Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.3

  • yeeees the Megalodon!!!!!

  • If we have already purchaesd rep from the bilge rat will it automatically update ome whole level?

  • I went and tested out the new steering on the galleon solo... It was awesome. I dont know. This is a pirate fantasy game, so it kinda makes sense. I play on a sloop all the time, along with solo slooping.

    I dont think the new galleon steering is a big change. Just an enjoyment change, no one likes driving a bus haha.

    In all respect of realism, the pirate at the helm wouldn't be steering hand-over-hand (yes, in a storm they would), but if you were making a hard turn you would command "raise sails!" grab the helm spin it hard to the right or left really quick and catch it, then help with sails, proceed to drop sails and correct helm.

    It has always felt like too much time on the helm while steering the galleon in the first place for me personally

  • "Since the retreat of the Hungering one back to the deep"

    So it's official that she isn't dead...

  • Bad patch! No... worst patch!
    Where is in patch note information about changing galleon's wheel turnover from 2 to 1 turns? Now galleon manoeuvrable almost like sloop! What's next? You'll leave just one sail?
    What are you doing with the game? Why you breaking what works well? If you don't know what to do, just add some PvP content in your PvP game to attract people play this game! It's not hard, for example, you can open all inactive forts and let in one time appear two of them, one - easy like current, one - harder or make the appearance of the fort more often.

  • @xmaster13ag jumping around the mountains looking for chairs is stupid in my opinion,why can't you find a chest with these doubloons in it through a complicated treasure map?

  • @korsair178 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.3:

    @xmaster13ag jumping around the mountains looking for chairs is stupid in my opinion,why can't you find a chest with these doubloons in it through a complicated treasure map?

    I liked the idea of the thrones. Having to shoot ur self out of cannon to reach h them was hilarious. I just wish there were more..... I so thought they were going to bring ten more this week. What a missed opportunity....

  • Wheel of a galleon works the same as a sloop's. Only two full rotations.

  • @korsair178 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.3:

    @xmaster13ag jumping around the mountains looking for chairs is stupid in my opinion,why can't you find a chest with these doubloons in it through a complicated treasure map?

    While I completely understand peoples' stance on the whole skeleton thrones event being somewhat bland and "forcing" multi-crew interaction yet again, but making it just another treasure hunt would be too similar to a Gold Hoarders voyage and people would complain about it even more.

    @igotderpy I haven't loaded up the game yet today after the patch, but does this actually make the galleon as agile as a sloop? I LOVED how the galleon sailed with two 360 rotations, if it's truly only one rotation in each direction, that seems like it'd be incredibly broken...

  • Wooo! Bring on the megs!

  • @Rare-Employee

    A very good bug and why always 0 treasure with kraken and Hungering One ?

    now we are fleeing the kraken because it is a waste of time, it will obviously be the same with hungering One... It's hard to reveal some treasure when we killed them ?

    text alternatif
    it's a beautiful tree for a PS2 system. Why nerf graphics ? It's normal to make equity players on the distance display boats / players but why lowered the quality of the graphics for everyone ?

    I do not understand you, you have a masterpiece in your hands, it only lacks content but you are breaking it completely. Instead of improving the graphics for those who have a PC capable of managing, you lower the quality for everyone, which is incomprehensible !

    The balancing between the galleon and the sloop was very good but now, as the galleon is more manageable, it will take the advantage.

  • @opticalmatrix Any idea if our dubloons, AKA dubbies, can be used in the future or will they disappear after this event? I have 60 left after buying the time-limited exclusive items and I was pondering on saving them for future purchases that might be more rewarding than what is currently offered. I am still around lvl 30 in everything but I can work my way up without buying reputation.

    Love the game and the mechanics and the thoughts behind earning your scars from time-limited events so that years down the line we can show them off. "Back in the day when meg first appeared we had to let her take a chunk out of our flank as sacrifice before being able to kill her" Oh I can hear the stories now! :)

  • @urihamrayne Not for me as of last night...or are you saying the Galleon steering issue is new with 1.1.3?

  • @bo05ter what do you think?

  • @urihamrayne Sarcasm dully apologies.

  • I hope the Galleon's new steering is unintentional and not by design. I agree with the sentiment that the ship has both enough advantages and short comings to make it fair as is.

  • @jejesasa said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.3:


    A very good bug and why always 0 treasure with kraken and Hungering One ?

    now we are fleeing the kraken because it is a waste of time, it will obviously be the same with hungering One... It's hard to reveal some treasure when we killed them ?

    text alternatif
    it's a beautiful tree for a PS2 system. Why nerf graphics ? It's normal to make equity players on the distance display boats / players but why lowered the quality of the graphics for everyone ?

