Xbox mouse and keyboard support

  • I love sea of thieves and I love useing a mouse and keyboard, the Xbox one now supports mouse and keyboard however sea of thieves does not support it. I was wondering if anyone knows if the game will allow console players to use our preferred control method on Xbox.


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  • @zmanz321321

    Yes it will, Rare is working on it. Even Razer confirmed this week that Sea of Thieves will be supported for their upcoming keyboard and mouse for Xbox!

  • @skulliah
    Thanks. Can't wait until then, hopefully it's here before the Arena.

  • Im hoping theres a server for controller vs controller and one for keyboard vs keyboard

  • @natiredgals said in Xbox mouse and keyboard support:

    Im hoping theres a server for controller vs controller and one for keyboard vs keyboard

    It doesn't need server splits. I play on PC with a controller exclusively and I have no problem coming up against K&M players. Just got to be smart about how you play.

  • @realstyli if this was the case why does fornite spilt it. Any game really there separate.

  • @natiredgals said in Xbox mouse and keyboard support:

    @realstyli if this was the case why does fornite spilt it. Any game really there separate.

    Because Sea of Thieves is a game designed specifically for fun. It is not a competitive game, it has no leagues, clans or any other kind of competitive mode, nor should it because it was never designed for that kind of play.

    Trying to adapt Sea of Thieves to specific competitive play that has match making systems and match making ratings or any of that will be the destruction of Sea of Thieves.

    Segregation of the player base is also extremely foolish, it will undermine the community and damage permanently the game.

    The only reason to segregate populations of players is because you have built a competitive rated game from the ground up, and the game mechanics are so extremely tuned that any kind of deviation would cause a massive difference in outcome.

    Examples of games like this are Quake, Unreal Tournament, Delta Force, Duke3D, ROTT, Tribes, and other true high speed FPS games.

    Many of the modern FPS games are not worthy of being considered a competitive FPS, but unfortunately now days video game design is not geared that way any more, and all that matters is making money on micro transactions, and nothing more.

    The concerns that players have regarding controller input types is utterly ridiculous in truth because of ONE major reason.

    You're not playing on a LAN, if you're playing on the internet, then you're never going to have a level playing field no matter what you believe.

    Additionally this is not a competitive game as initially pointed out above, and nothing can ever change the casual fun nature of Sea of Thieves.

    Attempting to turn Sea of Thieves into something it is not will only destroy it.

  • @swimplatypus7 Alot of streamers are making the game competitive. Im happy if my loot couldn't be taken do i want a pve server nah but i want a chance to win. Right now im paying for a disadvantage i can't enjoy ship battles because someone shoots someone over double taps me done. This is being worked on and I'll hold my thoughts until it's released. I know this internet i know that no one is always even but would like a even console vs console or input vs input whatever. If you think that will ruin this community i don't think it will. If you take it away all together then you ruin it but you don't have to.

  • @natiredgals

    Who cares about streamers. They're far from the top tier in gaming, they're just entertainment oriented players that thrive in handouts.

    Every great game that takes the advice of streamers will with our a doubt suffer eventual failure because the game will have lost its soul simply by catering to these people.

    I have seen games I truly loved playing completely changed and in turn destroyed by "professional gamers." Catering to them is mistake, and it's a mistake for even the players themselves to listen to or emulate these people because it always destroys the game from inside out.

  • @skulliah I wonder if the delay for KB/M is due to MS wanting to get their official hardware out before third party manufacturers.

  • @jesser92 most probably, but any USB keyboard and mouse will work for it so I would hazard that a very high percentage of played will already have one knocking around somewhere.

    Would be very cool to see Rare produce a SoT themed set though. I'm surprised since they already have the controller thay they haven't been there yet.

  • @swimplatypus7 i wish it was who cares about the streamers but it's a pirate eat pirate workd on the sea more then usual because of them. Look i agree with you this game was never meant to be a competitive pvp game its a pve with a pvp aspect. When people think its easier to shoot themselves on a boat instead of ship to ship combat like when the game first started then something is up. I like how we can have a civil conversation about this thanks for that.

