Server down. (Coralbeard) PC (EU)

  • Server down. (Coralbeard)
    Loading supplies................

  • 47
  • @ben-sly-tidus Ahoy matey!

    Aye, there are currently issues affecting matchmaking into servers.
    It is currently being investigated.

  • Holy cow... today is not community day is it ?

  • @jumpmaster21773 said in Server down. (Coralbeard) PC (EU):

    Holy cow... today is not community day is it ?

    I suppose no..... but who knows ;) They're removing arena partially...... first small piece of it affected server ;))

  • Me to Xbox. (EU)

  • First time trying to play 🙄

  • @margem-pt Ahoy matey!

    Currently being investigated.
    Servers are not platform specific too btw :) Everyone connects to the same servers no matter what platform you are on.

  • @musicmee Thank you

  • (

  • so long wait

  • @hellios-wett

  • Any update on when this is expected to be fixed?

    Me and my friend doing our second attempt at playing together (first was on community day) and we're stuck on loading supplies and then coralbeard error :(

  • Very sad this is happening. I'm a lapsed player who thought I would come back and get re addicted and I can't get in boooooooo!

  • @kyahstar I recently returned to the game too and except for the recurring connectivity problems, its really great now, I love it.

  • Shiver me timbers...not again!

    After last weekend's mess, now today. Arr!!!

    Trying to set sail here in then US...stuck at loading supplies.

  • Dude.

    D O O D.

  • Game crash..... stuck on " loading supplies " ,probably my ship and loot is gone by the time I MIGHT even choose to rejoin my session....

  • My game not unaible why and when is going to start

  • Aah greeted with the beard errors.... yeah I can kiss my hours of hard work goodbye.

    I've been nothing but nice today and what do you, Rare, give me in return ?
    Despawning barrels most of the time 9 of 10, not kidding, I see them I swim there....and sink
    Despawning megs/skelships after shooting them.
    Winds changing instantly as soon as I need to to another direction (no joke, I've seen it switch 180 in matter of 20 sec).

    About to get some shrines/treasuries done with the coral quests, but NOOOOO let's just pull the plug on the servers....again.

    Last week the problems with the community day and even on a regular Sunday it can't keep up ?
    Add in the still horrrendous hitreg on players and gunpowder barrels that "high priority" still is not fixed.
    This might seem like a rant, but its becoming more and more apparent there are severe issues with the technical sides of this game.

    How are you going to introduce season 6 with this ?

  • alt text

  • We are currently aware of issues impacting the Sea of Thieves servers causing various beard errors. We ask that you please bear with us as we investigate the issue and we will update everyone as soon as we can provide additional information.

  • Take it easy, people!
    The server hamsters is having coffee break ;)
    alt text

    link text

  • @musicmee any idea how long thought I’ll get a quick game

  • @techn0m0nkey Nah not heard anything else just yet matey... Sorry.

  • Tried to play last Sunday. No chance!

    Finish work and try this Sunday. Nope!

    Think it's time to consider freeing up valuable storage space for a game that works when you have time.

  • @needsmokes No one is holding you hostage matey :D

    There are plenty of other games out there by other studios who I am sure Rare would like you to play too.

  • Aarrr!! This has sunken our lan party tonight. #deadserverstellnotales

  • @facedbridge88 Awwww matey! LAN Party sounds awesome though!

  • Come on Guys. Sure the Problems sucks, but how often have there been such problems. Most the time the Servers are ok.

    @Musicmee is it possible to get some detailed infotmation about the status? Hope we could go on Sea this evening.

  • How long will the servers be down?

  • @musicmee said in Server down. (Coralbeard) PC (EU):

    @needsmokes No one is holding you hostage matey :D

    There are plenty of other games out there by other studios who I am sure Rare would like you to play too.

    While true, I have to side with @needsmokes here. We bought and paid for Sea of Thieves...a game which has now been unusable two weekends in a row. That is becoming unacceptable. The very limited time I was able to get in last weekend ended being a waste of time...and for me, gold. Besides the various lag, errors, and delays, I lost gold due to a purchase of a pegleg that took the gold and never gave me the pegleg! A support ticket ended in saying it never happened.

    Yes, there are other games out there...but I paid for this so I could play it, reliably...especially on the weekends! If Rare wants us to continue to invest money into the SoT with Plunder Pass, cosmetic purchases and whatever future additions...they need to make sure we are able to play this game, and not others.

  • if the developers do not fix it by the end of the working day, they will go to bed or sit until they fix it?

  • @musicmee We're crossing our hooks and fingers. Maybe the winds will change.

  • @hellios-wett Our Developers do not sleep... well they work 24 hours a day... well in shift patterns.


  • Why not try restarting the server?

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