[Level 91 Guild] Sea of Bruh Recruiting!

  • 27
  • Hey there! I'd love to join. I've been playing since release, 26, my discord is Clinethulu.

  • Hello! I would like to join my dc is nebula2137 or Nebula2137 in game

  • @tw1zt3db3ast Hello, do you have a discord? we mostly communicate on our guild discord server

  • @m4tyscz hey cap' i'd love to join too! 24 and prety new but play all weeklong! discord Gamunth

  • @M4tysCz Ahoy there! I would love to join you guys. I mainly play on Xbox my gamer tag is Gulindor and i have discord which is also Gulindor. I'm 33 been solo slooping for a little over a month but i would love some main roles. I play daily for the most part when i get off work around 6pm EST and on the weekends. Thanks for the consideration , Happy sailing!

  • @gulindor sent a friend request on xbox and discord

  • @gamunth hello doesn't matter if you're new or not, we welcome everyone. I sent u a friend request on xbox and discord

  • I'm looking to join a guild as well.

  • @kn1ght-0f-fa1th hello, please send me a dm with your discord username

  • Hey! I'd love to join! My discord is krenular

  • Hi!
    If your time zone is central EU:
    Looking for an active guild play 3h a day min together with crew and more in weekends..
    As a mature pirate legend..

    discord: morde4884

  • @krenular friend request sent

  • @byforce3 friend request sent

  • Hi! I'd love to join

    Discord sleepyeth


  • Gamer tag: TenetTangerine
    Discord: realityorfate

    I am active almost every day
    20 years old

  • @tenettangerine request sent

  • @m4tyscz hey sorry for late, i don't have your invite on XBox or Discord :/

  • Heya, I'd love to join. Got around 1.5k hours in the game and am pretty active. User is Gaublin6606 (PS5)

  • Hello, it would be a great pleasure to join your guild and I would like to join and contribute to the advancement of the guild, I am an active player and have a few hundred hours in SoT

  • Hello everyone new that want's to join. I'm sorry but recruitment is closed for now, too many new people so we need to test them if they are active or not although if your intrested i can add you and the next time when we gonna need people i can send you a message. Thank you all for your interest to join us and once again I apologize to those who unfortunately wrote late.

  • Can I join? My username on Xbox is prdxlz and my discord username is paradoxelz

  • Hi I would like to join! Gt: BigDeal4201072

  • Is there still any spots left for me to join?

8 out of 27