Xbox Series X - Game Crashes

  • Hello

    From Last update, the Game crashes several times during gameplay. If i dive to the voyage, sometimes crash and during 1-2 hours gameplay, there is a random crashes too. Please help

  • 31
  • @x-muliscz-x

    Known issue. No fix yet.

  • As a Series X owner.
    I need more info on what else is going down. Region, Network connection, have you uninstall-reinstalled lately? Clear cache? Xbox lobbies only?
    (lucky I havnt had these issues) but I like people to include more info.

  • just logged in on xbox series x selected high seas, selected my sloop, continued with rest of crew options, got to the wake-up animation in the tavern and i crashed.

  • Same with me. Xbox Series X crashes fairly regularly since the recent mega-update. Strangely, it often crashes twice on the 'Select Ship Type' screen. Weird.

  • ya it crashes an lot, my crew members on xbox experience the same thing today had me be in middle of battle had thto game crash. then latter on i got to experience it. come on rare.

  • Hello,

    Same thing here, it keeps crashing even after the last update…
    Sometimes on launch, even 2 times in a row.. and it seems to be completely random, on a pvp fight, on pve, when you put a row boat on your ship, etc etc

    Cache has been cleared multiple times, game has a clean reinstall even after patch but nothing change and around me a dozen people have the same issue, all on xbox series x and S…

    But I guess magic will do the work and it’ll be repaired on April 30th…

  • @lone-wolf-jaxx Curious PC user here. When you say crash, do you mean crash completely out of the game, crash to menu, or an error taking you to the menu in the game?

  • @x-sambora-x Straight back to dashboard. If actually in game (rather than just loading) there is usually a lag spike shortly before.

  • @phantaxus Broken record here...but right now PC uses who use the MS Store version (maybe not all) get crash to desktop. Those who switch to the Steam version do not have that error. I've spent enough time witnessing it, experiencing it, then watching Steam fix it that I'm confident in that statement. Likely related to what you're getting.

  • @x-sambora-x yeah, return to dashboard after a small double lag every time… and what makes me crazy is that the support told me to even try to reinstall the xbox os like it was a one player case…
    Megs are bugged, skull ship are bugged, guild interface does not work 1 on 2 times, hit register is still a problem, and everything about those crashes seems to be fine on steam clients… but I should initialize my xbox… whatever…

  • Help crashed mid dive doing raids, now trapped by the siren queen.


    Series S player here all kidding aside, this is kinda dumb breaking the game when updating. That's Ubisoft's thing.

  • 1 month later, same issue occuring multiple times a day… is there any crashes on the ps5 beta? 🤔

  • This is constantly happening, sometimes I never get back to my ship! If this isn’t fixed by the next update, PS5 will be the only players!

  • back in the days sea of thieves never crashed on my xbox series x, but i have few more games that crashes constantly on my xsx, halo infinite , microsoft flight simulator ,atomic heart , sometimes crashes : cyberpunk 2077 never crashes : fc 24 , gta 5 xsx vers, just a few examples i also cleaned my whole xbox and nothing helped i think its a hardware issue maybe not for sot but was never so unhappy with a xbox console.....

  • I am still plagued by this and can't understand why it's marked as resolved in known issues!

    Series x, 120hz, vrr and hgig enabled, xbox and mixed servers, half the time the client will crash just trying to get through the dashboard to sail, emerging from any dive is 50/50 on a crash to dashboard. Frames freeze, get three stutters then crash consistently.

    Wife on a SeriesX at 60hz, no vrr or hgig suffers the same but far less frequently.

    Last week I've even done a full factory reset of my xbox, no improvement.

    Guilds tab is really hit and miss as to when it's works or loads, gut says it's related.... Far less flaky for the Mrs than for me, can virtually guarantee every load guilds won't work and I have to load a public boat then quit to fix, if it doesn't crash.

    I've played this game through every bug with a smile but this really is ruining it.

