Hit registration is a huge issue because we switched from dedicated servers to a cloud service. Dynamically cloud services are good because they can scale for use very easily but these are virtual servers being set up and as such subject to issues that come from virtual machines.
Dedicated servers - Cost more money and if you need to scale up it costs a lot more money. If you need to scale down well you spent a ton of money on unused servers. However, when it comes to reliability its the best.
Cloud servers - Hella cheaper and completely scalable. Creates virtual servers as needed. Service will be spotty unless you live right next to a data center and even then you could have issues because those servers are also being used to create other services.
Biggest issue is that because its a virtual machine, companies will designate what they "believe" they need. To get faster and more reliable service you have to pay for it.
This is the biggest difference between cloud and dedicated. Dedicated you are forced to create reliable powerful servers because upgrading or downgrading is a pain and cost a lot more money to do.
Cloud services, the company can designate what they want or need. "hey we really don't need THIS, we can downgrade this and upgrade this"
Aka - Lets go ahead and lower response time on the servers because who cares, but lets increase memory size so that we can push out more updates.
Its not noticeable in games like Fortnite, Cod, and what not because the tick rating in those games I think is double or triple what Sea of Thieves has. Probably because they are using automatic weapons.
Hence why Sea of Thieves says "You may notice more problems in highly combative moments" - Why require higher tick rating servers when you don't have automatic weapons??
I firmly believe that whats going on with Sea of Thieves it 3 things.
The game was released for the Xbox One Original. Which means servers and coding has to make sure that the game runs optimally one that out dated machine. Game only really started to get really bad when they started to add more content and when they moved the memory files of the game from client to server side.
The size of the game is just too much now. Too much content that was never really optimized before release. The size of the waves even out of the storm are crazy high, volcanoes are exploding in the distance whether you are there or not. You leave a rowboat with a ton of loot somewhere, that rowboat will still be there hours later. There is just TOO much in the game. They should decrease loot amount and instead increase loot tiers or a way to consolidate loot amounts.
When the game first came out, having something like 25 chests on a ship was an exciting moment. It was very uncommon and you felt the heat on your neck because that took some time to come by.
Now you can finish a freaking Flameheart in like 30mins and he drops about 100 pieces of loot all tier 4. I know because I did one Flameheart and finished that commendations of handing loot to another player.
There is just too much in the game, they need to figure out a way to consolidate it all.
- Biggest reason is network communication between client and server. Tick response time and probably how the network passes and receives packets. I think I heard at one point the game uses UDP packets for communicating hits. I have no idea how true this is but it would seem reasonable given that UDP response time would be faster but there is no reliability. I haven't been able to test that out but given if it was that type of issue, it would be very easy to test and confirm.
They used to be very open about why things aren't working and what they did to fix it. They stopped being open with the community for a very long time. It takes months or years for them to answer or commit to an answer to a question.
Someone said in here that they are ignoring it to push out PvP'ers and honestly I had that same thought for a while now.
I don't want to say they want to push out PvP'ers completely, but everything they have done has in a sense been to put a leash on PvP. They'll let us out on walks for they want to be able to crate us thats for sure.
I come to this conclusion because of all the commendations and changes they made to the game over the years.
Commendations that are more focused on the PvE aspect of the game by forcing PvE onto the player if they wanted to get it done. Like having to complete a quest X amount of times instead of just saying turn in loot X amount of times. If there is a turn in loot X amount of times, then right next to it is a complete quest X amount of times.
Probably just paranoia but it just doesn't make sense how they go about with this game. Their way of trying to entice PvP is "steal this loot from another crew".
They haven't really don't anything to the events to make them more worth fighting over. They introduced the FoF but the failure there was allowing the Key to be visible through the map. FoF would have been so much better if the Key wasn't visible. PvE'ers would at least believe they have a chance and would have forced PvP'ers to fight for the kill on the boss instead of just sitting there waiting.
What have they done REALLY for us PvP'ers content wise?? We have to server hop and portal hop just to find anything to do.
Sorry about the wall of text, just really went on a tangent and couldn't stop. Sorry I didn't mean to derail the thread if it does.