I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA

  • I've read through some many posts on this forum about how I'm considered a "griefer" or a "bully" because I'm simply doing what the game has built into it. Sinking you. I'm not sure if you have loot hidden on your ship or not, but there is only one way to find out. Sink you. Maybe I need some more supplies and you're the closest thing to me, so I'll sink you while my crew off loads your supplies. There are plenty of reasons for me to go after you and sink you. I just don't get the bad rap that it gets on this forum. This isn't a sailing simulator game, it's a pirate game! Sink each other and have a good time.

    So I'm curious, why does everyone think it's such a bad play style?

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  • @ofury23 So you have chosen death

  • And I'm the one who runs for 5 mins just to see how try hard you are, then turns and fights... kills you a few times, you kill me, I scuttle so you don't get my supplies and you find no loot because I turn in often and saw you coming. I enjoy wasting your time though and inflating your ego.

    I have zero respect for PvP-only players either, by the way. Only players I respect are the ones who embrace the entire game and don't pick easy prey.

  • @realstyli We run into a lot of people who just scuttle after the first death, does it bother us? Not at all.... We just move on to the next ship because believe it or not, you aren't the only other person on the server! Loot doesn't really matter because it gets you nothing that matters and supplies can be picked up at forts if we desperately need it with no other ships around, your "minor inconvenience" of scuttling means nothing in the long run and we see it as just that. PvP in itself is much better in this game rather than just wondering around islands following an X and can be more rewarding too.

  • The only "bad style" I'd say is that when a battle ensues, the needless name-calling and extensive ego-inflation talk is completely unnecessary by some.

    Countless times have I been defeated, or outmatched, yet the winning crew still feels the need to be completely racist, immature, and yells out things I wouldn't want my mother hearing. I mean, I don't know about you, but I don't really yell to my opponents and get in a chatting argument. Seriously no point than to heighten my anxiety.

    This here, isn't enjoyable to me. And usually they did it just to kill me.

  • @navillicious

    Good luck finding the other players, sounds like a really boring session to me... plus, spend some time in open crew and you realise the vast majority of crews are not a challenge... but I applaud you in your incredible feat of sinking that galleon of 6 year olds and stealing their 4 bananas

  • @realstyli You'd be surprised at how quick it is to find other ships actually, I started out in open crews and there's a reason I don't do open crew anymore lol. Nobody said it was an "incredible feat" or a "challenge" sinking the ships I just said it was more fun than following that X and can be more rewarding, ultimately I'm playing for fun and not to grind out gold to buy cosmetics that, in my opinion, don't look that good but when loot does float up I don't mind. But, please, interpret my post however you like.

  • @navillicious

    No matter how I interpret it, I still have zero respect for PvP-only pirates

  • @realstyli You do you man lol

  • Once we sunk a brigatine and then we hear a little kid talk to mommy that he would challenge the pirates for a duell next time to get his chest back..🤕

    We where the loosers and all felt sorry the rest of the evening.. since then we always check first what we are dealing with.🤷‍♂️

    We would have given the kid a duell and we would loose so he could keep the chest if only we had checked first...

    But its a sandbox be the kind of player you like to be and enjoy.

  • @weepaperboats Yeah I can agree with that, we don't really talk smack unless the other crew starts it first. Usually we're talking smack to each other in our discord rather than the other players.

  • @navillicious said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    Loot doesn't really matter


    You call yourself a pirate?!!?

    alt text

  • Actually, sinking is not the only way. You could board and look. You could, heaven forbid, play a bit more historically and parlay to extort the loot.

    I've no issue with the PvP playstyle, it is an integral part of the game. Yet I feel what is happening here on the Fo'rums, is that we are reading the general extremes of either side, then individuals take it personally. Spawn Campers and Carebears are natural enemies in the wild after all.

    It's not the act of PvP or sinking that's at the root of the issue, it's how it is done. I primarily solo and don't really need the loot, so if I get caught snoozing. GG. Now if you board, take the loot, take the supplies, and then proceed to fix my ship and spawn camp while calling me all sorts of gendered slurs, then we have an issue.

    I firmly believe it's a sportsmanship issue on both sides of the fence. It's when the Bad winners and Poor losers encounter each other on the seas that fuel the fire of these posts. The silent majority of players are somewhere in the middle of these extremes.

  • v4ca-hombre I guess you could say I'm a lazy pirate I take from those that put the work in for me ;)

    Btw your name comes up as restricted in the forum filter can't @ ya

    @conal-cuan said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    Actually, sinking is not the only way. You could board and look. You could, heaven forbid, play a bit more historically and parlay to extort the loot.