  • @natiredgals The game is not PVE with PVP aspects.. It IS PVEVP!

  • The disadvantages you have shooting are only a small part of the game and you could argue that you have a big advantage using a controller for sailing (force feedback gives a lot of information), which is by far a larger part of the game.

    Fortnite is a shooter first and foremost, aiming and shooting people is the main mechanic.

    I'm terrible at 1v1 PvP, I will admit, but I don't blame the fact that I choose to play with a controller for that. I am better at other parts of the game than some because I use smarts and knowledge.

    You can tell me a K&M is better for aiming a gun, but that's only a small part of the game and, if you practice, you can get competent enough at aiming to mostly offset that.

    If you keep dividing people based on differences in setups that may give a tiny advantage in some scenarios, you're gonna have lobbies for Xbox One v PC, K&M v Controller, Monitor vs TV, Xbox One X vs Xbox One S, Mechanical KB vs Membrane KB, Standard Controller vs Elite Controller, Headset vs Speakers - matchmaking would be a nightmare.

  • @natiredgals said in Xbox mouse and keyboard support:

    @swimplatypus7 i wish it was who cares about the streamers but it's a pirate eat pirate workd on the sea more then usual because of them. Look i agree with you this game was never meant to be a competitive pvp game its a pve with a pvp aspect. When people think its easier to shoot themselves on a boat instead of ship to ship combat like when the game first started then something is up. I like how we can have a civil conversation about this thanks for that.

    I absolutely disagree that its a primary PVE game first, with PVP attached like you're promoting.

    This is factually incorrect, just as it was factually incorrect in World of WarCraft's original version.

    Deviating from the hybrid PVE / PVP design and focusing only on PVE or only one PVP is what broke World of WarCraft, and that same mistake can surely destroy Sea of Thieves too.

  • @swimplatypus7 if that's the case no one should have problems if we switch to controller only servers or optional cross-play. Cause if it is a pvp first game id like a even playing field PC players dont even have to pay to play online like Xbox people do.

  • @natiredgals said in Xbox mouse and keyboard support:

    @swimplatypus7 if that's the case no one should have problems if we switch to controller only servers or optional cross-play. Cause if it is a pvp first game id like a even playing field PC players dont even have to pay to play online like Xbox people do.

    Even if we had a controller dominated server where it was the only option for input device, this would not end the crying.

    The next set of complaints would be presented by base model X-box players who have the basic controller crying about X-box enhanced with its higher resolution, SSD, and superior draw distance and those extra programmable buttons on the X-box elite controller.

    I assure you, the crying will never stop.

    Even if we standardize all the hardware and everything, then players will complain about latency, and then cry about lag hacking and hacked X-boxes with various common cheat hacks.

    No matter what Rare does, the crying will never cease.

  • @swimplatypus7 don't believe that one bit. Difference between console is much harder to tell. It's easy to tell whos pc not pc. Least then you know you're playing xbox player. I dont see people crying my xbox is worse then there xbox as of now

  • @natiredgals said in Xbox mouse and keyboard support:

    @swimplatypus7 don't believe that one bit. Difference between console is much harder to tell. It's easy to tell whos pc not pc. Least then you know you're playing xbox player. I dont see people crying my xbox is worse then there xbox as of now

    Considering that the number of PC players is very low; its kinda ridiculously obvious that most of the players who think the enemy is on a PC would be shocked to find that player is likely on the X-Box..

    The real truth is that players hate to admit they need to improve on their skills.

    Moreover, they often despise the idea that they simply don't know all the tricks, and skills required to play at the top of even remotely at the top.

  • @swimplatypus7 no one knows the numbers i think anyone who says they know the number is lying unless they work for rare. Second it's easy to tell because they can chat.

  • Same, key commands are much easier for me rather than using a controller. Can’t wait for it to happen!

  • @natiredgals

    We can talk to each other too, or are you talking about text chat?