    Ran beatufilly on my ps5..... Just wish my elite controller worked!

  • I play on Steam -- have friends and family that play with me on Xbox via Game pass. Every single person that plays with me who uses an Xbox crashes and gets put on the xbox dashboard. I've noticed playing with my nephew that there's no problems playing on Safer Seas, and the only time we have disconnects on the normal mode is when we put down a voyage on the captains table and the ship dives. They disconnect every single time the ship dives.

  • I am having this issue was well. Though it is a random action I can't tell when it happens other than it does happen and crashes me back to the Xbox series x dashboard. It is frustrating, especially during combat.

  • Xbox series x - 3-4 crashes an hour :( I no longer play solo since it didn't even let me rejoin the session once and I lost everything :)

  • Series S here, same deal. Not even doing anything fancy, barely woken up in the tavern before straight back to dashboard.

    On other occasions it's happened when diving to a voyage and rejoining takes long enough that the ship has surfaced, crashed into the island, and sank just as I arrived on board. Didn't bother rejoining other sessions when this has happened, just quit out and played something else.

  • Series X here. Definitely more crashing than usual. It’s completely random. In fact, i just logged into a new session. Left the tavern door, jumped and then black screen crash. No error message just back to my xbox home screen. I am in southern florida, sailing the normal lfg server. 120hz enabled. Doesnt matter what type of ship i join.

  • Has Rare posted about this issue? I just introduced two new people to the game this week. Today I crashed 5 times in a two hour run while teaching someone how to sail on a Galleon. I just rebooted for an evening sail, and I got sent back to the dashboard seconds after loading in at the Tavern. Rare, what are you guys doing to fix this? You're breaking your game!

  • Same on older consoles. On One S, I got seven or so dashboard crashes yesterday, including one during a contested Siren Song that ended up dashboarding both crews.

    And as mentioned above, it always happens after a couple of stutters.

  • I been crashing alot also..
    But ive found a couple ways to decrease the drop outs.. i think.
    Cancel the Sirens skull quest when it pops up for one..
    Dont do dives.
    And dont over due it on the controls.. meaning, if ur not in the heat of battle.. slow down your actions a bit.
    Dont start one action until you completed the previous.. or shall i say until the animation catches up.
    1 action at a time.. Just Slow down.
    If you notice a stutter.. just stop moving for a moment.

    Lame, i know. but it helps.

  • I can't even get into a game it loads up I select high seas and the game crashes its done this 4 times in a row please FIX the crashing

  • I get tons of crashes on my Series X as well, always with a freeze before it happens, then it sends me straight to the Xbox home screen, no SoT error message.

    This happens like once in 1-2 hours of gameplay and is pretty terrible. The two things I tried so far was de-dusting my Xbox (but only on an almost surface level, with just removing the back plate and using a dust blower), as well as resetting my Xbox (while keeping games & apps). But it still happens.

  • Random crashes every 10-15 minutes. Absolutely unplayable. On Xbox Series S.

    Please sort it out.

    No Error messages, just straight to the dashboard.

  • Little update on my side (Series X). Even though I thought it got better, I had 2 freezes and then crashes (right to the dashboard with no error message) in a 4-hour-long session two days ago.

  • Games been constantly crashing on me as well get to voyaging get to collect items then game just crashes

  • Just upgraded from my Xbox one to an Xbox series X. Purchased SoT for the Xbox series X. Fresh install.. Note I did also have it on my Xbox one. I was also experiencing regular crashes on my XBOne and they continued on the XBSX. Something I noticed is I had random Crashes back to the Xbox one home screen happening after I assigned my ship to the guild and started sailing under the guild. This continued on the XBSX when sailing under a guild. I finally amassed enough treasure to buy another sloop and this time did not assign it to the guild. I just finished a one hour session with no crashes for the first time since I donated my other ships.. I am not sure if this is related or not but I do find it odd.

  • Well, forget that theory. Just crashed after 10 minutes into a game with my non-guild sloop.

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