If I were to "mod" my Xbox SoT game

  • Assume I were to download a mod for my Xbox SoT version (I haven't and I wouldn't). And for sake of argument, let's assume that this mod had neat features like aim-assist (where all I had to do was shoot my gun in an enemy's direction and I would get a hit). And let's further assume that this mod somehow sped my game's reaction time up, increased the render distance for objects, made respawn time much quicker, and generally did other neat things to improve the game quality of life.

    If I were to do this, wouldn't Rare/Microsoft be entirely within their rights to permanently ban me? And yet, PC players have all these advantages "built in", and Xbox players are expected to quietly sit back and take it. In fact, every time someone starts a thread about Xbox-only servers, or cross play opt-out in all game modes he/she is instantly shouted down with statements like, "oh look, another opt-out thread", or "Rare never promised opt-out in Adventure mode (even though they did)", or "quit complaining, it's never going to happen", or, "you Xbox players owe how tweakable your game already is to the PC players so quit your griping", or (my all-time favorite), "you just need to get better".

    I'd really like those PC types to think how much THEY would be complaining if the roles were reversed. Assume that shooting at someone (even with a blunderbuss) was a 50/50 proposition - because if they happened to move while you press the trigger (no matter how carefully you aimed) you were going to miss. Imagine spending in excess of 120 seconds black screened, because the game hasn't decided where to put you yet (even though you can hear everything happening on your ship). Imagine getting killed and waiting so long to reach the Ship of the Damned that the door is already open when you get there, and then waiting even more time while the game spins endlessly putting you back on your ship. Imagine seeing the opponent hit you with normal sword swings, even though you had your block up. Imagine getting killed with one shot (from full health) as you ran towards a cannon to fire on an enemy - because they happened to aim "towards" you. I know that none of you PC types would stand for it, but since it's YOU that has all these advantages you expect the Xbox crowd to.

    Come on Rare - you know you wouldn't allow an Xbox player to mod his/her game to have the benefits you give PC players. At least give us the ability to play against players that have the same basic game instead of having to play with the deck already stacked against us.

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  • @d-cottingham Uh idk what pc's you are referencing but we do not have aim bots built in. I mean do you hear yourself when you talk? I don't know how delusional someone has to be to actually believe what is said here.

  • @d-cottingham what basic game are you speaking about.

    I play on an Xbox X. I run a Samsung SSD. I use a 4k TV. and in 2 weeks I will swap to the elite series 2 controller.

    I load into the game in about 50 to 60 seconds. I usually load back from a black screen after the ferry or mermaid in 3 to 8 seconds. I have my sensitivity cranked. When I get the elite series 2 I will br programming "A" to a right paddle and left joy press to a left paddle to make jumping and sprinting faster.

    You have to realise that not all xbox setups are the same just like PCs are not all the same. What about people on older PCs, or those that use a controller?

    The belief that crossplay should be by console is insane and unfair. The better arguement would be on input but that's not even fool proof.

    Let's go to my favorite example. Xbox X w/ SSD and use a XIM to use kb/m but make your system think you are still on a controller.

    And what happens in your arguement next year when Project Scarlet releases and it's more capable than people on xbox ones.

    Do people even think when they post anymore?

  • Please opt out asap.
    Cant hear this bs anymore.

    Btw i have no built in aim bot and i get hit although i block.

    The populism has taken over.
    Now you can come and claim something you have no proof of or have no evidence for, no experiences with , but shout it out as a truth.

    Yes KBM and ssd is an advantage.
    Please opt out!!!

  • Dear Windows Support,
    How do I activate my auto-aim Sea of Thieves hacks?
    Thank you.

    • Chad PC, Esq.
  • @captain-coel I too have an Xbox One X, 4K TV, and SSD, and plan on getting the Elite Series 2 controller. We should sail together - we would be unstoppable!

    MWAHAHAHA!!! 😈

    How much is that controller going to cost again? 🤔

  • as of today i got officer rank in my fleet i am a part of so now i gotta play nice on the forums

    Uhhhh... Git gud?

    fist pumps.. Nailed it

    Real talk. Pc does not have all these advantages "built in". Aim bot programs are a perma ban and not all pcs have better specs than xbox.

    When i first started playing this game i had an HP Pavillion Notebook Laptop (meh at best laptop amd it was two or so years old at lauch, cost me $600 when i first got it). It had a mediocre graphics card and ram as well as some other basics. I ran the game on Cursed settings and capped at 25 FPS.

