The Legendary Fortune Weapons: How do you think they should be obtained?

  • With the Arena closing, Rare revealed the new PL weapons (as shown below, if it appears) which we can obtain after its gone but so far haven't said as to how we'll obtain them.
    Legendary Fortune

    Which leads to the main point of this post, how would you want the new weapons to be obtained?
    Would they be easy or difficult to get?
    PVP or PVE oriented? (Or both?)

    What are your thoughts?

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  • I think with it being adventure and them being just arena recolors it doesn't much matter in reality

    It's gonna be like pirate legend gear and skilled pvpers are gonna turn them into a meme because they won't be indicators of combat skill and eventually less and less people use it to avoid being part of the meme when it comes to combat

    all of that is just my opinion on how it'll go

    There isn't much that can be done for commendations in adventure that will be much of an indicator of combat skill while still maintaining what adventure is and how it is designed and with them being the arena recolors I don't think it's really necessary to tie it to some grindy unrelated stuff, they will always be compared to arena skins.

    If they were unique designs I'd be all for some top of the mountain grindy adventure requirements like high ship sunk counts (which includes skelly and player)(retroactive) high meg and kraken counts (retroactive) which are indicators of serious time and dedication spent adventuring.

  • @wolfmanbush said in The Legendary Fortune Weapons: How do you think they should be obtained?:

    If they were unique designs I'd be all for some top of the mountain grindy adventure requirements like high ship sunk counts (which includes skelly and player)(retroactive) high meg and kraken counts (retroactive) which are indicators of serious time and dedication spent adventuring.

    I'd be onboard for something like this if they wanted to make it more difficult/rare to unlock. Something like 1k ships sunk (player or skeleton as you said count) Makes it double that of the legendary cannons and LotSoT title which is fairly rare as is.

  • I'm guessing they'll just increase the Athena cap and have them unlock at specific levels just like the ghost weapons.

  • As they're part of the PL set I think they should be behind a commendation like rest of the set, instead of future levels as Ghost themed cosmetics belong there.

    Give them to those who've got all PL ship, clothing and tools.

    What about putting each one of them behind a "Legendary hunter of x- meg?"

    Have each weapon behind one of the "Stronghold commendations?"

    Have each weapon behind "Reach grade x-, y-many times?"

    -Or have them behind all four of stronghold or meg hunter coms.

  • Changed my mind. Honestly would be good to have them behind the “Legends through and through” commendation as this requires unlocking several commendations to achieve. I think the weapons or the legendary curse would fit there.

  • @kommodoreyenser I’m surprised the devs hasn’t thought of using that commendation.
    Would definitely make getting the curse quite the challenge and the weapon there as well.

  • I just hope they wont count as rewards that needs to impress us instead of unique items.

  • @foxywiththemoxy

    Nobody should expect these to be tied to player kills or player ships sunk. They specifically avoid tying any rewards to those metrics to prevent trends of one-dimensional player interactions from people trying to farm kills and stuff to unlock items. That was more feasible for Arena with it being a competitive mode, but not in Adventure.

    Honestly, I imagine they will just tie it to the Legend of the Sea of Thieves commendation unless there are some new Athena commendations that come with the Season 6 Pirate Legend content.

  • @kommodoreyenser

    That's too easy of a commendation to unlock.

  • @chronodusk said in The Legendary Fortune Weapons: How do you think they should be obtained?:


    That's too easy of a commendation to unlock.

    That commendation requires the completion of 3 other commendations, including completing 30 REGULAR athena voyages for the wheel (which are trash and no one does), sailing 1k miles on an athena voyage for the capstan (time consuming but easy i guess), and sinking 500 skeleton ships as PL for the cannons (very few actually even go for this much less have it unlocked)

    I would say you are the type to saying anything outside of a PvP commendation would suffice. I hate to say it but these are not the OG legendary weapons.

  • @d3adst1ck I was thinking that. Maybe increase cap to 40 and have weaps unlocked at 25,30,35,40 (max) or something like that.

  • @kommodoreyenser said in The Legendary Fortune Weapons: How do you think they should be obtained?:

    @chronodusk said in The Legendary Fortune Weapons: How do you think they should be obtained?:


    That's too easy of a commendation to unlock.

    That commendation requires the completion of 3 other commendations, including completing 30 REGULAR athena voyages for the wheel (which are trash and no one does), sailing 1k miles on an athena voyage for the capstan (time consuming but easy i guess), and sinking 500 skeleton ships as PL for the cannons (very few actually even go for this much less have it unlocked)

    I would say you are the type to saying anything outside of a PvP commendation would suffice. I hate to say it but these are not the OG legendary weapons.

    Sure, not a bad commendation, but I already have those unlocked and want to have something new to grind for the weapons.

  • @kommodoreyenser

    The reason I say it's easy is because all it would take is getting on Discord and asking someone with the Legend of the Sea of Thieves title (and there are plenty) to jump in the game and throw the ship cosmetics on for you and your crew. I'd prefer something with a grind that can't circumvented that way.

    Also, I did mention in my other post that a PvP commendation in Adventure would not be a good idea. If they create a "Kill X number of players" or "sink X number of ships" commendation, that would encourage one-dimensional player interactions where Pirate Legends are incentivized to farm other crews for kills.

