Solo brig/sloop tests in The Battle for the Sea of Thieves

  • @mouse-n-keybord I get doing it to see if its possible but obviously its possible.

    Why not just win half the time and it would still be quicker.

  • @ajm123 said in Solo brig/sloop tests in The Battle for the Sea of Thieves:

    @mouse-n-keybord I get doing it to see if its possible but obviously its possible.

    Why not just win half the time and it would still be quicker.

    It was just a method while chilling out while solo and not wanting to invest focus, plus a nice boost for the community that thanked me a bunch 99% of the time. 40 hours or less if I actually tried but wouldn't have had as many silly interactions, conversations or learned more about the XP system.

    Currently(Taken Directly from my rep page):
    Level: 56
    NextCompanyLevel:Level: 57, XpRequiredToAttain: 13960
    CurrentXp: 12580
    = 3 losses or 1 win to push me deep 57

  • @mouse-n-keybord Yeh, thinking i might take a break for a bit o,e...managed to get from lv39 to 42 in the past couple days, but im stuck between either never getting paired on xbox only, or having alright queues with pc mixed in but almost nonstop sail-outs. The sail-out campers wouldn't be quite so impossible if the game wasn't loading me back from the ferry slow enough that they can kill me before the screen returns from black, and the lack of exp after a queue wait is disheartening.

    I've gotten to the point where if I see the other ship sailing to the edge of the boundary and start firing themselves out of a cannon I sail the other way and try to find a rock to bash myself against, since they aren't gonna use their cannon and give me a chance to sink e-e... So I think I'm gonna take a small break and hope those types get their curses or mmr good enough that I can go back to my slow grind again. x.x

  • @j0kex said in Solo brig/sloop tests in The Battle for the Sea of Thieves:

    @mouse-n-keybord Yeh, thinking i might take a break for a bit o,e...managed to get from lv39 to 42 in the past couple days, but im stuck between either never getting paired on xbox only, or having alright queues with pc mixed in but almost nonstop sail-outs. The sail-out campers wouldn't be quite so impossible if the game wasn't loading me back from the ferry slow enough that they can kill me before the screen returns from black, and the lack of exp after a queue wait is disheartening.

    I've gotten to the point where if I see the other ship sailing to the edge of the boundary and start firing themselves out of a cannon I sail the other way and try to find a rock to bash myself against, since they aren't gonna use their cannon and give me a chance to sink e-e... So I think I'm gonna take a small break and hope those types get their curses or mmr good enough that I can go back to my slow grind again. x.x

    I think the entire thing about MMR is a bunch of smoke and mirrors. The main thing that matches us is region first and the queues are crazy enough trying to make it a fair match. I think the mode might die out for the casuals while all the try hards push for 1,000.

    Only 58 and a half but will make the final push tomorrow for the 2nd curse.

  • Sitting at 70 on day 4 of working on Guardians. Not bad. I've done more open crew this time around to show people The Reapers Hideout. Had a hard fought battle with Mixel last night I let my duo down while distracted.

  • @mouse-n-keybord
    Bro you're leveling up athenas super fast whats your secret? Is it long playtimes and streaks?
    (Also what ship just out of curiosity)

  • @dabomb139 said in Solo brig/sloop tests in The Battle for the Sea of Thieves:

    Bro you're leveling up athenas super fast whats your secret? Is it long playtimes and streaks?
    (Also what ship just out of curiosity)

    Took yesterday off kinda. Mostly did brig open crew today while going on a few streaks and just now started duo sloop with a crewmate but we are Servants due to the queue times.

    I noticed I either have to go hard in a solo or duos meanwhile I've single handily on brig with cannons hit people in the face and cleared the deck with blunder bombs. They sink almost by the time I get on the ship. Or you can do the kamikaze strat and ram on a sloop then blunder bomb. Sometimes they'll have more holes then your boat and you just camp the holes/water with a blunder/sniper.

    Learned something new about how we can try other regions with open crew and getting shorter queue times. Trade off would be crazy 100-200 ping.

  • Update, hard to press on. Still rep12 and brig matches definitely que faster but more crews on brig hating on my style. Go in, immediately turn out, turn slightly in, fire a few shots, let the other crew hit the ship, and let it sink while they try and catch me. It's fast but "too easy" for them, maybe?

    I was told, "it's not fun." I explained to them my predicament and the best answer they could give was, "go back to sloop." Not an actual solution to incredibly long que for sloops. So I'm back to solo brig and fast sinks.

    I didn't make the system, don't hate on me because it incentivized me to do something unintended.

    Can't say it's worth my time and might be the last you hear from me, so goodluck. 🤷

    As much as I wanted to lose my way to 100, I can't dedicate 100+ hours for a cosmetic. And then do it again for the other. That's 3-4 other games I could be playing in that time.

    I would say pray for me, but I dont believe in fantasy, just enjoy amusing myself in it.

