Players who cant get all the rewards in Season 1 and 2

  • I didnt play much SoT during Season 1 despite buying the plunder pass because of real life issues and other games i was playing so i never got those rewards.

    Are the Season 1 rewards obtainable now by other methods? Could we just get an option to buy renown with money to level up our passes during seasons? Thats how Rocket League handled its passes, letting you buy ranks incase you value your time over your money.

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  • While you're at it, could you just let us buy 'pirate legend' from the emporium? I'd rather just throw money at the game instead of playing it : ).

  • I don't think he was saying he doesn't want to play, but that he spent money on the pass and didn't get all the rewards. Normally i agree with you @blackbeard-lufy but in this case i think its a little different.

    @xlrking Great avatar! :) My understanding is that they will end up in the emporium at some point, but you will have to buy them (probably).

  • @blackbeard-lufy said in Players who cant get all the rewards in Season 1 and 2:

    While you're at it, could you just let us buy 'pirate legend' from the emporium? I'd rather just throw money at the game instead of playing it : ).

    As if obtaining pirate legend is comparable to a time limited pass in an industry full of FOMO.

  • They literally designed renown for people like you.

    You barely have to play over 3 months to max it. It's so easy to level for doing any activity of your choice that I don't even know how someone could be interested enough to pay it off with money but not interested in the game enough to put a few hours in over 3 months

  • @xlrking the rewards from the plunder pass will eventually make it into the emporium. Some of the season rewards will make it into the shops eventually. Some of the season rewards like titles and shroudbreaker cosmetics will be locked in time forever

  • @captain-coel Thats unfortunate that some of them will be locked to season 1 forever but i guess expected. The rest sounds reasonable.

  • I didnt play much SoT during Season 1 despite buying the plunder pass because of real life issues and other games i was playing so i never got those rewards.

    I bought a gym membership, but I didn't really go due to real life stuff. Should I still get all those sick gains? If you can't be bothered to put in the time, you shouldn't get the rewards. I get it man sometimes life gets in the way, but you bought a membership (plunder pass) but didn't put in the effort to that comes with it.

    To me it sets a bad gaming precedent to just throw money at stuff to get it. That has ripple effects on gaming as a whole, and that just makes games do that even more. Its a nay from me.

  • @blackbeard-lufy said in Players who cant get all the rewards in Season 1 and 2:

    While you're at it, could you just let us buy 'pirate legend' from the emporium? I'd rather just throw money at the game instead of playing it : ).

    EA has entered the chat..

  • @nabberwar said in Players who cant get all the rewards in Season 1 and 2:

    I didnt play much SoT during Season 1 despite buying the plunder pass because of real life issues and other games i was playing so i never got those rewards.

    I bought a gym membership, but I didn't really go due to real life stuff. Should I still get all those sick gains? If you can't be bothered to put in the time, you shouldn't get the rewards. I get it man sometimes life gets in the way, but you bought a membership (plunder pass) but didn't put in the effort to that comes with it.

    To me it sets a bad gaming precedent to just throw money at stuff to get it. That has ripple effects on gaming as a whole, and that just makes games do that even more. Its a nay from me.

    I dont see how a real life gym membership that exists to better your health that can be cancelled at any time and has no tangential reward is comparable to a video game.

    Apex, Rocket League and many other games allow you to trade money for time. Obviously id want to play when i can and unlock items naturally but near the end of seasons sometimes its just better to buy the rest of the pass youre missing. Fall Guys doesnt let you buy tiers but near the end of their season theres double EXP since the grind gets absurd.

    This attitude from SoT players is absolutely toxic for suggesting anything optional.

  • @xlrking said in Players who cant get all the rewards in Season 1 and 2:

    @nabberwar said in Players who cant get all the rewards in Season 1 and 2:

    This attitude from SoT players is absolutely toxic for suggesting anything optional.

    I totally agree with this normally, but in this situation your 'FOMO' shouldn't be greater than the time I put in to hit 100 imo. Why have any semblance of game progression if you can just buy said progression? Cosmetics come and go, get the cool ones you can and miss out on some. If everyone had everything the seas wouldn't be nearly as interesting.

  • @xlrking said in Players who cant get all the rewards in Season 1 and 2:

    @nabberwar said in Players who cant get all the rewards in Season 1 and 2:

    I didnt play much SoT during Season 1 despite buying the plunder pass because of real life issues and other games i was playing so i never got those rewards.

    I bought a gym membership, but I didn't really go due to real life stuff. Should I still get all those sick gains? If you can't be bothered to put in the time, you shouldn't get the rewards. I get it man sometimes life gets in the way, but you bought a membership (plunder pass) but didn't put in the effort to that comes with it.

    To me it sets a bad gaming precedent to just throw money at stuff to get it. That has ripple effects on gaming as a whole, and that just makes games do that even more. Its a nay from me.

