Keyboard Settings not saving

  • If I change my keyboard setting they don´t get saved.
    I have to set them again every session.

    Is this a known bug?
    How can I fix it?

  • 11
  • @gooru72

    Probably tied to that aiming issue others are complaining about. Submit a support ticket.

    I do have a question, are you set to console/controller preferred and waiting until you spawn to actually connect the m/k?

    If you are it may be intentional.

  • @gooru72 said in Keyboard Settings not saving:

    If I change my keyboard setting they don´t get saved.
    I have to set them again every session.

    Is this a known bug?
    How can I fix it?

    Yeah it's been a thing for a long time. You can probably fix it by going to the sot .ini file and editing it, but I don't remember particular commands offhand

  • I have this same issue, Steam version here.

    But are not all the settings being reset, hjust the new options like the button to zoom map, the new volume sliders and such.

  • resetting one settings page to standard solved the problem for me.

  • For me as well.
    I did reset the controller settings, left the game and that fixed it.
    Was starting to loose my mind setting the settings every session...

  • guess what, the problem now evolved.
    Since April 25 resetting controller settings wont do a thing anymore.

  • to save u guys some time...

    Ahoy there!

    Thank you for your patience while we investigated your request.

    Due to issues received, could you try resetting your controls to default? To do this, select 'Keyboard & Mouse' from the settings menu, scroll to the bottom and select 'Reset to Default'. Please also repeat this for your 'Controller' settings in-case of any conflicts. Once completed, your settings should persist between sessions.

    Sea of Thieves – Player Support

  • Yeah, ahoy,

    Resetting to default does not work. That's literally the exact thing the post before yours said.

    You also just keep closing my tickets and telling me to check the forums, even though I've told you none of the ideas on the forums have helped me.

    Including your official solution of resetting to default.

    So, umm, guess I'm gunna have to learn how to edit .ini files again like its 1998.

  • @eurynomos48 Four months later and still no reply. Guessing nobody has a solution then?

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