Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2

  • Everyone camp skull forts and move in when it disappears...then these forums will fill up again with whiners stating they tool 45 mins. To clear and was then ambushed by campers/griefers.

  • @x1-two said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    Ahem ... no? If you camp out a crew that is doing the fort for you and kill their ship at the right time, they will spawn so far away that they can't get revenge. And the camper will succeed. This only helps against those griefers that just send ship after ship towards you, not the campers.

    If unmolested with a good crew, I can clear a fort in 15-20 minutes and then another 5-10 for the lewts. I haven't tested, but it feels like this change will give me 10 minutes respite vs the 3 or so that I currently get.

    So, yes, you still need to keep watch, but it means that no matter when another galleon decides to come in and attack, if you push them back once, you've got enough breathing room to complete. At absolute worst, they'll harrass you twice during the fort attempt vs the 10 or so currently.

    For those who take longer than that, then yes, perhaps it'll still be a problem, but ultimately, the best crew should win the fort, not the one who can sail back fastest.

  • @khaleesibot Thanks for all the hard work guys, loving the responsiveness to all our queries. Have a grog on us :)

  • @zeo sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    In a specific instance: I was with a few friends of mediocre experience.
    They were being floaty and flighty, doing as they please, and I was allowing them to. It wasn't in me to bark at them as I would players who should know better. It just wasn't that serious.
    A sloop. 2 man. Much more experienced than my own crew..
    Came from behind as we were on a voyage.
    Yes, a VOYAGE.
    Not a Fort, to drive the argument about forts being the only method of respawn tanking.

    We sank them, the first time. Through effort and cunning, and a bit of marionetting, but they came back. By the second time my friends who are very flighty were annoyed and bored with it, and their experience was literally ruined due to it.

    I have not been able to get them to come back to the game.

    THIS is the reason I pushed so hard. THIS is the reason I raise my nose.

    Not only griefers now being the ones penalized, but all ill-equipped pirates.

    Best skill-up before you even think about sailing in my direction.

    Just remember... We don't fire first.

    We make sure we're the last to fire, though.

    i love that! we don't fire first too! (and if so, trust me i will scream at my mates! and tell them to join a other crew if they do it again) And we also try to be the last how fired the cannons! i hope we will meet on the sea, then we go with 2 gallons or 1 gallon and one sloop on hunting :)

  • All this is gonna do have the same people whining they got killed after finishing the fort so still didn't get their loot. Atleast before you had an actual chance of taking your stuff back. Horrible horrible idea.

  • @u-go-6-ft-below If you cannot defend your treasure, you deserve to lose it. That is the game! Would you rather fight the same ship 6 times or fight it once? I would love if a ship camped me. I would then sail towards them and sink them and laugh at their wasted time watching me play.

  • @dezm0nd said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    Thanks for the update. Regarding the mermaid teleport fix... either I’m stupid and i can’t work out what it means or it’s written poorly.

    Could you clarify it better? The notes suggest that you’ve fixed the accidental teleporting with items in hand but also people have left stuff on the island?

    I’m confused! Help!

    Right now, if yuou go up to the mermaid with a chest, it says in yellow text "Warning, chest won't be transported" or words to that effect, but still lets you use the mermaid.

    Now they're saying that to use the mermaid, you must first drop the chest.

  • @trigdome This is what happens when Rare listens to a bunch of people whining. First the no death cost and now the extended respawn distance. Pretty soon all servers will be PvE and the rewards will be hugs.

  • @u-go-6-ft-below Yeah my dude, it should be well known for now that if you want the loot to do the skellie forts, you have to be good at pvp to actually get them.

    If you can’t win against 2 galleons and another sloop, you are best just not bother with the fort and waste your time. Sometimes you can get lucky if you do it fast enough that you can get away before the other ships are prepared for the fort fights.

    But really man.. you gotta just grab that stuff and run. Last night we ran up on a fort that just got completed.. they had to see us coming.. there was already 2-3 boats there fighting.. and they opened the vault!! We weren’t even gonna bother with it until ships started sinking. We came up on it.. scared away the last remaining sloop and ran off with half the fort without doing anything but showing up. We didn’t even have the supplies for a prolonged fight.

    Play smarter, not harder.

  • @diamondvp then clearly u dont play much if u never had a problem before the problem was fixed. so why comment at all? just go back under your bridge and stay put matey

  • @stephenfarren said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    @l0ver0fmys0ul It is seriously 2 weeks after launch, relax. Content is coming in June.

