New Ship Idea><>

  • I have been playing Sea of Thieves since its release and I am very pleased on what the game has become. BUT with playing comes much discussion with other pirates. So New Ship idea here we come.

    1. Fisherman's Boat- With the new update, we now have a fishing mode and quest that allows us to catch fish (with a great deal of time spent to do so) and sell (mostly for very little). Here's my idea with the future of fishing; have a boat with fishing nets that could fish anywhere on the sea. And having hot spots to locate in the ocean will be the challenging part. These hot spots will appear on your map when located and in these hot spots will increase the amount of fish (and maybe lost treasure of the sea?)
    • The ship could have 1 or 2 nets on either side
    • A 1 mast sale
    • ships size would be about the size of a Sloop (but maybe wider) with the same speed
    • the ship would have 2 cannons, one in the front and one in the back. This allows more defense when being chased by another ship (but would be tricky with the Kraken). This could also be a new strategy in pvp.
    • the lower deck would have everything a sloop would have but a bigger/new grill or an oven to cook the fish.

    Okay so there's my idea on a new ship and the possibilities of it. I'm very open to discussion on this and would love to hear your ideas on a new ship.
    Also i am willing to draw up a sketch on what this ship might look like, just let me know if that will help with (sea)ing what I'm seeing(;
    ![alt text](image url)

  • 11
  • @austinru10 biggest problem are the cannons you cant have front facing cannons and not expect it to be a pvp ship.

    imagine you could fire at the ship you are chasing
    fire people at the ship you are chasing.

    boat attacks you, so you sail away and make sure they are behind you and fire back. this is more offense than defense

  • Nice idea (apart from front facing cannon)

    But they will never actually do it. There is hardly any updates for adventure mode anymore, let alone a new ship.

  • @captain-coel I agree with your point about the facing cannons but with nets being on the side of the ship, there would have to be some sort of defense either in the back or a cannon that is 360 degree firing in the middle of the ship. but that would still allow a front firing position.

    • since the ship is a fisherman's boat, maybe a new defense would be to have a net that drops into the water where if it gets caught in the ships steering rudder it wouldn't allow them to turn the wheel for a short amount of time.? that way the boat could make its escape but still be easily attained with a skilled captain steering the attacking ship.
  • @biter-wylie Yeah was hoping a post like this would get feedback and support for more updates. But yah agree with the facing cannon being to much.

  • @austinru10 again any cannon that can fire front or back is too powerful. you may call this a fishing boat but it's a pvp boat if it has those. I could chase you. and front face cannon at your masts till they break, catch you, and kill you. it's just OP.

  • @captain-coel haha i wasn't disagreeing with your feedback, I was agreeing but also trying to find a solution for a defense system for a boat of this type.

  • @austinru10 the defense systems you mention are all offensive, even if it's not the intent it would imbalance the game.

  • @captain-coel I guess the ship could have the usual cannons on each left and right side, and then maybe the net fishing system in the back? that would allow the same game play as usual(which is boring) but okay.

  • It wouldn't be abnormal to have a large net on the back, or over the side 'fore some side-mounted cannons. You just need an obvious trade-off, as you can't simply catch more fish/earn money easier and not lose a little defense/mobility/offence. :)

  • @hisdarkestfear Love the feedback! thanks that makes since and helps with this idea!

3 out of 11