Your Story So Far!

  • Make sure to check yourself out, everyone!

    One metric I'm proud of:

  • 29
  • What I'm most proud of is that this is about 85% solo play, 10% open crew, and 5% closed crew with people I met from open crew

    Never had a regular crew and never been a part of any skilled crews.

    Just me and beginners or casual non pvp players that I didn't know before the session I met them in.

    Also a very passive player so most of my flags come from them attacking me first.

  • @wolfmanbush
    I also got my shrouded ghost recently! Congrats, I know you were working on that for a while. Mine blew up 4 mega kegs on a rowboat and insta-died.

  • @wolfmanbush wait! you got her!? When? Congrats!

  • @dr-orchamedes said in Your Story So Far!:

    @wolfmanbush wait! you got her!? When? Congrats!

    I joined an open crew brig that was losing a fight during a thieves haven run
    was able to help out and they stayed afloat
    Heading from thieves haven to plunder outpost after the voyage ended
    a bit foggy when the ominous sound of the meg played
    far in the distance something looked ever so slightly different this time
    I've seen thousands before and something about it seemed different
    could it be the fog?
    In open crew people never pay attention to megs
    Also in open crew if you hit the anchor for a meg they often either catch it to prevent stopping or brig you
    I go with my gut and hit the anchor
    They begin pulling it up as expected
    Then I see her close in
    different, it all felt different yet something I knew I would feel
    gray and then white
    thousands of hours and thousands of megs
    and there she was


    Also I'd love to see more people post their stats here, it would be awesome to see what everyone else has been up to out there

  • @wolfmanbush
    A friend of mine got the Shrouded a week before me while solo, and happened to be with me when I got mine. That dirty pirate has 2 kills now. I'm rooting for him to be the first Legendary Hunter of the Shrouded Ghost.

  • @grumpyw01f said in Your Story So Far!:

    A friend of mine got the Shrouded a week before me while solo, and happened to be with me when I got mine. That dirty pirate has 2 kills now. I'm rooting for him to be the first Legendary Hunter of the Shrouded Ghost.

    that is awesome! I hope they get it too

  • I think this is my proudest one.

    alt text

    I'd love to know how close I am to lowest number compared to hours played. Though I'm guessing they must count skellie ships, otherwise I have NO clue how I got out of the single digits.

  • @hombre said in Your Story So Far!:

    I think this is my proudest one.

    I'd love to know how close I am to lowest number compared to hours played. Though I'm guessing they must count skellie ships, otherwise I have NO clue how I got out of the single digits.

    that is seriously awesome.

    I'd be really interested in knowing if you are. Depending on your sailing distance this could be very impressive.

  • @wolfmanbush

    For some reason it doesn't tell me how many meters I've sailed. Just says "nothing to see here".

  • @vaca-hombre said in Your Story So Far!:


    For some reason it doesn't tell me how many meters I've sailed. Just says "nothing to see here".

    My meters sailed (21,176,955) on this page is the same as the one on the xbox console companion - it's been that number for quite some time ... (more than a year, perhaps even before Steam).

    I wouldn't put too much faith in those numbers.

  • Ah further proof to that mysterious illusive golden M ;)

  • I have 179 sinks...I still think that's high...

  • @pithyrumble said in Your Story So Far!:

    I have 179 sinks...I still think that's high...

    I find these low sink/high activity numbers to be significantly more interesting than anything I have done lol.

  • @wolfmanbush alt text

    Only 299 hours this year, even though this is one of my favorite games of all time, this is more hours than I would have guessed, as we only get to play Friday nights typically. When we do play we tend to never shoot first, however we always turn and fight.

    alt text

  • @dr-orchamedes said in Your Story So Far!:

    Only 299 hours this year, even though this is one of my favorite games of all time, this is more hours than I would have guessed, as we only get to play Friday nights typically. When we do play we tend to never shoot first, however we always turn and fight.

    I hope you get some more time in the near future
    but it Friday so it's your party night

  • @wolfmanbush hell yes its Friday! and yes we are very likely to game into the wee hours!

  • @grumpyw01f the system confuses me; apparently I have spent over 400 hours sailing "zero miles" and managed to achieve many other things in my state of stasis :P

  • I hope more people decide to participate in sharing something from this

    it would be great to get to know your pirate and piracy a little better.

  • @scoobywrx555 said in Your Story So Far!:

    Ah further proof to that mysterious illusive golden M ;)

    What is the Golden M?

  • @personalc0ffee An eyepatch with a golden M on it awarded to players who played sea of thieves in the first week it came out. It was awarded on Dec. 16, 2020 to celebrate the 1000th day of Sea of Thieves (M is the Roman numeral for 1000 and stands for Millennium).
    It's official name is 1000 Days Golden Eyepatch. Looking at the wiki, it says you have to have played since day one, but I am 1000% sure that the devs said "first week" in the reveal post. Lemme search for it.

    Between March 18-26, 2018. You didn't have to actually play between Dec. 13-16, 2020 to get it either.

    Here's the wiki page so you can see the picture, just know that the information on the page is wrong lol, I got this info straight from MusicMee!

  • @personalc0ffee

  • @lizalaroo said in Your Story So Far!:


    OH, I have that.

    I forgot about that.


    Also, Abhoy Liz! It's been so long!

  • @grumpyw01f oh so now you all say you didnt have to play between dec13-16 🙄 i did anyway. And played between then this year as a 1yr anniversary of what i should have won. 😉

    The orb knows...

  • @scoobywrx555
    You had to play in that period for the Red M eyepatch, while the Golden M was awarded on the 16 to anyone who played from March 18-26, 2018, if I remember correctly.

    I'm sorry if I replied wrong here; I'm a bit confused from reading your post. Could you clarify?

  • @personalc0ffee it has me matey! Was fab to get to crew with you last night! :D

  • @lizalaroo So much fun!

21 out of 29