    I'm sorry, but it's absolutely not your ability to tell me how I should feel about a game developer not releasing a finished game. Relentlessly, during beta and stress tests, they told us that at launch there would be more content and that what was available for beta was just to whet our collective appetites. They promised a bigger map, the pirate legend stuff, better performance and fewer bugs, and better ability to play with friends. Literally not one of those was available at launch, and some were actually made worse (the performance aspect).

    Please stop standing up for them like we're being bullies to a kid on the playground that doesn't deserve it. They're a company selling a product and people that paid for that product are not satisfied with what they received for their money. I love Sea of Thieves, but it's severely lacking -- the only reason I keep playing is because I enjoy the experiences I have in it with my friends...but the game itself is not the reason for that.

    Saying "Content is coming in June" has to sound ridiculous as you type it. You have to look at the words you're writing and think about it, no? We bought a game that didn't have all of the content they promised, and we're having to wait 3 months to get it?

  • Some issue still occurring after April 4 patch/maintenance

    • Lag spikes & rubberbanding - I play EU and lag spikes/rubberbanding are common (average 70ms ping but often spikes to 120+ sometimes as extreme as 285ms, with rare spikes of 400+ms)
    • Vanity/Clothing chest UI broken - must use Q & E first, then you can use the mouse to click through different items (but this then stops Q & E from working)

    Some other issues observed prior to the patch, unable to confirm if still active at present though not mentioned in known issues list

    • Weapon loadouts not updating/saving - when joining a game I get spawned with a very old weapon loadout
    • Cannons at Skull Forts glitch out - players cannot load/unload or fire them
    • NPCs do not restock voyages - if a player buys a voyage and then abandons it, sometimes the voyage giver does not restock, meaning the player can often only buy a max of 6 voyages and must then go to another island.
    • Instance merging despawns loot & forts - when instances merge, existing loot in the world (such as an loot in an un-opened skull fort vault) is despawned. Active skull forts can also de-spawn.
    • Underwater shipwreck collision - when underwater in shipwrecks, if any part of the player touches the shipwreck/assets all movement stops. This was the same in the beta but was not an issue in the alpha.
    • Push To Talk enabled setting not maintained beyond initial launch of title - When launching SoT for the first time, if PTT is set to "On" the game correctly requires the bound key to be pressed. Dropping back to the main menu and rejoining / matchmaking will ignore the PTT setting, behaving as if set to "Off", requiring a manual update of this to take effect once more.
    • Gunpowder Barrels do not explode when shot - when shooting a gunpowder barrel they do not always explode and sometimes require multiple shots (maybe intentional?). I have also noticed that the label on the barrel is bulletproof and the barrel will never explode if you shoot at the label.
    • Firing yourself from a cannon shoots you in a random direction - when you aim to fire yourself from a cannon you can often be shot (literally) out through the side of the cannon and end up nowhere near where you aimed.

    @khaleesibot @Rare-Employee

  • Rare...early steps in the right direction. AOD appreciates your efforts and is content to continue having a blast playing this as we manage to every night since launch, while we wait for whatever is next. We're especially looking forward to any clan support you guys have planned. Cheers!

    On a personal note, I don't get people that cry this way or throw salt. Win or lose, I laugh. If u stow away on my ship or best me in combat, you get the same chuckles I do, so have at it lol

  • @stephenfarren the extended repawn distance was very very much needed. so we didnt have to keep fighting trolls like yourself. after u get sunk 6x by the same ship, admit defeat and go away, now ill only have to sink u 1-2x instead of 6... on the downside tho, you landlovers will be bringing in less cannon balls and bananas. allways love it when the casuals bring supplies to stock our ship

  • FYI: A support article that says "Can't play the game as intended? Do a bunch of stuff then kill yourself" Isn't support. It's a bandaid. Fix it, it can't be that hard.

    Sailing away from Devil's Ridge does NOT work. I've spent so much time and gold having to cancel missions on this and other Islands that it's laughable "bug". How about you give us our gold back and something for making us waste time and gold on game missions that simply do not work? You know, game missions that are one of the only 3 things you can actually do in the game?

  • @l0ver0fmys0ul I think that you watch too many twitch streams or something because you are wrong on so many levels lol. Rare has given us the exact product they stated that we would have at launch. There is not one thing missing. They never lied. It might have not met your expectations, but they are not liars.