  • @swimplatypus7 text chat lol

  • @natiredgals
    Oh ok, that makes sense.

    I don't often see it, but have on occasion.

    One of the guys on my crew is a PC player, he's a decent guy, and he still joins crew chat, so that part is where I was confused.

    It's rare to see.

  • @swimplatypus7 ya not here it could be luck could be liars but most type pc player coming for you. This has happened on multiple occasions then they voice chat you're a lousy xbox player look at us bunny hop as you sit there and sword nothing cause im to fast for you

  • @natiredgals said in Xbox mouse and keyboard support:

    @swimplatypus7 ya not here it could be luck could be liars but most type pc player coming for you. This has happened on multiple occasions then they voice chat you're a lousy xbox player look at us bunny hop as you sit there and sword nothing cause im to fast for you

    Do you realize that you can bunny hop and turn just as fast as the PC players?

    Do you know that the speed that you can turn, attack, move, jump, dig, bucket, repair, etc... These are all limited by the server, not the client, and the pace that you can accomplish these things is limited no matter what you do.

    It's factually absurd to claim otherwise. You can re-map your controller so that you can have quick access to the most common tools (I did this) the Elite controller is excellent and if you have not used one you might consider it. Regardless, the standard X-box controller is competitive and does the job, but the lack of buttons is the only thing that holds it back because you have to use more menu functions instead of just hit a quick access button to do the job.

    Point of this is very simple; you're holding your self back with that thinking.

  • looking forward to kb/m on the xbox with SoT. let's hope it comes soon.

  • @swimplatypus7 why do i have to rearrange my device to play on a even playing field when i pay for live? Pc players are the ones who get to join for free i shouldn't have to adjust my device to complete with people who don't play and all always will have a advantage. You can talk all you want about we have advantages to but it's not true and will go in one ear out other

  • @natiredgals said in Xbox mouse and keyboard support:

    @swimplatypus7 why do i have to rearrange my device to play on a even playing field when i pay for live? Pc players are the ones who get to join for free i shouldn't have to adjust my device to complete with people who don't play and all always will have a advantage. You can talk all you want about we have advantages to but it's not true and will go in one ear out other

    You would have to adjust your controller to play VS those of us who're not on PC of you want to be competitive regardless of platform.

    Additionally, even if Rare was to ban PC play tomorrow you would still face the same humiliating defeat VS better players and then blame this on First the X-Box elite controller, and after that was banned you would blame the performance advantages of the X-Box enhanced.

    The moral of the story is simply that no matter what Rare does, players will still find a way to pass off their lack of skill and practice as a platform issue.

    This is not even considering the deluge of tears that's been going on regarding Pirate Legends and PvP only crews.

    In essence, players love to complain about anything they can to explain why they lost VS another player instead of accepting that they're not as skilled as they think.

    Remap your controller; you will greatly improve your game play, because efficiency is key to mastering combat in any game.

    The default configuration of the controller in Sea of Thieves is playable, but it's far from optimal.

  • @swimplatypus7 to be clear I play on pc mostly but have dabbled in xbox gameplay a decent amount. To even state that an xbox player is on an even playing field to that of pc is preposterous. The accuracy and precision that you can achieve with a mouse comes nowhere close to that of a thumb stick. You may get a lucky shot in here and there but 9 times out of 10 if you come up against a pc player you will get completely dumpsterd on. An xbox controller doesn't stand a chance to a keyboard and mouse. Cross platform play is great when it is fair.

  • @zx3xcaliburxz said in Xbox mouse and keyboard support:

    @swimplatypus7 to be clear I play on pc mostly but have dabbled in xbox gameplay a decent amount. To even state that an xbox player is on an even playing field to that of pc is preposterous. The accuracy and precision that you can achieve with a mouse comes nowhere close to that of a thumb stick. You may get a lucky shot in here and there but 9 times out of 10 if you come up against a pc player you will get completely dumpsterd on. An xbox controller doesn't stand a chance to a keyboard and mouse. Cross platform play is great when it is fair.

    Great news!

