Remove Checkpoints !!!!!!!!!!!

  • i've been playing this game more than 3 years, i was grinding ma butt off to finish all Tale Tales by myself and i did it, suddenly i saw a guy who just joined the game and got the Gold Curse!! i told him how !! he said a friend was giving me CHECKPOINTS, , CANT be deleting it like normal Voyages when u leave the game ? Come on,,

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  • @sir-l0rd matey...

    1. Can you imagine the griefing that can take place when there are no checkpoints and another crew sinks you and your necessary voyage item?
    2. Can you imagine the pain of a disconnect right at the end of a 2 hour Tall Tale?
    3. Can you imagine something happening IRL and you have to disappear, losing all progress?

    These are all things that were happening to pirates when Tall Tales came out. I'll take the odd cheeser who didn't earn the curse (those final checkpoints for each tale *5 is still a hefty grind) over the pains detailed above.

  • @sshteeve even woth those "issues" the tales were easy to complete before check points.

  • @captain-coel for some, perhaps.
    Clearly however it was a big enough issue for there to be a need for checkpoints, especially in a part of the game that offers very little (if any in most cases) monetary gain for the time spent on them.

  • Nah, this is just a really petty way to look at it. They still need to do each Tale once and get all the journals.

    I did it the hard way myself, mostly solo. 5 times per Tale is way too much, and Rare learned that lesson, so newer Tales reward exploration not repetition.

    Gatekeeping the Gold Curse is silly.

  • @realstyli gate keeping cosmetics is a trend followed by some in SoT and it is generally silly.

  • I did this before checkpoints too...

    If you wanna go that route.. we should remove emissary flags and the value multiplier, and go back to the original grind to hit PL (which was horrendous, imagine 49 gold hoarders pulling seafarers chests on their 4 maps)

    We should also remove lost shipment voyages, and go back to animals only.

    Every QoL that we've ever gotten because Rare designed something way too tedious the first time should just disappear.

  • It's a sacrifice to significance there is no doubt about it

    but then we move on to "is it worth it for the environment?"

    Many times I think the answer is a clear no. I'd say most of the time it's a clear no.

    Making things easier to cheese at the sacrifice of significance rarely benefits the environment in a substantive way.

    but in this case I think it improves the environment by bringing down the harshness of extreme consequence for players that are attempting to participate in story content.

    Many things in the game were previously significantly more difficult and time consuming when it comes to risk/reward/time. That doesn't justify sacrificing significance just to make things easier or cheesier but it is a reality that as the game grows and adapts it becomes necessary to be open to changes to serve more people.

    It serves those without connections, it serves solo, it serves those that struggle in a environment that is harsh, so that they can progress through story content.

    Imo it's worth it.

  • @illbushido305 said in Remove Checkpoints !!!!!!!!!!!:

    @realstyli gate keeping cosmetics is a trend followed by some in SoT and it is generally silly.

    I can understand it with certain time-limited stuff that marked a point in time for the community, but not when those cosmetics are still available in-game and all it does is make the player repeat content just for the sake of it - because "I had to do it the hard way!".

    Unlike other repetitive commendations (do X, Y number of times), Tall Tales are about the story primarily and by the time players have done them 2 or 3 times, they've already exhausted all they can get from them in that regard. So I don't begrudge anyone new cheesing the repetition.

  • @sir-l0rd the point of the check points is for when you either don’t have the time to do them in one sitting or your on a server that is far to aggressive and you can’t get any of the tall tale done I agree that you shouldn’t be able to do just the last bit of each tall tale to get the gold curse but it is what it is

  • Tall tales should have always been their own mode that allowed players to appreciate the stories without worrying about the usual PvP threats. Essentially splitting the game into "Adventure mode" and "Story mode."

    But they rolled it out as is, and people complained about PvP interruptions, and so then we got checkpoints.

    And the result was cheese. People cheese the commendations, they used the final TT checkpoint as an exploit to run from PvP, and now they cheese supplies with the newer TTs. All of this has, imo, an overall unhealthy effect on organic play in Adventure.

    But it's not going anywhere. Because as others pointed out, it does provide some QoL benefit outside of the cheese. And it's probably too late to make major changes now.

