigged against me. Everyone else must be on PC or a hacker because I lost! Also fyi, pc doesn't mean a better pc than an xbox one. Some pc players are rocking dinosaurs.

    Oh dear! it's almost like no one was arguing that it's impossible to beat a brig and your anecdote about doing so is meaningless...

  • @betsill actually someone said a brig is op so why even use a Galleon above and i'm saying all ships feel good. You can win a fight in any ship but people for some reason think they need to be fixed. I would rather have bug fixes and more content than them try and appease everyone or change things towards everyone's favorite ship or weapon.

  • @starquest My point is that the fact that you can win with any ship says nothing to the balance of those ships. Obviously. Unless a ship is immune to sinking you can sink it. Again, obviously. So, saying that you have sunk the "OP" ship(whether it's OP or not is irrelevant to this point) is meaningless and adds nothing to the discussion. If you want to say that the brig is balanced then make the case. Don't reference a personal anecdote that no one doubts is possible. I've heard the same thing with weapons "I've beaten someone with "x" weapon using "y" weapon, so weapon balance is fine".

  • @they-sank I dont run from brigs in a sloop so not sure if this is true but I know they can easily outmaneuver. If sloops are slower against wind they are at an advantage if the enemy ship is directly chasing them though. Drop barrels or board the enemy/use eye of reach. 2 vs 3 isn't that unfair when one person can kill 4 people. You kill one and they are at a disadvantage already with a bigger ship to handle. run them close to islands so they hit ground. I feel like people dont use the tools they have and being chased gives you an edge already.

  • @betsill But the counter arguments I have seen is I lost so it must be unbalanced. My question to you is how do we really know when there aren't and hard stats?

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