the water glitch is back

  • the other day i’ve been fighting an alliance server and boarding has been nothing but a strain. the water messes with my ability to grab the ladder. It didn’t affect my fighting ability but it prevented my boarding abilities.

  • 6
  • It’s either

    1. player having issues
    2. server
  • where it is tough to see above the water?

    that one is very annoying with trying to board a boat

    especially in a situation of moving a good chest in the water

  • @burnbacon everyone was audibly annoyed by the glitch, I heard a lot of shared cursing because everyone kept missing easy boards lol. in the end we took down the server and it was mostly gg’s from everyone

  • Server performance post-Season 14 has been worse than ever. No surprise that an alliance server stacked with ships and players was having trouble with desync and lag. My 70 year-old dad wants to know when Rare will be done hosting SoT on his old 486 and he can have it back.

  • @belphegor1384

    Is it the underwater but not one?

    I don't pvp or stack.

4 out of 6