    I do not understand you, you have a masterpiece in your hands, it only lacks content but you are breaking it completely. Instead of improving the graphics for those who have a PC capable of managing, you lower the quality for everyone, which is incomprehensible !

    The balancing between the galleon and the sloop was very good but now, as the galleon is more manageable, it will take the advantage.

    Good work rare Realy good work the megaledon using 1 attack and seems like 1 more special attack as charging its head to the boat and having siezures , by the way i realy like the detailed new tree animation .... oh dont forget the biweekly events changed from promotion them as weekly content to keep us busy on every video you were uploading and speaking of at E3 mere joke what you are doing there i have nothing to say

  • @eretan01 They posted a Developer Update this morning and said that dubloons will carry over, and it was mentioned a few times previously. If they successfully make the faction boosts one full level, I'll be holding onto mine, for sure.

  • Is the galleon supposed to have 2 turns wheel

  • In the video they said that they changed the weekly events to two week events so people could have more time to complete.... But they should still stick with adding a new event every week like they promised in many dev reports. This is non-sense that they keep backing out of previous statements.

  • @treefittymonsta Agree, if they had a plan for weekly events and had them all planned out, why not over lap them? would it be so bad to have two different events active at once, that overlap by a week? Then we still get a new event every week, but have two weeks to complete it! Seems like they can only handle one thing at a time

  • @treefittymonsta it is preferable that they don't vomit out low effort updates just because they said once that they would do an update every week. Quality over quantity always. If this means that they get more time to reevaluate each update and work on their replayability as well as the general engagement the event brings I think its a fair trade that we would need to wait an extra week.

    In the future they will certainly repeat events they did before, so that people get to experience them again, though, I don't want to replay the skelleton thrones even again because I hated it, it would nice to have repeats of these special "weekly" events.

  • @shuoink said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.3:

    @treefittymonsta Agree, if they had a plan for weekly events and had them all planned out, why not over lap them? would it be so bad to have two different events active at once, that overlap by a week? Then we still get a new event every week, but have two weeks to complete it! Seems like they can only handle one thing at a time

    Yah. I guess they can only handle one thing at a time.... This might not bode well for future 'weekly' events.

  • @skulliah said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.3:

    others are said to be just as unforgiving as The Hungering One!

    Going to freak out everytime I'll sail alone! 😱

    My guess is they will only attack galleons like the kraken.

  • So...add mini megaladons..and reintroduce all bugs fixed from previous patches? Didnt the cannon fire bug get fixed??
    Yall shouldnt remove anything...just keep the event items ingame but remove ability to get debloons from sitting on a throne...cmon now...

  • Thanks for the transparency! Please keep focusing on fixing bugs and further optimization like the notes said. There's nothing more hurtful to a game than a good concept executed poorly. But so far so good!

  • @adiscomassacre said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.3:

    @skulliah said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.3:

    others are said to be just as unforgiving as The Hungering One!

    Going to freak out everytime I'll sail alone! 😱

    My guess is they will only attack galleons like the kraken.

    No, they attack sloops too. I felt my heart beating very quickly when I saw the fin just near me. No one is safe!

  • @jejesasa I was just there where you are in this screenshot(cannon cove). It is a you thing, your client side or computer. It looked great for me.

  • Still not addressing the balance Rare, the disc remains a coffee mat.

  • @opticalmatrix I just played a Skull Fort for about 45 mins and the next wave of skeletons never showed up. The skull was still over the fort in the sky, but the next wave never showed up. We waited at 15 mins and nothing happened.

  • @opticalmatrix What brings you around here???

    -Captain Swag Pants

  • @kaptenfisk

    The most disappointing patch I’ve ever seen. Nothing new.. really???

    Do you understand what software developers mean by the word "patch"?

  • @darth-cp3o said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.3:

    @opticalmatrix I just played a Skull Fort for about 45 mins and the next wave of skeletons never showed up. The skull was still over the fort in the sky, but the next wave never showed up. We waited at 15 mins and nothing happened.

    When that happens you need to kill your whole crew. Gather around a gunpowder barrel and blow it up. When you respawn it should be fixed.

  • @capnroguebeard I doubt these fantasy pirate ships have the hydraulic systems needed to pull off the wheel spin you mention. Without that, the force of the water against the rudder would definitely require both hands.

  • will these new megalodons attack sloops, and how often do they appear?

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