    Then it happened. My laptop died. For 2 months (right before and during the forsaken shores campaign) i was on xbox learning to play against pc players. And you know what happened? I won. I won most of the fights i got into because my mindset hadn't changed, i wasn't an idiot, and i knew the game like a pro. Controller is slightly slower than M&K. But guess what? You still can outplay people if you know what youre doing. Raise the sensitivity up and go to town.

    Fast forward to my birthday (Nov 1st) i dropped $1.7k on an Alienware Aurora R7 gaming tower. Now I cap the game at 90FPS (cause my monitor only visually shows up to 75) and am destroying people.

    But guess what?! Its simply skill. I now know both xbox and pc and their weaknesses and advantages to both (xbox is better with cannons aim and strafing, pc better at precision shots with ranged weapons). Both are just as fast when it comes to advanced sword tricks. Both can loot sprint. Both can zero cooldown lunge. Both can bunny hop effectively. Both can use perfect agility.

    What is the difference? Its the playerbase's mindset. Xbox has more kids which water down the percentage of tryhard players. Pc players are usually more aggressive and competitive. Thats just fact. Its how much effort everyone puts into the game and the willingness to learn and adapt.

    We do not have aimbots. We dont always load faster than you. We often dont even have the same graphics or fps as you. Try fighting someone at 15 fps with occasional ping spikes. That was how i learned the game, fort hopping pvp at launch with 15 fps against pc and console players.

    Stop complaining about "built in" advantages and learn to master what you have. Ik xbox players who frequently destroy pc players because they put the time and effort in to mastering the game.

    Get good or get a clue. You will not be spoon fed your wins here.

  • @galactic-geek sagte in If I were to "mod" my Xbox SoT game:

    @captain-coel I too have an Xbox One X, 4K TV, and SSD, and plan on getting the Elite Series 2 controller. We should sail together - we would be unstoppable!

    MWAHAHAHA!!! 😈

    How much is that controller going to cost again? 🤔

    If the game dies on PC i'll eventuell join and it will be a killingspree i guarantee.

  • I’ve killed many a pc player and i honestly think had i traded my controller in for keyboard and mouse id probably hate it.

  • @zherron-vorse sagte in If I were to "mod" my Xbox SoT game:

    What is the difference? Its the playerbase's mindset.

    I fully agree on that and i'm more of the lazy PC players, but i learned how to and improved over time by just stick to play SoT.

    Stop complaining about "built in" advantages and learn to master what you have. Ik xbox players who frequently destroy pc players because they put the time and effort in to mastering the game.

    Or just buy actual Hardware.
    PC players on old rigs have the same Problem. A crewmember bought a new PC for his birthday too and before had worse load times, and low fps than another xbox crewmember.

    Nobody to blame but oneself to play on old hardware when you want to compete.
    I still play on a Laptop what often sonst recognizes my 'D' input.
    Cannot change the KB and i just live with it although i also lost fights because of it.
    It's bad if you want run forward, but the pirate doesnt.
    I know that and i deal with it.

    I do not disagree that ssd means faster loading and this is an advantage when boarders on your ship or you want to return to repair.
    But someone with an old hdd in his PC can also not opt out and has to accept it or change it.

    The split of the playerbase will harm both sides as both sides will see less players and less activity.

    I'm ok, totally fine with it.
    Opt out and we will see whatnot brings.

    My guess is the proportions of people owning others wont change drastically but only minimal.
    But both sides will shrink over time.
    In the end you will see Solo Sloopers only and barely anyone playing as a crew or interacting at all.
    It will turn into a SP PvE game by the players.

    I recently thought that majority maybe want SoT to be a story driven SP PvE game.

  • @zherron-vorse

    I am an XBox player, and I can hold my own. I honestly believe that people have become indoctrinated into this bubble of ‘PC has a massive advantage and we are being cheated into our losses’.

    I believe this stems from a few factors:

    1. At a higher tier of gaming, pro players seem to almost exclusively use PC or at least K&M. Pros have undoubtedly realised that when you play at such a high competitive level - where every other player knows their stuff and has their tactics down to a point, aim wins out (or RNG in certain games). Little Jimmy on his XBox could be running the game better than a vast chunk of PC players - in fact he is. People who struggle on XBox run the numbers together of ‘The best are on PC’, ‘I just lost to someone’, ‘They were better than me’, ‘I believe that I am the best’, ‘They must be on PC’, ‘PC players are categorically better’.
      The last three statements are undoubtedly false and so the misconceptions stems from an inflated opinion of ones gaming ability. You gonna be thrashed in an XBox Only Apex Legends lobby just as easily as in a Crossplay Fortnite one.
      And don’t give me the M&K on XBox Only Apex rubbish because we all know that population is tiny, and if you’re using that excuse, 10/1 you’re not very good.

