Release Notes - 2.6.0

  • Release Notes - 2.6.0
    Read our release notes for today's release to find out more about the fixes and improvements that this build introduces.

    Release Notes - 2.6.0

    Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

    Xbox Club
    Verified Discord

  • 27
  • Link is broken or page is broken, I get a 404 error page not found.

  • @ghost9300 try this.

  • @voidshipwrecks said in Release Notes - 2.6.0:

    @ghost9300 try this.

    This link still includes the update and not 2.6.0 yet, unfortunately.

  • @targasbr that's odd I'm reading 2.6.0 right now

  • @voidshipwrecks
    It shows for me

  • I am PUMPED! Thanks for fixing the customization chests sorting!

  • @meroviel This update looks incredible. You guys, as always, killed it. Captaincy sounds incredible, and I think the sloop rebalancing was a much-needed update. I can't wait to see how this plays out.

    My only feedback is I would love to know you guys are monitoring the impact of these changes and seeing if spawn times need to be tweaked further. I know the implemented changes will have a big impact on how things play out, so I totally get not making a change before seeing how this works. However, I do think scaling respawn times for crew size or ship size would be a well received update. 15 seconds respawn on a talented galleons crew, is very broken. Again, this is just a small suggestion for a tweak. I am beyond blown away by how incredible you guys are doing. I'm extremely grateful to be able to enjoy a game with such a community minded, and transparent, team of developers. Thank you!

  • Probably a bug that will be fixed shortly, but I've seen a few people on twitter (as well as myself) having issues naming ships. I named my Gally "The Booty Wrangler" and didn't get pinged for profanity or issues, yet when I loaded in, my ship name was given randomly by the game. I thought, maybe 'Booty' messed it up, so I bought a Sloop and named it "The Smokin' Sloop". Again, no pinging for issues. Loaded in and got another random ship name. Closed to desktop, re-opened, same issue. My ships name shows up in menus and when selecting, but not in banners or on the ship in game.
    EDIT: I have the gamertag changing setting on, which is changing the name of my ship, false alarm.
    Also hearing people having issues saving things to the ship-- i.e. they buy something and place it somewhere, save it's location, then load back in and have a fresh ship, money spent but items not earned.

    Any suggestions besides waiting for a hotfix? I really wanted to see the Pirate Lord make my vessel's name appear... but I can save one more for the brig I guess.

  • @firevexx11 said in Release Notes - 2.6.0:

    Probably a bug that will be fixed shortly, but I've seen a few people on twitter (as well as myself) having issues naming ships. I named my Gally "The Booty Wrangler" and didn't get pinged for profanity or issues, yet when I loaded in, my ship name was given randomly by the game. I thought, maybe 'Booty' messed it up, so I bought a Sloop and named it "The Smokin' Sloop". Again, no pinging for issues. Loaded in and got another random ship name. Closed to desktop, re-opened, same issue. My ships name shows up in menus and when selecting, but not in banners or on the ship in game.

    Also hearing people having issues saving things to the ship-- i.e. they buy something and place it somewhere, save it's location, then load back in and have a fresh ship, money spent but items not earned.

    Any suggestions besides waiting for a hotfix? I really wanted to see the Pirate Lord make my vessel's name appear... but I can save one more for the brig I guess.

    Do you have HUD option Replace Gamertags on, the one streamers use to not show the name of pirates on their server ? It does impact names of ships as well.

  • @lem0n-curry I am....The dumbest pirate on the sea. Thank you! So sorry! This is gonna be tricky streaming/recording, I want my ship name visible but not my friends gamertags... ah well! Thanks! I'm dumb!

  • Slight issue with captaincy: My ship cosmetics didn't persist throughout sessions even though I paid the gold to save it. I've asked around and I'm not the only one who's having this issue.

    My problem with this update is how impossibly unreachable some of these milestones are.
    The ashen dragon thing requires you to literally be on fire for 100 hours long to get the max version. And just the standard version of it requires rank 10 which is 600 minutes of being on fire.
    There is a milestone for killing the crested queen 100 times. I am willing to bet not a single player has defeated or let alone encounter 100 crested queens. Hell, I haven't even encountered a Megaladon.
    Maybe I am reading the milestones wrong but this is completely unreachable and I hope Rare fixes this.

  • When I was a wee fish, my mommy always said "if you can't say something nice, don't"

    So I'm not.

  • @spaff101 Not impossible, but extremely time consuming. I've killed all the megs 100+ times, but it's taken me thousands of hours.

    Still haven't seen that fake white fish though, talking about impossible.

    • Renaming your ship costs a lot. The price should be similar to the appearance potion.

    • Some of the milestones are ridiculously too high. Like sleeping 100 hours??... I like long-term goals... but it should be something reasonable that can be unlocked throught months of playing while we casually play, not years of gridding with each single ship... This way just the 0,01% of the players will have their ship decorated with trophies. Also, this way players'll only use one named ship of each to progress, which is a bad design decision from you. Isn't this update meant to make players spend money?