    I've no issue with the PvP playstyle, it is an integral part of the game. Yet I feel what is happening here on the Fo'rums, is that we are reading the general extremes of either side, then individuals take it personally. Spawn Campers and Carebears are natural enemies in the wild after all.

    It's not the act of PvP or sinking that's at the root of the issue, it's how it is done. I primarily solo and don't really need the loot, so if I get caught snoozing. GG. Now if you board, take the loot, take the supplies, and then proceed to fix my ship and spawn camp while calling me all sorts of gendered slurs, then we have an issue.

    I firmly believe it's a sportsmanship issue on both sides of the fence. It's when the Bad winners and Poor losers encounter each other on the seas that fuel the fire of these posts. The silent majority of players are somewhere in the middle of these extremes.

    Spawn killing just to spawn kill is dumb I will agree with that, generally when I spawn kill it's to hold them off while the crew takes supplies from their ship, see that as you may some would call it unsporting I call it not wasting useful supplies for future battles.

  • @ofury23 What was the point of declaring that you are PVP first and always first exactly?

    Were you hoping for people to recognise you as some sort of SoT Black Beard Pirate Legend and applaud you?

    Or were you just trying to bait those who would rather play the FULL game, which is PVE and PVP when the PVP is necessary.

    Never had to target a ship just to get their supplies, never target any ship less than the ship Im sailing with so if im Gall or Brig I don't purposefully target sloops.

    I like many prefer to embrace the whole of SoT, so that are events, PVE moments and Tall Tales, voyages and PVP when it is either forced upon me (my crew) or when its necessary to protect on board loot or safeguarding a TT completion.

    So you fight first, ask no questions and want to be seen as a Pirate Lord to be feared at all costs....for me, I just look at ya words, see the intent, and not impressed at all by it.

  • @navillicious No issue with that if there are still supplies on board.

    For my part, I don't scuttle immediately, I'll come back at least once. If I am not parlayed with, blundied in the back of the head and cursed at upon respawn, I'll scuttle.
    If I am given the honor of meeting a pirate sportsman who gives me quarter to fully spawn and duel, and I am defeated again. My ship is yours and I will no longer resist.

  • The pure PvXers will leave sooner or later as they dont get what the game is and offers.
    Neither pure PvE nor PvP only is a satisfying experience in the long run.
    Only players who understand that pve and pvp belong together in the Sea of Thieves will eventually play long term.

  • Sinking ships isn't bad
    Its the spawn killing and not taking the supplies or loot.

  • @ofury23 sagte in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    So I'm curious, why does everyone think it's such a bad play style?

    Imho it's neither good nor bad, but a limited aproach.
    If that's your fun, fine do it as long as you have fun and be not a trashtalker.
    To me it would be boring like pve only would be boring.

    What do you think if someone scuttles?
    Takes it away your fun, because you cannot sink them?

    If youre not after loot what do you think of someone runs into the red sea and leaves you nothing.
    No sink, no supplies, no loot.
    Is it fun to chase someone?

    See i normally fight and like PvP.
    But if i'm solo and a Brig or Galleone or even a duo sloop is really after me i do that.
    Nobody sink me, nobody will have my loot.
    If that's fun to you, it's all fine.
    I habe zero problems doing so.
    If you cannot catch me and i made it with my loot and supplies into the red sea i won this battle imo.

    If you insult me for doing so, you havent understood Seabox PvP imho.

  • @cokney-charmer You can read it however you want. I'm not looking for anything but to see the reasons why people think PvP in a game that is built for PvP is so bad. If you have no problem with PvP, then this post isn't really directed towards you.

  • @bugaboo-bill

    It doesn't matter to me if someone scuttles.

    I'll chase for a bit, but if they get away I'll get a little frustrated that they ran without any attempt to fight, but 9/10 I'll see a different ship along the way of the chase to go after instead.

    I've got no problems with someone that avoids PvP in game, I'm annoyed with people that are on the forums and other places trying to get it removed or moved to something different. I like the game as it is, and I like to play in this sandbox world the way I want to.

  • @Ofury23 I think it's a respectable play style.. more power to you 👾

    If people only want to PVE or people only want to PVP I respect you equally 👌

  • @navillicious said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    I guess you could say I'm a lazy pirate I take from those that put the work in for me ;)

    That's not lazy. That's engaging in a protracted naval battle for loot that you, apparently, view as worthless!

    As if any self-respecting pirate would dare call gold worthless.

    If yer not sinking people for treasure, then yer not being a pirate! Yer being.... uh, a Klingon, maybe? A gladiator? Tyler Durden?

    I don't know what, but it's not a pirate!


