Winds of Deception Lvl 237 (3 currently active members, 3 others occasionally do things)

  • requirements:
    -on occasion, play the popular pirate game sea of thieves whilst sailing for this guild
    -lmk if u take long breaks or something idk, otherwise you might be removed for space if youre inactive for too long like months

    preferred activities:
    -whatever you want we welcome all

    if u join and plan to be active that'd make 4+(xwhoever else joins) active members! wow, that sure is more than 95% of other guilds probably

    dm me on xbox/gamebar whatever its universally called @toast1764 and friend me if interested

    please join or i'll be forced to deliver 3 specks of dust to your residence in retaliation

  • 12
  • Hey! I’m an OG Season 1 PL getting back into the game and would love to join. I’m super active and have some friends that are too.

  • @il-hardscope-li ok cool, sent the invite :)

  • Solo hourglass PL getting back in and Commendation hunting would love to join!

  • im interested in joining!

  • Im just getting into Guilds want to join one that'll allow me and my mate to grind getting tonnes of gold and glory where we all benefit

  • @subzliketk cool, would love to have you! i sent a friend request once you accept it i can add you to the guild

  • @soniic808 cool, would love to have you! i sent a friend request once you accept it i can add you to the guild

  • @civilbloom60795 cool, would love to have you! i sent a friend request once you accept it i can add you to the guild, you can invite your friend too through the guild members button in the guilds menu or something once you join

  • I would love to join your guild if you still have room.
    GT: AOD Vigil

    Thank you

  • @toast1764 Hey sorry i didnt see this earlier - are you sure? i never got it /:

  • Hi! Happy new year from Argentina. Im interested to join. Wanna grind new battlepass and sell fast. I dont mind playing solo or with a crew
    Discord id "Duraznito15#1428"

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