    I dont see how a real life gym membership that exists to better your health that can be cancelled at any time and has no tangential reward is comparable to a video game.

    Apex, Rocket League and many other games allow you to trade money for time. Obviously id want to play when i can and unlock items naturally but near the end of seasons sometimes its just better to buy the rest of the pass youre missing. Fall Guys doesnt let you buy tiers but near the end of their season theres double EXP since the grind gets absurd.

    This attitude from SoT players is absolutely toxic for suggesting anything optional.

    i take a little issue with this. please don't encourage company's to nickle and dime us. if they gave us what your asking for, mark my words the next step is to make the pass so hard to get by playing, that people will have to pay extra money to get to lvl 100. I play this game because i enjoy it, and don't want to feel like i have someone with a hand out every time i log in. I'm sorry you didn't get a chance to complete the pass, but you had to have known that was a possibility when you spent the money for it in the first place, rite?

  • @xlrking said in Players who cant get all the rewards in Season 1 and 2:

    @nabberwar said in Players who cant get all the rewards in Season 1 and 2:

    I didnt play much SoT during Season 1 despite buying the plunder pass because of real life issues and other games i was playing so i never got those rewards.

    I bought a gym membership, but I didn't really go due to real life stuff. Should I still get all those sick gains? If you can't be bothered to put in the time, you shouldn't get the rewards. I get it man sometimes life gets in the way, but you bought a membership (plunder pass) but didn't put in the effort to that comes with it.

    To me it sets a bad gaming precedent to just throw money at stuff to get it. That has ripple effects on gaming as a whole, and that just makes games do that even more. Its a nay from me.

    I dont see how a real life gym membership that exists to better your health that can be cancelled at any time and has no tangential reward is comparable to a video game.

    Apex, Rocket League and many other games allow you to trade money for time. Obviously id want to play when i can and unlock items naturally but near the end of seasons sometimes its just better to buy the rest of the pass youre missing. Fall Guys doesnt let you buy tiers but near the end of their season theres double EXP since the grind gets absurd.

    This attitude from SoT players is absolutely toxic for suggesting anything optional.

    Since you want to get nitpick a perfectly valid comparison to justify your sense of entitlement, allow me to do the same you your critique.

    1. In actuality most gym memberships are notoriously difficult to quit, so that point doesn't fly (much less has any relevance to the discussion at hand).

    2. even if that was the case, you don't get refunds for partial months and most are sold in certain blocks of time such as year memberships.

    3. the reward from the gym is improved health, strength, endurance, muscle shaping, etc.... and are more tangible than the digital items offered within the Plunder Pass.

    His analogy boils down to your paid a membership price for a certain service that gives you benefits - health and fitness in the case of the Gym, access to Emporium items for the price of your Plunder Pass. Both require some sort of "work" to get the benefits, you don't put in the work then you done get the benefits...even if you "paid" for them. Nothing toxic about this so don't try that crud on me just because you don't like the answer.

    But as said earlier, nearly all the items will be available in shops and the Emporium at some time in the future...but locked behind commendations or Ancient Coins now.

    Finally, you had nearly a whole THREE MONTHS to put in probably about 20-30 hours (less if you worked hard at it, concentrating on specific tasks) in order to reach top level of the Pass. The "grind" for this Pass is pretty non-existent, in fact I feel they needed to make it more difficult as I reached level 100 in about a weeks time, without really trying at all. So no need to add such scummy "Pay2Win" tactics that the other games you pointed out use to bilk their player base.

  • @shifty189 said in Players who cant get all the rewards in Season 1 and 2:

    @xlrking said in Players who cant get all the rewards in Season 1 and 2:

    @nabberwar said in Players who cant get all the rewards in Season 1 and 2:

    I didnt play much SoT during Season 1 despite buying the plunder pass because of real life issues and other games i was playing so i never got those rewards.

    I bought a gym membership, but I didn't really go due to real life stuff. Should I still get all those sick gains? If you can't be bothered to put in the time, you shouldn't get the rewards. I get it man sometimes life gets in the way, but you bought a membership (plunder pass) but didn't put in the effort to that comes with it.

    To me it sets a bad gaming precedent to just throw money at stuff to get it. That has ripple effects on gaming as a whole, and that just makes games do that even more. Its a nay from me.

    I dont see how a real life gym membership that exists to better your health that can be cancelled at any time and has no tangential reward is comparable to a video game.

    Apex, Rocket League and many other games allow you to trade money for time. Obviously id want to play when i can and unlock items naturally but near the end of seasons sometimes its just better to buy the rest of the pass youre missing. Fall Guys doesnt let you buy tiers but near the end of their season theres double EXP since the grind gets absurd.

    This attitude from SoT players is absolutely toxic for suggesting anything optional.

    i take a little issue with this. please don't encourage company's to nickle and dime us. if they gave us what your asking for, mark my words the next step is to make the pass so hard to get by playing, that people will have to pay extra money to get to lvl 100. I play this game because i enjoy it, and don't want to feel like i have someone with a hand out every time i log in. I'm sorry you didn't get a chance to complete the pass, but you had to have known that was a possibility when you spent the money for it in the first place, rite?

