One Hit By A Sword

  • Hello, i do hope this is the correct place for this. I was just playing Arena with my crew when we ran into a situation I have not seen before.

    We were approaching a ship and one of their crew proceeded to board us. It was the beginning of the match and we all began fighting. I die first and as I respawned I gathered my bearings and turned on the boarding player who was still on the ship and was immediately one hit with a sword slash. Ok. That was wierd, maybe I lagged, maybe I mistook my health bar. But I was 100% sure it was full, and I hadn't just loaded in, I had run towards him deliberately, over a fair distance across the mid deck. My crew keeps fighting and one of my crew mates tells me he was one-hit by the same guy, with a sword. Not a lunge, a quick swing.

    How is this possible? Is it an error with latency? An error with our health bar? A character using a macro? Any guesses? I dont want to report a guy who is just good, and it looked like on my screen he just instantly killed me when that isnt what happened. But I am worried this is an issue or exploit. Anyone hear of this happening before?

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  • In a situation like this it's a good idea to record the last bit of gameplay. I know Xbox has the feature and I have AMD ReLive on my PC that allows me to capture the last 5 minutes of gameplay. It's a great feature to capture really cool memorable moments or in your case possible exploits/cheating. Video evidence would be really helpful to see what actually happened here.

  • There is some... Strange occasions in PvP.

    • A friend and I had someone who had the ability to hit up through the sloops deck while in our sloops hold, knocking us both of the ship.

    • I've hit people 3 to 4 times with a blunderbuss from mid to close range (Not enough to do fatal damage but enough to do half decent damage) and they still survive 2 to 3 sword hits as well, then proceed to hit you once with a pistol, one sword swing and you're dead...

    Rare hasn't helped with the stupid stun you get when hit by a sword. Many times I've been getting the better of 2 enemy pirates, to have one sword hit landed on me that spells death, as I can't move as I'm hacked at by 2 pirates.

  • Here we go again ...

  • @nefrit-od said in One Hit By A Sword:

    Here we go again ...

    Yep in before all the PC guys land here to tell us all how it could be anything but cheating because cheats while possible never really happen that much...

  • @natiredgals said in One Hit By A Sword:

    @nefrit-od said in One Hit By A Sword:

    Here we go again ...

    Yep in before all the PC guys land here to tell us all how it could be anything but cheating because cheats while possible never really happen that much...

    Assuming alot in this statement. Please stop with the PC vs XBOX.
    Players find loop holes in all things, but to assume that every strange encounter in the game is a cheat is a large assumption.

    The game is riddled with bugs. We have hit marks that don't register damage. We have black screen for loading because we jumped on a rock. Why is the first assumption in this case a cheat instead of a bug?

    Last night at a skull fort. Slashed one player on his cannon. They never moved. His buddy was on another cannon and never turned to fight me. I shot him through the eye of reach and then slashed him to death. Not once did they get off their cannon. This is unusual as they should have had to let go of the cannon each time I hit them. Usually you attack one on a ship and the others respond against you. I had time to stand next to him and shoot him with my scope and still no response. Was it a cheat? No. Just unusual. This type of events happen no matter if I play on my console or my PC.

    As the game is riddled with bugs, that is my starting assumption.

  • @d-jaguar
    The first one arrives, lol.

  • @natiredgals
    I am mainly an xbox player. You have alot of assumptions which makes you see what you want to see such as I must be a PC player. I have both and prefer the xbox. But as I do not support your argument, I must be a prefer PC player.

    You have a bad case of confirmation bias. Evidence shows there has been cheating and there are bugs in game. Bugs affect everyone, cheat only when players who cheat are playing. The higher probability is a bug.
    Confirmation bias is tough to overcome, but knowing is half the battle.

  • @d-jaguar

    Xbox, pc, hardly matters, you're still in here doing what I predicted woudl happen, listing off everything it could be other than a cheat, why do people do that? Its like, we know it could be something else, but it could be a cheat too, you dont really know. Why the interest in downplaying cheats?

    Thats all.
    Thanks again for being the first example, but I'm not that interested in going deep on this convo, or this thread.

  • @natiredgals haha I am not an example at all. My response was to you not the original poster. You were what pulled me in as you always assume a cheat vice a bug.
    I dont deny there could be cheats, but my starting assumption is always a bug.

  • @d-jaguar
    I predict another whiner will make another post about cheating in the next couple days, when it can easily be explained by rampant common lag, bad client hit registration, or a fundamental lack of basic game mechanics. I'm a prophet, bow down to my predictive capabilities. I would just ignore him, he does this at nearly every thread that has argued the same things. Just look at any PvP/PvE post, you will see him doing the exact thing. Forget the fact that the same arguments happen every time someone post those discussion. Not much of a prediction when the same thing happens like clockwork.

    However, back to the main topic could have been just latency but can't really say without actually seeing it myself. Just the other day I got called a hacker, this guy wasn't even half as good as he thought he was. Now I'm not a hacker, but when someone (Not you in particular) is always looking for hackers, that's what they will always see even when most of it isn't. You at least have a healthy skepticism about it though. This isn't saying no hackers exist, but with how bug riddled this game is a lot can be explained away with that. Side note, I'm not calling you a whiner in the first paragraph either, I respect your health skepticism here.

  • @recall-it-all it could have been a hack or a giltch

7 out of 12