    I think locking the OG Legendary Weapons to The Arena was a bad idea in the first place. They belonged in Adventure, and now Rare found themselves with backlash for allowing people to still complete the existing set (as they absolutely should) and irritating those who earned Legendary Sea Dog.

    When push comes to shove though, no part of the Pirate Legend cosmetic set should ever be removed since it is an essential base game set that is meant to be perpetually a part of the game for anyone who reaches Pirate Legend status to work toward. You should always be able to complete this set, and I don't think Rare's solution really satisfies that. The black chains don't really match the regular set. But again, this was the corner they backed themselves into by putting part of an Adventure mode set in The Arena

  • I would imagine that much like the rest of the legendary cosmetics, these will be locked behind a harder commendation. I know the general consensus from the hardcore PvP community is that these should be locked behind a PvP commendation, but I just don't see that being a reality.

    I don't believe the legendary weapons should have been locked behind arena in the first place, considering the rest of the set was unlocked via deeds in adventure. But that is a different conversation. As for these weapons, I could see each of them being locked behind a different commendation, that way they're a bit harder to complete the full set. It would be nice to have the "Legend of the Sea of Thieves" commendation have a nice reward behind it, personally.

  • @valor-omega Legend of the sea of thieves already has the legendary cannons behind it. Personally I think the weapons will be unlocked via the legendary stronghold commendations (100 of each stronghold loot) or behind commendations for the new athena content.

  • @baronbrr I totally forgot about the cannons, haha. But yea, I do think these new weapons will be behind the new Athena commendations.

  • As others have stated, I'd be shocked if they aren't associated with increased levels.

    That said, I'd love some type of weapons that are locked behind extremely hard to get PvP type commendations. The arena cosmetics are now meaningless, and a complete joke, since the alliance players have turned arena into an assembly line for commendations.

  • @sammyr0cks Its still a damn good way to explain how the game is one of the greatest cooperative experiences so far. I'll call it a good competitive game when player combat isn't unenjoyable most of the time. not defending alliance servers, just complimenting how well pirates can work together when push comes to shove.

  • @baronbrr we can agree to disagree on that point. People lined up afk for a firing squad to allow others to get weapon commendations is hardly teamwork, or good competition. It’s basically a group of players agreeing to nerf achievements that others worked towards. But, whatever. TSD/LSD used to mean something, now it means nothing.

  • @sammyr0cks you still have to get those players to line up and be killed, that takes cooperation. and its not like people weren't doing this before, its just much more prevalent now. Plus its all about skill. If you're TSD/LSD but die like a chicken, then boom you have fancy cosmetics I don't have. Their treasure is still mine.

  • i guess i am the odd one out here.
    i reckon they will be easier than ever to earn. everything i have seen over the years suggests that is the only direction rare is willing to take, all for the sake of 'inclusiveness'. rare
    wont think its 'fair' unless everyone and their dog can have these with minimal effort or dedication.

  • @tehstepford And there's honestly nothing wrong with that. The PL weapons shouldn't have been locked behind arena in the first place. Every other piece of that set was obtained through deeds done in adventure, not arena. Allowing people to obtain a recolor variant of that same set in adventure is fine, as the originals look better than the new ones, imho. Besides, the originals are different enough for anyone to discern between the two.

  • i think to unlock the new weapons you should have to sink 250 player ships and 250 skeleton ships

  • @foxywiththemoxy I'm thinking maybe they are obtained from getting legendary sea dog.

  • @sammyr0cks people boosted to TSD even before the arena announcement. Heck almost every com in the game can be cheesed in some way. I’d still wager a guess that most people repping those titles are skilled enough to have earned it.

  • @foxywiththemoxy
    being a PL I would love to earn these through levels or something like the others were saying through strongholds. I feel they need more differences than the legendary weapons. they seem like someone got lazy to make something new that they simply replaced some colors on it.

  • I don't want the Arena to close simply because all those really good PC combat players will come into the Adventure mode and make everything fall apart, I'm on xbox, so the controls take awhile in combat. DO NOT make this a PVP earned commendation, if you do it will increase violence on the seas, as someone else said "they will farm players". I totally agree with them.

  • @the-pheonix6886 I don't think adventure will fall apart with the closure of arena, only 2% of player time was in arena, so things will probably carry on as normal.
    However, if you're worried about facing PC players as you're on Xbox there is a solution - you can set your matchmaking to prefer Xbos players with controllers (or something like that, I'm on PC so I'm not 100% sure on the wording).

  • @granty012
    Thanks! that might really help. always getting shelled because the slowness of the controller.

  • @the-pheonix6886 Ahoy! At the main menu screen, there should be an option to opt out of crossplay. This will allow you to play with mostly Xbox players, but it will throw you into a mixed server with PC and Xbox if there aren't any available Xbox only servers.

  • @valor-omega
    Awesome! Thanks!

  • will there be a way to earn the legendary weapons after the arena closes?

  • @the-pheonix6886 Not the original weapons, but there is a recolor set being released for unlock in adventure!

  • @valor-omega

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