    • Stats from our pirate's profile have been removed... awful decision. There're tons of seasoned players that have achieved a lot of personal milestones during this 4 years. Please, move them back to our profile. I was about to sink 5000 ships and I wanted to take a screenshot of the poor guys. Now I'm not able to track it anymore!

    • Ship names don't use the article "The" before the noun but should be shown when you spot a captained ship's banner. Please, add an option in each's ship option menu (right below restore, dismantle ship etc...) to enable/disable it on the banners. This simply option will make a lot of people happy.

    Appart from these issues, and some classic bugs, the update is very enyojable.


    • The solo sloppers penalty time on the Ferry is a needed change... but what is the point if the rest of the crews have just 15'' of penalty? Yesterday I killed a borded, launch over to their ship and the same guy was already waiting for me in the ladder.... sorry but it's silly and unbalanced.
    • Not my main issue but I don't like that the sloop mast needs 2 chainshots to fall... tho I'm sail on a sloop 99% of my time. Feels weird and lot of people will think they missed. In any case, I suggest rising the mast of the sloop a bit faster, and reduce the time to patch it.
  • @kashmero I am impressed but now u gotta do it again

  • @guilleont said in Release Notes - 2.6.0:

    • Stats from our pirate's profile have been removed... awful decision. There're tons of seasoned players that have achieved a lot of personal milestones during this 4 years. Please, move them back to our profile. I was about to sink 500 ships and I wanted to take a screenshot of the poor guys. Now I'm not able to track it anymore!

    What ? You mean the Legend of The Sea of Thieves (You defeated 500 Skeleton Ships as a Pirate Legend), because that one is still showing for me on my profile page.

  • I was at Shores of Plenty Seapost last night and Hendrick is still having issues. No clothes, just a white female manikin.

    BTW, I am making a clip of it on my Twitch channel (0ldschooltroll) if you need to see it.

  • @lem0n-curry when I saw your ship's log floating in an outpost on Insiders I knew your name was familiar to me.. haha.

    All the stats previously shown in you're pirate profile website are gone. No chests sold, no miles sailed... No times puking... All gone!!

    Did I write 500 ships? It's 5000.

  • @guilleont said in Release Notes - 2.6.0:

    @lem0n-curry when I saw your ship's log floating in an outpost on Insiders I knew your name was familiar to me.. haha.

    I hope it was a session I actually did some things and not just log in for just a bit to see if an option worked or how it was worded :).

    All the stats previously shown in you're pirate profile website are gone. No chests sold, no miles sailed... No times puking... All gone!!

    Did I write 500 ships? It's 5000.

    Oh those numbers. Some of them where way off for me, so I didn't put much trust in them. I hope their removal means they're going to fix them and then reintroduce them soon.

  • @meroviel Not a fan of the BUFFED sloops. Sloops already have so much agility when sailing and can take a long time to sink. It's not fair that the mast take more shots now. I've seen too many 2 player sloops dominate, and now it's easier than ever for them.

  • Renaming your ship costs a lot. The price should be similar to the appearance potion.

    You really shouldnt even be renaming your Ship so many times. Take a paper and pen, write down some names and figure out which "speaks to you"

    Some of the milestones are ridiculously too high. Like sleeping 100 hours??... I like long-term goals... but it should be something reasonable that can be unlocked through months of playing while we casually play, not years of gridding with each single ship... This way just the 0,01% of the players will have their ship decorated with trophies. Also, this way players'll only use one named ship of each to progress, which is a bad design decision from you. Isn't this update meant to make players spend money?

    Dedicated players will pop these out. Look at how players found ways to lvl factions, Pirate Legend and Emissary. Really isn't that difficult. But we DO need long term grinds, none of those monthly completed stuff. Should be a achievement.

    Stats from our pirate's profile have been removed... awful decision.

    Stats are still there. They didnt delete them, just blocked from public viewing. Maybe in time they be added in a new form?

    Ship names don't use the article "The" before the noun but should be shown when you spot a captained ship's banner.

    Or..Just say it out like Normal?

    • Ship appears and its called 'Hundred Ones'
      Player: Look! is The Hundred Ones again.

    Its a trivial thing.

    The solo sloppers penalty time on the Ferry is a needed change... but what is the point if the rest of the crews have just 15'' of penalty? Yesterday I killed a borded, launch over to their ship and the same guy was already waiting for me in the ladder.... sorry but it's silly and unbalanced.

    Next time, Pop a few holes in the ship. Maybe set it on fire? Idk I feel you dug your own grave with that one.
    Less boarding and Spawn camping. Think better tactics.

  • Is there PVE only yet?

  • @chronoflare-a Nope, and there won't be. Rare have made that certain.

  • @silentkiller646 Sigh, I'll ask again next patch...
    Thanks for the reply :)

  • @chronoflare-a The answer will still be no next patch too. Unless there is a SIGNIFICANT change to the game's ethos and design philosophy, it will remain PVPVE and a Shared World, and such a change would not come for a long, long time.

15 out of 27