    2. You have been conditioned to believe that the PC-Xbox gap (which does certainly exist in certain games), carries over to Sea of Thieves as aggressively as it may on a BR or proper FPS.
      It doesn’t.
      It just doesn’t.
      This game simply does not facilitate the means by which the advantage is had as well as most other games. The gun play is frankly just as important as cannon aim. This stuff balances out. Some PC players are good. Some are bad. Some Xbox players are good. Some are bad. The upper echelons of PC players are as good as and sometimes better than those of XBox. But guess what. You, bud, are not in the upper echelons of PC, XBox or gaming for that matter!
      ’You’re dead, their ship is sunk’, Who here is the winner?

    3. Pride and inflated gaming ego
      Yeah, I hate losing, You hate losing, Nobody actually likes losing.
      I think that less adept players come into this game and destroy the PvE element. They are then beaten by better (because they are better, or lucky that something occurred the way it did) players. This gap in the middle can leave these players (both on XBox and PC) feeling as though the game is out to get them. With the PC player, they smash their keyboard and then go ‘Well, I’m on PC, so I can’t complain, I’m just bad’, the Xbox player goes ‘Aarrrrggghhhhhjj, skeletons are balanced, this nasty little PC player is not balanced’ - the other player was frankly just as likely to be on Xbox.


    Just stop with this rubbish. If you, and this is a promise, stopped moaning, and spent that time playing the game, the ’PC-Xbox gap’ would close in the blink of an eye (or an eyepatch).

  • @galactic-geek 180$ USD I think. I ordered a few days after release once it was confirmed forward compatablewith Scarlett.

  • @d-cottingham

    They absolutely ban people who cheat, often without needing another player to report them. I don't know exactly what they do, but they've had several waves of bans for cheaters which means they are scraping the data in such a way that allows them to find these people.

    I see the merit in a discussion based around differences with input sensitivity for console players versus PC players, but I just think it's silly and irresponsible to say that PC players are being "allowed to have the benefits" of modding capabilities in Sea of Thieves, or saying that it's unfair to have cross platform simply because there may be more inherent autonomy for PC players to modify their client.

    Anyone who cheats in this game is subject to being swiftly banned, no matter their platform, and no matter how easy it may be for them to hack their client.

  • @daringclarky This was legitimately what my long term sailing friend did. In his mind, he thought it would seriously improve his game-play, in reality, it felt so foreign to him, that he would switch back before a fight in adventure. He no longer uses k&m.

    I can easily say the same if I were to switch to a controller. Its just foreign to me, I've never owned an Xbox. Now here is this device in my hand and I have to actually think what button I press before actually doing it. I had this with playing Smash, I've never owned a Gamecube, but I had friends who did, they thought nothing of it, and would hand me a Gamecube controller thinking they were doing me a favor. It did no such thing, I played much worse playing with that peripheral than I did with the Wii mote and nun-chuck combo. You play better with familiar hardware, plain and simple.

  • When op doesn't take into account that PC players have to buy SSD's just as much as Xbox players, and Xbox has Keyboard and mouse support.

    Can you afford those $3,000 gaming riggs that so many people like to chime in on in this forum, no? Neither can I, neither can the majority of us, yet we are all held to the standard of some guy's dream machine. Just like Xbox players, we too need to buy our nicer stuff.

    The true advantage that OP misses is my Gaming Racer chair. It has full lumbar support, pleather, dyed black to make me feel edgy, and can recline a full 180 degrees. That is where the real advantage is at. Proper back support will beat SSD's any day.

  • Are people still gaming on Xbox in 2019 and expect to have an advantage ?

    Man up and sell your Xbox to buy a better running PC on Ebay, you know why you should never buy a console now, its your fault if you support these scamming compagnies that make you feel you have it all because you have dumb exclusivities.

    Ps: Ofc everybody knows we all have aimbots on PC

  • @nabberwar

    The big advantage i'd say i have on my PC is first of all my 144Hz monitor that my PC can run SOT on avg 100fps (lows to 80-60fps min and around 120-144 avg) and my Gaming mouse with super manoeuvrable scroll wheel for the double X tap " feature "

  • @nabberwar I want a gaming chair! All I have is an old, used office chair... 😢

  • @galactic-geek
    Spend the money. The benefits to the posture alone help you in the long run. I get the fact that people see the price tag and go "Oof," but anything of quality has a price tag. I think their also exist this stigma, but no office chairs are designed for long term sitting. Most of them are designed for looks, and people somewhat cringe at the whole "gamer" term, but Racer chairs are the best on the market for long term sitting. Its usually only gamers that buy them as well.

