legend fishing rod

  • hey rare you uh forgot the legend fishing rod do you mind adding that please

  • 11
  • @ashbert157 that, and the banjo where is our banjo i have been teased eith this since i became pirate legend on 4-6-2018!!!

  • yeah before the fishing rod came out i was thinking the empty inventory slot was for the banjo

  • Aye we need a legendary fishing rod!
    And a Ghost and Glorious Sea Dog ones as well!

  • @ashbert157 we need the banjo as well mate and why we have the weapons but not a fishing rod to complete the set

  • @ashbert157 said in legend fishing rod:

    yeah before the fishing rod came out i was thinking the empty inventory slot was for the banjo

    me too

  • If the rod and line doesnt glow don't even put it out there.

  • Legendary Fishing Rod for all Legends that caught 500 fish!

  • eeeeeeeeeeeeee

  • @theluckyster What? @Quartermasters necro

  • Ahoy maties!

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