  • @vwvepiphonyvwv I feel that. Losing is a grind in it's self! Not doing it at all really on Guardians side ..About to hit 80. Just under 5 nights to get 100 I hope with just about 25-30 hours this time around while my skeleton curse took 80 hours.

    Currently running open crew brigs and the last 3 groups have been great. With a guy now that we've carried our 3rd open crew members 10-1 so far.

  • @ajm123 If I were capable of winning, I would be doing that. Trying, I mean REALLY trying still nets me a loss in the end plus time wasted. 5 wins total to my name and those were ALL unintentional.

    I am not good. Nor do I have time to "get good." Videos/instructions only help so much. Playing on Xbox with controller is a handicap, but I've tried only xbox with controllers also and still lose (que is also atrocious).

    So when you say, why don't you try winning half the time instead of lose? Because that's an impossibility for me. I usually go in solo on brig for fast que, and fast sink. Suggestions otherwise?

    No, I already hear it. "Open crew."

    My response, ewwww.

  • Working this weekend and away from my PC. Next best method to level the rest from 80 with Guardians? Mobile.

    Working flawlessly.

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    Can even have Fear the Walking Dead playing as well.
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    Would also like to add that Xbox Cloud gaming works pretty well on mobile. No need to download anything and your controller works out the gate:

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  • Using the Xbox Game Cloud so far had 2 more crews say they are going to report me, 4 more random wins and plenty of crews know what's happening and love it.

    About to be 85 while doing it while I work. No clue on times due to queues taking so long at certain times.

  • @Mouse-N-Keybord I want to thank you for this. You have restored my hope. You really, really gave me hope. Now I can start the game on a brig, rise anchor and go diving to get more losses. I really appreciate the effort you have put into these stadistics, and you showed me that I can get the curses by losing a lot.

    So I will try to do the same thing. Be patient, and let the other team win. I will also dedicate myself to do something else while that happens.

    Do you have any extra advice on how to do this more effectively? I am in the South American servers so I don't know how queue times will be for me, but here I go.

    Thank you once again.

  • I see already much better results than actually trying so hard at PVP. Now we get funny reactions that confuses people as well just getting lucky in a friendly faction helping us out too so really I can see getting lvl 100 wouldnt be so hard. So thanks for the help.

  • @dragotech123 said in Solo brig/sloop tests in The Battle for the Sea of Thieves:

    @Mouse-N-Keybord I want to thank you for this. You have restored my hope. You really, really gave me hope. Now I can start the game on a brig, rise anchor and go diving to get more losses. I really appreciate the effort you have put into these stadistics, and you showed me that I can get the curses by losing a lot.

    So I will try to do the same thing. Be patient, and let the other team win. I will also dedicate myself to do something else while that happens.

    Do you have any extra advice on how to do this more effectively? I am in the South American servers so I don't know how queue times will be for me, but here I go.

    Thank you once again.

    Aww thank you! It was a wacky experiment that's for sure.

    As for additional ways to help with queue times I think there is only a few options besides a VPN:

    Swap boat sizes or swapping Guardians to Servants if you really want to optimize things while solo.

    Another option is if you have a console or Xbox Ultimate Gamepass is to use the new Cloud. Go into settings at the main menu and try switching "Matchmaking Preferences" to console/controllers on.

    Doing that will put you into another player pool that might be larger and have better times. Same goes if you are on console and wanting faster queues ...switch it to PC and you might get instant queues.

    Queues are weird cause if you think about it the player base is being split upwards of 16 times. Solo sloop, duos, brig, gally, Xbox side, PC side and then both factions.

    Then toss in regions.

    Use the auto run feature a bunch, even when bringing up the anchor as it will auto run it up and not run you off the boat after. Lower sails ASAP and drop that hour glass. You'll dive after about 5 seconds leaving the island and sit by the anchor. Drop it as soon as you enter the battle and give a hearty AHOY! Maybe explain what your doing is giving them a free win and the faster they sink you, faster in queue and the more wins they'll get! It's a win win.

  • @emerald-hyper said in Solo brig/sloop tests in The Battle for the Sea of Thieves:

    I see already much better results than actually trying so hard at PVP. Now we get funny reactions that confuses people as well just getting lucky in a friendly faction helping us out too so really I can see getting lvl 100 wouldnt be so hard. So thanks for the help.

    Here's a hilarious reaction I had ...ran into my own crew while I was at work giving away wins!!!

    Not only did I see them once but about 7 times! Guess it's the games way of saying they need to catch up with me. 😅

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  • @mouse-n-keybord

    Congratulations!!! Looking forward to seeing you on the seas, as a skelly or ghost!

  • Came across this post and I believe I faced you twice one night when you were still earning the skelly curse … I remember the brig being on fire both times - it caught us off guard haha. My brig is named “Off the Deep End” and has the year 1 purple and gold pirate legend ship set if you remember us at all

    Only at level 15 guardian so far, but your info gives me hope that I’ll reach level 105 by the end of the season one way or another. I reaaaally want to unlock the legendary curse Rare brought back (unsure if that one is limited to season 8)

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