    1. They did not promise a bigger map at launch. This is fake news.
    2. The pirate legend stuff? There is pirate legend stuff. Just not the amount that you would have liked I guess.
    3. As a Pioneer, the game release had fewer bugs and better performance. For other Pioneers, remember the below deck stutter?? That was terrible!
    4. I play with friends all the time and have no issues what so ever grouping.
  • @khaleesibot

    Fixed Issues

    • [PC Only] Players should no longer experience the 0x80070005 error or get stuck at 99% during installation.

    You mean like this one I just got? Error Code: 0x80070005

  • When will achievements be fixed properly? And is anyone else still waiting for their founder sails?

  • PERFECT !!! No more boring repetitive fights for the forts. In my opinion game should go further and one time your ship sunk, it changes your server. Like you really died in that server, and loose all your chances there, it will make pirates take much more attention to self ships.

  • @blazebeard88 What are you talking about?? Like me? Land Lover? w*f? Why do you think I get sunk 6 times? Built up hostility much?

  • Ship respawn distance : Great !
    Achievements earned prior to March 29th are delayed, but will be awarded once our fix is applied.

    Can't wait to see all my achievements pop at once :D

  • @khaleesibot Thank you for yet another prompt update. The community would also love to hear about content expansions (and the approximate eta) to retain the momentum of the notably large player base. I never had an issue with spawn closest; if people want to continuously bash against my crew and get sunk literally 3-4 times in a row before they log - that's their prerogative :) See you all out there...!

  • @bloodfrenzy187 same bruh!!! (castaways) it’s annoying

  • Having the whole game working slower on Xbox One X.

  • @zeo you sound like a baby. did you get your castaway chests stolen? would you like a lollilop? why so mad man

  • First like to say Thank you so much Rare for working h*****n this game. The community really wants to see a direction though. A road map with timelines of content releases and updates would be great.

  • @stephenfarren There is legend pirate stuff ? Are you seriously saying that two cosmetics is enough to say that ?

    You are clearly playing on words, or made a joke I didn't understand.

  • Perhaps... just perhaps...

    Crews might be more willing to band together for forts and split the loot.

    It does look like Rare severely underestimated people who are 'that guy'. I'm just glad there's no K/D ratio in this game, otherwise it would be doomed.

  • Can someone explain the mermaid problem cause do they mean that now people can teleport to their ship with treasure by using the mermaid. If that’s true than that is stupid cause now people can just hop on ships jump off and teleport back to their ship with treasure and if u sink a ship the enemy ship that sank now can grab their treasure and teleport with it back to their new ship.

  • known issues.....
    Some players are unable to equip a second weapon. For a potential workaround see our Support Article.
    For an update on these three issues, please read our Launch Update written by Executive Producer, Joe Neate.

    still not fixed and you said it would be with todays patch which i did not have to download anything on pc

  • @stephenfarren said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    @l0ver0fmys0ul I think that you watch too many twitch streams or something because you are wrong on so many levels lol. Rare has given us the exact product they stated that we would have at launch. There is not one thing missing. They never lied. It might have not met your expectations, but they are not liars.

    1. They did not promise a bigger map at launch. This is fake news.
    2. The pirate legend stuff? There is pirate legend stuff. Just not the amount that you would have liked I guess.
    3. As a Pioneer, the game release had fewer bugs and better performance. For other Pioneers, remember the below deck stutter?? That was terrible!
    4. I play with friends all the time and have no issues what so ever grouping.


    The Design Director literally said "Tons of customization at launch", when asked about ship and pirate customizations, beyond what was in the beta.

    What I meant by 'Pirate Legend' is that there's currently nothing that they said would be available: The Pirate Legend ship? Nope. The Pirate Legend ship customizations? Nope. Pirate Legend quests that are new and different than existing? Nope. Maybe you need sources? Here's Chapman's examples for what the game will have:

    The issue with grouping is I have to know exactly how many people we're going to have before we even go in. If we have 3 people that can play and then a fourth messages and says he can join...we have to quit whatever we're doing to restart the game. We can't just allow him on our ship, even if it's a Galleon made for 4 people. The same is true if one of us leaves...a fourth will randomly join that we have no control over.

    This works counter to everything they say about wanting people to jump in with their friends and have fun.

  • @x1-two yeah but this is ok with me. Camping out and jiding for the ambush is part of the game. At least now when i kill the campers who attempt to sink us, i will have time to loot the iland before they can return.

  • Still crashing with no error message after 15-30 minutes playing.

  • For all the Pros and Cons - I love this game.

    Thank you.

  • @inkar-agobi Is that workaround working for you? for 5 days, no matter what I do I cannot equip a second weapon.

    Can you post about your method-fix?


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