  • @theblackbellamy said in Remove Checkpoints !!!!!!!!!!!:

    Tall tales should have always been their own mode that allowed players to appreciate the stories without worrying about the usual PvP threats. Essentially splitting the game into "Adventure mode" and "Story mode."

    But they rolled it out as is, and people complained about PvP interruptions, and so then we got checkpoints.

    And the result was cheese. People cheese the commendations, they used the final TT checkpoint as an exploit to run from PvP, and now they cheese supplies with the newer TTs. All of this has, imo, an overall unhealthy effect on organic play in Adventure.

    But it's not going anywhere. Because as others pointed out, it does provide some QoL benefit outside of the cheese. And it's probably too late to make major changes now.

    It would also cutout a fun checkpoint so you can have the Morningstar Crew cosmetics available to you.

    Not all the cheese was bad.

    Also- solo'd the original 9 before checkpoints lol

  • @sir-l0rd I also completed them all and got the gold curse before checkpoints were a thing.

    Leave them in I reckon. Makes the game more accessible to more people.

    No, it's not perfect, but what system is? Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

  • @sir-l0rd I understand your point. I did the gold curse before check points and would not wish for people wanting to do the Tall Tales to do it without the checkpoints. There are too many better reasons that a checkpoint is extremely helpful and player friendly, respecting their time.

    As for someone using it to get the gold curse... oh well. Not like it makes either someone using checkpoints or no checkpoints better or worse of a player if that even mattered. It's just a badge of completion to show "Hey I completed the tall tale commendations). They would still need to get all the journals, do all 9 tales 5 times (even with checkpoints that can take some time!)

    One thing that helps a lot in SoT, any game, or just in life. It's never worth comparing yourself to others nor others to yourself.

  • Find a freind or somebody who is willing to help you. Don't be mad at others for getting a helping hand.

    There are players out there who collect checkpoints just to help fellow players out like this. Some are more than willing to give random players a helping hand, and there are those who pay it forward.

    Many of us had done several or all Tall Tale completions the hard way when getting the gold curse the first time, and know how difficult it can be, so collect checkpoints to help fellow players. I'll run a friend through the story all the way once, so they get to see and experience it, and then help them with a checkpoint afterwards. Even with doing checkpoints, they still have to run around and get the journals.

    Don't besmerk somebody because they got a helping hand. "I did it the hard way so therefore so should you" isn't really a kind way to go about things ( in any aspect of life either). For Tall Tales, It's more of "I did it the hard way and know how painful it is, so I'm going to help others out, while still letting them get to experience the story."

  • @sir-l0rd I understand how you might feel about checkpoints removing value to the gold curse but they are absolutely essential (in my opinion) for any game where you have quests that take hours to complete. Too many things can happen that are out of your control. Plus it's not like you can save every 5 minutes, you only have 2-3 checkpoints for most tall tells. Getting the gold curse still takes a decent time to complete even with the checkpoints.

  • why tho?

  • Giving players the ability to complete Tall Tales in multiple sittings was a welcomed QoL improvement.
    Some people take these cosmetics way too seriously.

  • @captain-coel

    Not everyone has hours upon hours to waste away on the game. Some people want to be able to logon and knock some stuff out and then they have to go deal with the real world. SOT is a game that takes forever to do anything. This is why I love the Sea Forts. I can hop in and play for 30 minutes and have some fun, get some loot, sell, and hop off. I have days where I play several hours at a time aswell but it's nice getting some quick gaming in when you can and I enjoy SoT.

    I've recently been using the times that I'm not on for long to knock them out and the checkpoints have allowed me to do that. Why worry so much about what other people do? It's just like real life sometimes people take shortcuts to get ahead but they don't enjoy it as much because they didn't work for it as hard, so it means less to them.

  • @hattrik-swayzee None of the tall tales take "Hours upon Hours" to complete. The longest might take 2 hrs. I usually only play when I have 2+ hrs to do things. That is usually 2-3 times a week. Sometimes RL prohibits me from being able to put in a session. So I do something quick. Right now its either a veil quest or bombing GS.

    The checkpoint system made them mindlessly easy to complete. Tall Tales should feel like an adventure. Doing them piecemeal via checkpoints removes that.

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