  • @ofury23

    I like it also exactly like it is.
    I also had days i did PvP only.
    But it quick bored me like my 2 or 3 pve only plays.
    If we see no ship we beg for someone attack us at a fort, come for the Reapers chests or would like to attack someone at a fort or whatever.
    I sometimes have mercy with soloers if we are on a Brigantine or Galleone.

    What i like a lot when soloing is to steal stuff unnoticed or sink bigger ships without beeing noticed.
    Sometimes i'm successfull and sneaky with a rowboat :-)

    The best experience to me is to have contested PvE like a fort, but also doing journeys and have someone coming at us or we spot another ship and take the opportunity to get more loot.
    We dont bother if you dont have loot and instead to sink you i always prefer to let you do your thing and maybe check out later if you have something ;-)

    If i get i'm in a disadvantage running is a viable PvP tactic in a seabox/ sandbox to me.
    Wouldn't be for any Arena style game, but sandbox PvP and thats where im coming from is different.
    So successfully running away and sink in the red sea know you wont get anything is a win to me :-)

    I got insulted for doing that and i thought they didnt get what sandbox PvP is.

    I know it's frustrating, i experienced it on both sides :-)

    As long as you dont spawnkill for spawnkillings sake and insult others there's absolutely no cause to feel bad to PvP.
    To me it would be boring in the long run, but i can see where you are coming from.

    I think KoS and sinking for sinkings sake is a bit limited and is contributing a little less as a pvper.
    I would like if pure pvpers would add some cool and funny RP to it or parlay while chasing or have some loot they risk or whatever.

    If i know the crew is after me only to sink me and nothing else i take the challenge and try to run into the red sea as i count this as a win for me. even if i loose loot.
    But in these scenarios i only can loose. The only win then is to give them no satisfaction :-)

    And it didnt always work.
    Some catched me for sure and then they won and for sure earned it.
    Whatever they were after, if it was loot or to just sink me :-)

    Good winds to you

  • There is nothing wrong with your game style in theory. But a Pirate's primary goal is to get rich, not to kill people. (Time + Risk vs Reward). So don't pretend to be hiding behind the "Acting like a Pirate", because you aren't.

    Unfortunately attacking other players is a poor get rich tactic (Time + Risk vs Reward) in SoT. There are many easier ways to get rich faster at less risk. Those are what a "real" Pirates would choose to do.

    This isn't your fault; it's just the way Rare balanced their game.

  • Ah! so your the guy that comes and interrupts us when we are doing a fort or Athena voyage that we have to sink before we can continue to play the game as it was intended. Thanks now I know!

  • @letslipthedogs Forts are PVP events why are you shocked that someone would sink you? lol

  • @ofury23 said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    I've read through some many posts on this forum about how I'm considered a "griefer" or a "bully" because I'm simply doing what the game has built into it. Sinking you. I'm not sure if you have loot hidden on your ship or not, but there is only one way to find out. Sink you. Maybe I need some more supplies and you're the closest thing to me, so I'll sink you while my crew off loads your supplies. There are plenty of reasons for me to go after you and sink you. I just don't get the bad rap that it gets on this forum. This isn't a sailing simulator game, it's a pirate game! Sink each other and have a good time.

    So I'm curious, why does everyone think it's such a bad play style?

    you know the reason is because they think you or me if I sink some one then it's spawn camping

  • @ofury23 Since this is an AMA, question: Why do you believe the only way to find out if there is loot on board, or gather resources is to sink a ship. I've done both without sinking a ship.

  • @entspeak said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    @ofury23 Since this is an AMA, question: Why do you believe the only way to find out if there is loot on board, or gather resources is to sink a ship. I've done both without sinking a ship.

    well one could board and see then jump off then sink

  • i have plenty of friends, already. i sail the seas for more gold. Your gold is really my gold. And if you have no gold, I will revel in the sight of your ship as it sinks before me.

  • @marsmayflower said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    i have plenty of friends, already. i sail the seas for more gold. Your gold is really my gold. And if you have no gold, I will revel in the sight of your ship as it sinks before me.

    some times me too

  • @mc-rossco said in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    @letslipthedogs Forts are PVP events why are you shocked that someone would sink you? lol

    I didn't say anyone sunk us! We welcome any PVP we just don't go around looking for it.

  • @letslipthedogs sagte in I'm the one that sinks you on sight, even if you have no loot. AMA:

    Ah! so your the guy that comes and interrupts us when we are doing a fort or Athena voyage that we have to sink before we can continue to play the game as it was intended. Thanks now I know!

    It was intended to have some pirates around to sink in between to not get bored doing PvE only 😁

  • @goldseeker-gar I don't think I have ever posted about not finding anybody to sink on the forums but you can generalize me all ya want! At least those posts aren't as annoying or common as these opt out posts ;) yeah I said it

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