!In the Guild "Endless Fun for Us" we open recruitment for 4 new members in 2025!

  • We open up the possibility of belonging to a unique guild with a Distinction level 7!!! If you are interested, send me a private message through the xbox app and reply in this thread.

    We are looking for active players with proven experience in PVE and PVP. Our most experienced members exceed 300 days of game time, achieve fifth distinctions in the various emissaries, devastate their opponents in the hourglass with levels above 400, sail the seas in search of adventures, balanced combat or new alliances!!

    Don't wait to sign for guilds poor in expectations, look overboard with one of our 30 ships and feel free to live the adventure you want in the best of companies! We are waiting for you to reach that coveted level that you can't reach!!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025!!!

    The Zocki

  • 18
  • Please don't keep creating new Threads for the same topic, you can simply add any additional updates/information with a reply on this Thread.
    This Thread will be left open but any future Threads will be locked/deleted.

    Thank you.

  • Ups ok no problem!! Excuse me, it won't happen again. I thought I had deleted the previous one. It was too demanding.

  • I'm down to join, 1.4k hours - discord is Holy_Man_Scrat

  • Hi! Happy new year from Argentina. Im interested to join. Wanna grind new battlepass and sell fast. I dont mind playing solo or with a crew
    Discord id "Duraznito15#1428"

  • Solo hourglass PL getting back in and Commendation hunting would love to join!

  • @subzliketk I'm checking profiles, in the next few hours I'll contact you through the xbox app. Happy New Year!!!

  • @duraznito15 I'm checking profiles, in the next few hours I'll contact you through the xbox app. Happy New Year!!!

  • @silvergorila841 I'm checking profiles, in the next few hours I'll contact you through the xbox app. Happy New Year!!!

  • @subzliketk im sorry but you haven´t been selected. Best os luck at SOT!

  • @silvergorila841 im sorry but you haven´t been selected. Best of luck at SOT!

  • @duraznito15 im sorry but you haven´t been selected. Best of luck at SOT!

  • @thezocki yooooo me and my 2 friends were interested in joining the guild! I have over 1300 hours across all platforms while my friends have over 700 hours a piece. We play frequently so if u could get back to me that would be great, thank you :)

  • @hurry Hey great, send me a private one each to the Xbox app and I'll tell you something in a few hours.

  • @thezocki dijo en !In the Guild "Endless Fun for Us" we open recruitment for 4 new members in 2025!:

    We open up the possibility of belonging to a unique guild with a Distinction level 7!!! If you are interested, send me a private message through the xbox app and reply in this thread.

    We are looking for active players with proven experience in PVE and PVP. Our most experienced members exceed 300 days of game time, achieve fifth distinctions in the various emissaries, devastate their opponents in the hourglass with levels above 400, sail the seas in search of adventures, balanced combat or new alliances!!

    Don't wait to sign for guilds poor in expectations, look overboard with one of our 30 ships and feel free to live the adventure you want in the best of companies! We are waiting for you to reach that coveted level that you can't reach!!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025!!!

    The Zocki

    Three new signings have joined "EndLessFun4Us" this morning. They have set the bar very high managing to climb 6 levels in just 8 hours of hard work!!

    Congratulations Hurry, Challenge Man13 and TheUltimateShay!!

    If someone is willing to join the challenge of joining the guild, we still have 2 slots for intrepid pirates as our new companions!!

  • Dropping Anchor at OP's request.

13 out of 18