    I dont encourage or want the season balancing to shift in favor of people just buying tiers outright.

    Ive also been playing since launch and have spent money on things in SoT that you literally cannot get without paying. So suddenly offering an option to buy tiers is somehow bad?

  • @xlrking said in Players who cant get all the rewards in Season 1 and 2:

    @shifty189 said in Players who cant get all the rewards in Season 1 and 2:

    @xlrking said in Players who cant get all the rewards in Season 1 and 2:

    @nabberwar said in Players who cant get all the rewards in Season 1 and 2:

    I didnt play much SoT during Season 1 despite buying the plunder pass because of real life issues and other games i was playing so i never got those rewards.

    I bought a gym membership, but I didn't really go due to real life stuff. Should I still get all those sick gains? If you can't be bothered to put in the time, you shouldn't get the rewards. I get it man sometimes life gets in the way, but you bought a membership (plunder pass) but didn't put in the effort to that comes with it.

    To me it sets a bad gaming precedent to just throw money at stuff to get it. That has ripple effects on gaming as a whole, and that just makes games do that even more. Its a nay from me.

    I dont see how a real life gym membership that exists to better your health that can be cancelled at any time and has no tangential reward is comparable to a video game.

    Apex, Rocket League and many other games allow you to trade money for time. Obviously id want to play when i can and unlock items naturally but near the end of seasons sometimes its just better to buy the rest of the pass youre missing. Fall Guys doesnt let you buy tiers but near the end of their season theres double EXP since the grind gets absurd.

    This attitude from SoT players is absolutely toxic for suggesting anything optional.

    i take a little issue with this. please don't encourage company's to nickle and dime us. if they gave us what your asking for, mark my words the next step is to make the pass so hard to get by playing, that people will have to pay extra money to get to lvl 100. I play this game because i enjoy it, and don't want to feel like i have someone with a hand out every time i log in. I'm sorry you didn't get a chance to complete the pass, but you had to have known that was a possibility when you spent the money for it in the first place, rite?

    I dont encourage or want the season balancing to shift in favor of people just buying tiers outright.

    Ive also been playing since launch and have spent money on things in SoT that you literally cannot get without paying. So suddenly offering an option to buy tiers is somehow bad?

    In my humble opinion, yes

  • @captain-coel will the pirate legend curse be available again?

  • @greed351 I would guess at some point yes, we just don't know when.

  • @xlrking said in Players who cant get all the rewards in Season 1 and 2:

    @nabberwar said in Players who cant get all the rewards in Season 1 and 2:

    I didnt play much SoT during Season 1 despite buying the plunder pass because of real life issues and other games i was playing so i never got those rewards.

    I bought a gym membership, but I didn't really go due to real life stuff. Should I still get all those sick gains? If you can't be bothered to put in the time, you shouldn't get the rewards. I get it man sometimes life gets in the way, but you bought a membership (plunder pass) but didn't put in the effort to that comes with it.

    To me it sets a bad gaming precedent to just throw money at stuff to get it. That has ripple effects on gaming as a whole, and that just makes games do that even more. Its a nay from me.

    I dont see how a real life gym membership that exists to better your health that can be cancelled at any time and has no tangential reward is comparable to a video game.

    Apex, Rocket League and many other games allow you to trade money for time. Obviously id want to play when i can and unlock items naturally but near the end of seasons sometimes its just better to buy the rest of the pass youre missing. Fall Guys doesnt let you buy tiers but near the end of their season theres double EXP since the grind gets absurd.

    This attitude from SoT players is absolutely toxic for suggesting anything optional.

    Honestly you just need to be smart, only buy the pass when you reach max level.

  • @xlrking said in Players who cant get all the rewards in Season 1 and 2:

    Thats how Rocket League handled its passes, letting you buy ranks incase you value your time over your money.

    Well...this isnt RL so?
    Tho the answer is, Yes they will appear in the Pirate Emporium later. But why pay when you can unlock?

  • @burnbacon said in Players who cant get all the rewards in Season 1 and 2:

    @xlrking said in Players who cant get all the rewards in Season 1 and 2:

    Thats how Rocket League handled its passes, letting you buy ranks incase you value your time over your money.

    Well...this isnt RL so?
    Tho the answer is, Yes they will appear in the Pirate Emporium later. But why pay when you can unlock?

    Games are not in their own bubble independent of the industry. SoT uses ideas or feedback from players who enjoy other live service games. Its completely asinine to disregard feedback just because theyre different genres.

    The idea of a "battle pass" in and of itself got popularized by Fortnite just to inform you.

  • @xlrking this games pass require a ridiculously small time investment over 10 weeks. If you can not finish it, don't buy it.

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