    I sit in an office chair all day for work, only to do the same once I get home. This is no different than spending good money on a mattress. If you are going to spend a majority of your life in one, why be cheap with it?

  • @nabberwar Now, if only I had ANY money... 😞

  • @galactic-geek
    $100 can get you around where you need, this one is mine, but the lumbar support comes with other designs at cheaper prices.

  • @d-cottingham not sure what planet you're from but you couldn't do that on xbox if you wanted too. There are websites that offer that garbage for pc though, and I've personally only ever seen one or two people blatantly cheating like that, pc in general is just easier too aim which is why it feels like cheating but it's not.

  • @d-cottingham said in If I were to "mod" my Xbox SoT game:

    Assume I were to download a mod for my Xbox SoT version (I haven't and I wouldn't). And for sake of argument, let's assume that this mod had neat features like aim-assist (where all I had to do was shoot my gun in an enemy's direction and I would get a hit). And let's further assume that this mod somehow sped my game's reaction time up, increased the render distance for objects, made respawn time much quicker, and generally did other neat things to improve the game quality of life.

    If I were to do this, wouldn't Rare/Microsoft be entirely within their rights to permanently ban me? And yet, PC players have all these advantages "built in", and Xbox players are expected to quietly sit back and take it. In fact, every time someone starts a thread about Xbox-only servers, or cross play opt-out in all game modes he/she is instantly shouted down with statements like, "oh look, another opt-out thread", or "Rare never promised opt-out in Adventure mode (even though they did)", or "quit complaining, it's never going to happen", or, "you Xbox players owe how tweakable your game already is to the PC players so quit your griping", or (my all-time favorite), "you just need to get better".

    I'd really like those PC types to think how much THEY would be complaining if the roles were reversed. Assume that shooting at someone (even with a blunderbuss) was a 50/50 proposition - because if they happened to move while you press the trigger (no matter how carefully you aimed) you were going to miss. Imagine spending in excess of 120 seconds black screened, because the game hasn't decided where to put you yet (even though you can hear everything happening on your ship). Imagine getting killed and waiting so long to reach the Ship of the Damned that the door is already open when you get there, and then waiting even more time while the game spins endlessly putting you back on your ship. Imagine seeing the opponent hit you with normal sword swings, even though you had your block up. Imagine getting killed with one shot (from full health) as you ran towards a cannon to fire on an enemy - because they happened to aim "towards" you. I know that none of you PC types would stand for it, but since it's YOU that has all these advantages you expect the Xbox crowd to.

    Come on Rare - you know you wouldn't allow an Xbox player to mod his/her game to have the benefits you give PC players. At least give us the ability to play against players that have the same basic game instead of having to play with the deck already stacked against us.

    aimbot in a hack on both pc and Xbox but pc don't have it built in take ROBLOX for example people would have to download aimbot on to it it's the same for Xbox and it's true that we slowly load in but you don't know if your ships sinking until you get in

  • @nabberwar

    Not bad at all! Saving this for later. Thank you!

  • @nabberwar I appreciate the link, but it says $199, not $100 - big difference there...

  • To clarify, similar styles can be bought around $100, just posted mine for visualization purpose. Specifically the Lumbar support.

  • @galactic-geek T-minus 3 weeks until black friday/cyber monday. I bet that chair gets price cut by half at least

  • @bactatankbill might be when I get one too

  • @captain-coel All my best purchases in gaming hardware happened on black fridays or cyber mondays. Top tier goods at mid-low tier prices. Delicious!

  • I like how the original complaint is so blatantly false that it received no support from the opt-out supporters and was quickly ridiculed by the crossplay supporters, and now the thread has shifted into a conversation about gaming chairs and where best to buy hardware. Very reminiscent of the argument as a whole, if you add in the repeated claims from the opt-out side that say the same thing as the original one (with your imagination, because most of them seem to have been smart enough to avoid this).

  • @bactatankbill said in If I were to "mod" my Xbox SoT game:

    @galactic-geek T-minus 3 weeks until black friday/cyber monday. I bet that chair gets price cut by half at least

    Doesn't matter until I have a disposable income to speak of...


  • @galactic-geek A fair point... Here's hoping you find yourself in a position with some disposable capital, if not a disposable income.🍺

  • @electricknights said in If I were to "mod" my Xbox SoT game:

    Dear Windows Support,
    How do I activate my auto-aim Sea of Thieves hacks?
    Thank you.

    • Chad PC, Esq.

    Heheh... I'm so proud of the levels of sarcasm that can be mustered on here. It brings out the creative side in everyone.

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