Merchant Shipment bug?

  • Okay we have tried two different voyages of the new shipment lost for the merchants. WE get the last clue of "the malestrom is almost here heading toward final destination" with no coordiantes or location. We have sailed back and forth from the final clue to the destination and have not found the final shipwreck. We have also went back on the trail and looked. Is this a bug. is anyone else experiencing this.

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  • I experienced a similar problem while playing with a friend, it was a lost shipment route from Golden Sands Outpost to Smuggler's Bay and the third clue (I don't know if it was the last) was exactly like the one you mentioned. We found a lot of seagulls flying over a spot on the route near to the destination island, but upon getting closer, there was no item floating neither a shipwreck under the surface of the water, so we decided to redo the route around all islands that were in the route map. At some point we just gave up because there was nothing pointing out what we should do or look for. We believed that the actual destination was glitched because of the empty spot with seagulls.

    I still think that it was either a bug or the clue's text was wrong.

  • @final6002 Yup exactly what happened to us twice. And spoke with another player in the discord last night and they said same thing. Must be a bug

  • Same thing happened to us - missing ship when going from Ancient Spire to the Finest Trading Post. Found a flock of gulls right off Chicken Island in the path where the ship should've been but there was nothing beneath it. Found every other step of the voyage.

  • @ehme3697 did you follow the clue perfect. Example you start with the barrel then it said go to say a12 or did you see a flock of birds and just sail to it. Only reason I ask is my crew and also had trouble but we think it was because we would do the mission out of order and did not follow the clues. the ones we got to work we just followed them to a T. We did exactly what the next clue said then moved to the next one. if we diverted at all it seemed to bug out.

  • @ehme3697 i am currently experiencing this, its very annoying and many others seem to have it aswell.

  • Same problem, 2 times in a row. Bottles, key, then go to destination, see the seaguls but there's nothing.
    And I already did the quest earlier in the day, and there everything was fine. One of my friends found the shipwreck before doing the rest, so it's not a question of order either :/

  • @jackal-cabooze No we got clues and followed them till we got the last clue, then searched for a flock of seagulls between the final destination, one time we found them but there was no sunken ship, the second time we couldn't find any flocks after the last clue on our route at all.

  • @grandma-goldy nope not a question of order for sure, we were able to find the shipwreck first on our third try, just seems to be a bug in total. do you know if your bugged one was a larinna given one? both of ours that bugged were from larinna

  • @ehme3697 HMM we had a lot less issue when we strait followed them like none at all. if it told us R11 we went to R11 and didnt stop at anything else. it always seem if we stop somewhere else or found the ship early it would mess up like there was a order to the spawns.

  • Yup, we experienced this twice now - basically found a large gathering of seagulls with nothing below them. This bug is sending people on wild goose chases.

  • @ehme3697 Yeah, but my working ones were too, so I don't think that's the problem :/

  • bruh i found new bug alt text

  • @ehme3697 said in Merchant Shipment bug?:

    @grandma-goldy nope not a question of order for sure, we were able to find the shipwreck first on our third try, just seems to be a bug in total. do you know if your bugged one was a larinna given one? both of ours that bugged were from larinna

    It's not Larinna exclusive, it just happened to me on a voyage i got from the merchant, it's exactly as everyone else. This one started on Dagger Tooth Outpost and went to Marauder's Arch, the first clue was a island map with a circle(Sunken Grove), them in Sunken Grove we found the key and a clue saying Q5 was dangerous, we went to Q5, there was a huge flock of birds but nothing in or under the water, a bit further we saw another flock that had another clue saying they were in a maelstrom and racing to the final destination, but there's no other flock from there to the destination, i believe the ship should spawned on Q5 where there's the huge bird flock with nothing but it bugged.

  • Same here. It’s always on the voyages you get from the trader. We find the birds but no ship under water at the location.

