I like it also exactly like it is.
I also had days i did PvP only.
But it quick bored me like my 2 or 3 pve only plays.
If we see no ship we beg for someone attack us at a fort, come for the Reapers chests or would like to attack someone at a fort or whatever.
I sometimes have mercy with soloers if we are on a Brigantine or Galleone.
What i like a lot when soloing is to steal stuff unnoticed or sink bigger ships without beeing noticed.
Sometimes i'm successfull and sneaky with a rowboat :-)
The best experience to me is to have contested PvE like a fort, but also doing journeys and have someone coming at us or we spot another ship and take the opportunity to get more loot.
We dont bother if you dont have loot and instead to sink you i always prefer to let you do your thing and maybe check out later if you have something ;-)
If i get i'm in a disadvantage running is a viable PvP tactic in a seabox/ sandbox to me.
Wouldn't be for any Arena style game, but sandbox PvP and thats where im coming from is different.
So successfully running away and sink in the red sea know you wont get anything is a win to me :-)
I got insulted for doing that and i thought they didnt get what sandbox PvP is.
I know it's frustrating, i experienced it on both sides :-)
As long as you dont spawnkill for spawnkillings sake and insult others there's absolutely no cause to feel bad to PvP.
To me it would be boring in the long run, but i can see where you are coming from.
I think KoS and sinking for sinkings sake is a bit limited and is contributing a little less as a pvper.
I would like if pure pvpers would add some cool and funny RP to it or parlay while chasing or have some loot they risk or whatever.
If i know the crew is after me only to sink me and nothing else i take the challenge and try to run into the red sea as i count this as a win for me. even if i loose loot.
But in these scenarios i only can loose. The only win then is to give them no satisfaction :-)
And it didnt always work.
Some catched me for sure and then they won and for sure earned it.
Whatever they were after, if it was loot or to just sink me :-)
Good winds to you