    Rare is going to provide Mouse and Keyboard support for X-Box soon.

    Regardless of what they do, players will continue to cry about getting killed in combat by better players; it's what most gamers do.

  • @swimplatypus7 i won't I'll appreciate being beaten by someone i know whos not using a pc, not using a exploit or pc hack i lost because the guy on the other xbox with a controller was better then me. Knowing people will complain about dying isn't a reason to not fix a problem lol. You're right but at least then they wouldn't have a leg to stand on ya know?

  • @swimplatypus7
    There is a clear imbalance between the formats, this has been proven by many other games, hence why they all have options to separate the players.
    Sea of Thieves is the ONLY game that forces crossplay on its players! All other games give the players a choice by format, input method etc.
    Crossplay was intended to bridge consoles, but unfortunately MS saw the $$$ signs & threw PC into the mix. This wasn't what console players wanted & now it is being forced on us.

    Here's a nice honest review that says it all really

    M+KB support for Xbox is not going to solve the problem at all! Console players tend to want to use their preferred controller what comes with their console.
    We shouldn't have to buy extra peripherals just to make 1 game fair & balanced. We shouldn't have to learn to use a M+KB whilst sat on a sofa.
    It would be the same as 'forcing' all pc players to use controllers to balance the playing field. Most of them would spit their dummies & quit the game!

    Rare has released no stats to put this topic to bed, so we can only assume the imbalance is worse than previously stated.
    They have tried to balance things more by upping controller sens etc, so they obviously know it as well.
    The only stat we got from Rare about this was that PC players were 5% more efficient at killing skellies (but that was from way b4 release) I'm sure that would've widened a lot as pc players tend to find any glitch, shortcut, or way to beat the meta of a game & use all the tools at their disposal.
    That's before we even start on macros & hacks etc.

    14% of the player base had a 5% advantage over a year ago at killing PVE enemies.
    Not a word since Rare!!!
    This topic won't go away, it'll probably get worse when the Arena hits & again when M+KB support is added for Xbox, as even more players will have an advantage!
    Way to turn your beautiful friendly simple game & turn it into a cesspool of toxicity.

  • @natiredgals said in Xbox mouse and keyboard support:

    @swimplatypus7 i won't I'll appreciate being beaten by someone i know whos not using a pc, not using a exploit or pc hack i lost because the guy on the other xbox with a controller was better then me. Knowing people will complain about dying isn't a reason to not fix a problem lol. You're right but at least then they wouldn't have a leg to stand on ya know?

    While its true they will not have a leg to stand on the problem will persist regardless. In other game forums they are crying about hacked X-boxes and everything else, I have seen it all in regard to crying and cheating and the like, and I can tell you for certain that no matter what they do there is no positive outcome for Rare on this.

    For them, the best they can do is offer an improved graphics support mode for the X-box Enhanced given that the original X-box hardware is 6 years outdated..

    AKA the 4K version X-box could instead play at 1080p with better frame rate, and naturally support mouse and Keyboard..

    Regardless of these upgrades I will continue to enjoy playing Sea of Thieves on a controller, and I will play along side PC players and other X-box Players because in reality the ability to coordinate your crew is 10X more powerful than any single "god tier" player..

    I have learned this in competitive gaming from both the past and the recent past.. Being both REAL first persion shooters where a mouse and keyboard does actually offer a real advantage, but that advantage is non-existent in Sea of Thieves because of how the Server side limits your ability to turn and move the camera. In those REAL first person shooters; games like Quake, Unreal, Duke 3d, Urban Terror, ROTT, the camera speed is essentially unlimited, but in Sea of Thieves it has a limit so that the controller is not outclassed; it's an intentional server side limitation.

    Additionally, the crying will not stop for a long list of other things as you're aware, but I guess I have taken up this mantle to crusade against the crying because no good comes of changing the game to end some whimpering.

  • @swimplatypus7 if you don't want optional cross-play im all for a controller only option. Having the default option to be controller or mk but can turn off mk keyboard for other servers would be nice

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