Betrayal and back stabs

  • So I'm just sailing and then this sloop comes up to me and asks if I want to alliance for the fotd ( Fort of the Damned ) so naturally I say yes. I always have a little scheme in place and this is a good one but I was taking my time when he betrayed me. Obviously I wasn't going to let this guy get away with it so I sailed through the storm to get revenge. When I got there this other sloop already sank him so we formed an alliance and he sold the loot and logged off but there was a second flame skull so I could get more money and rep. Once I finished the fort I made my way to reapers to sell when a galleon from earlier approached. Earlier I sank a galleon with kegs turns out this one was part of a strong and large alliance in control of the burning blade. So I can't go to reapers or any outpost because now I'm being chased by 3 galleons a sloop and the burning blade. So what do you do when that is your situation? Of course you lead this alliance who is trying to get revenge with kegs to the devil's roar. At this point the burning blade broke off from the chase to do the burning blade objective while the alliance gets hit with volcanic rocks causing their kegs to blow up destroying them. I made off with some more loot they were carrying and went to reapers later I discovered they were being attacked by the burning blade who was betraying them like I planned on doing in the first place with my first ally. Crazy pirate game we have here.

  • 3
  • It's so satisfying to successfully pull off the roar strat against galleons.

    good tale!

  • this topic is a topic so if anybody has tales about betrayal this is the place for you so feel free to post here

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