  • our problem wasn't finding the ship. it was there. but the lowest hold was inaccessible. no idea why, just invisible wall.

  • I've also got this bug. Big flock of seagulls right where the shipwreck should be after finding the 3rd clue. No other seagulls between the coordinates of the previous clue and the destination.

  • I got the same problem from a purchased voyage from merchant

  • Same problem here. I took the vojage from Larinna.

  • @higgindasz i found this ship near mermaids....

  • Happened to us last night, no final shipwreck. Probably wasted 30 minutes searching for it. Hope they can fix this quickly

  • @its-just-bump
    From the merchant. I haven’t had this problem from the tavern lady.

  • @ehme3697 When I went to do the quest we found the captain's key and were on the way to the last stop which was to find the vessel. We see the seagulls and the ship is right under. It has all the signs of the right ship and not some random sunken ship. Unique music, a dead merchant guy, and a captain's quarters that needs a key. ONLY the ship isn't the same name as the one we're looking for, there is no manifest beside the dead guy and our key cannot open the captains quarters. Maybe we stumbled upon someone else's voyage? we left to look somewhere else and when we came back it was all gone. We didn't see any other player ships in the area.

  • Yeah i got this bug too, going tô Golden sands. This One had more bugs, since the clues where going around Golden sands (the final destination). I even found the last clue AFTER passing by Golden sands saying to Go to the final destination (that was right next to It). I had to sail around it a lot until i found the seagulls, but there was nothing below those seagulls.
    So after looking a lot i decided to try giving up on the Quest right below the seagulls, and guess what?? The seagulls instantly desappeared, that moment i was sure this was a bug.

  • I did the voyage twice and didnt find all the clues on either but found the sunken ship both times but on the first it was at the starting point and I went down and the captain quarters was locked and I could see a bunch of merchant chests in there went and got the key unlocked and all the treasure was gone but the manifest was on the plank by a skeleton cat NO TREASURE BUT THE MANIFEST WAS THERE BUT DONT NEED THE KEY TO GET THE MANIFEST

  • Got the clues, got merchant key, found the huge flock that usually surrounds the shipwreck, literally no shipwreck at all. Just fix the damn voyage already Rare.

  • @utteryeet We just did the Blubber's Bane missing merchant ship mission. We found all the clues, used the captain's key and there was nothing inside the entire ship!! All that work, found the ship and no treasure!

  • Galleons Grave to Sanctuary, final clue 'maelstrom' found the flock at the fort near sanctuary, no ship, no loot. RARE, FIX THE GAME

  • Buddy and I had the same issue. Found all the clues, saw a huge flock of gulls where the ship could have been, nothing under the water. We searched every single flock all over, multiple times, never found the ship. Ended up cashing in the key.

  • Same issue here, start at golden sands, end at finest TP. Find big flock of birds with no ship wreck or bobbing loot. Literally just manually canvassed the whole area diving in and found nothing. This is a complete waste of time for us. Although this is the first time it's happened to me, I think it's the first I've done since seasons was introduced.

  • It's the sixth try we gave today for this lost shipment quest, sadly, six time failed. We get the key, we gave the clues and the bunch of seagulls but no shipwreck :( It's such a good gameplay, we would love to accomplish it at least one please fix it :)

  • I'm also having the same issue can anybody confirm which one they are buying this 1 was purchased from the merchant

  • strangely enough tonight i did 3 of these voyages and i couldn't find the key. i always found the shipwreck, but couldn't get into the captain's cabin for half the reward because the keys just weren't anywhere to be found.
    i've done this 3 or 4 times before and always found the keys then. maybe i'm just blind tonight?

  • Three shipments missing yesterday, and only found one book just floating in water.thought they fixed this

  • @sithsaucey Just got to this error while within the Gold Rush Hour. we had 20mins to get crates from the wreck and sell at the port next door. But insteaed we had no ship :-/ Definitely cost us a ton of gold and what would have put me to PL.

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