Game loads to grey screen then crashes

  • Every time i try to open the game it comes up with the grey splash screen and then after about 5 seconds just disappears and it wont get any further than that. i have tried everything i can think of, ive re-installed the game, signed in and out of everything and still nothing ive seen other people with this problem but no one seems to be able to fix it.

  • 28
  • @as2-naval-al been having this problem since I got into the alpha in December. Uninstalling and re-installing the game generally fixes it for me. It varies tho, sometimes it doesn't come back and other times it's every time I try to start the game up again. Would really appreciate a fix and it hopefully won't be in the full release.

  • same problem here

  • Yesterday I could play for the first time and now this morning I have the same problem as you ... help!

  • I have the same problem, even in the alpha, i would try the "re-install" fix but it takes me 2 or 3 hours to do that, please some fix or solution for the crash

  • @devet10
    @el-espectro-0 said in another post about this bug:
    Uninstall the Xbox Insider Hub from your PC and re-install it from the Microsoft Store. That worked for other players.

    Im trying now

  • @devet10 Man, you made my day! This works!! Thanks for the advice, very useful post.

  • @devet10 ive tried to do that but that hasnt worked either

  • @devet10 This also solved my problem. The game wouldn't start even though it was newly installed. But Removing and installing Xbox insider, did the trick

  • @devet10 that fixed the issue of not being able to download and install. grey screen and crash remain though =/

  • @devet10 I wish this worked for me.
    I've now reinstalled the game three times. Every single time I reboot my computer I have to reinstall the game. If this has been in since Alpha, why hasn't this been prioritized? Its much more game breaking than any other bugs, considering hte game doesn't even launch.

  • @getfrostsmitten i have also re installed the game multiple times and done everything that others have said works for them and still nothing the entire of alpha was perfect i never had any problems i played the first day of beta and it was fine apart from the whole cant do quests thing but since then it wont even load up. i just want to be a pirate g******n it.

  • Same issue here. Uninstalling Xbox hub and reinstalling did not resolve. I was able to play for a few hours this afternoon and I have not rebooted my machine today. This evening I got a few failed matchmaking so I logged out and logged back in, now the grey screen crash.

  • i have after what feels like an eternity finally got the game to work ive just uninstalled the game and the insider hub and then re downloaded them both and that somehow got it to work even though ive done that loads i think you might just have to keep un installing everything to do with the game and re install it again until it works.

  • I saw the very first green screen with the small pirates picture, then the game didn't start.

    I uninstalled Xbox Insider App only and then I re-installed it.
    This worked for me twice, both yestarday and today.

    Boring but... less boring than do the same with the game!

  • @as2-naval-al

    I had this Problem one day before the Beta, but i solved it and wrote about it. Maybe it helps you guys too.

  • @as2-naval-al pc?

  • Log completely out of Xbox Hub on your PC. Then log back in using your Xbox account, not your local Win10 log in. See if that works.

  • @maloghigno IT WORKED, so its a insider bug not a game thing, thank you a lot, you really make my day a lot more happy thanks

  • @devet10 nice :)

  • @face-0-o said in Game loads to grey screen then crashes:

    Log completely out of Xbox Hub on your PC. Then log back in using your Xbox account, not your local Win10 log in. See if that works.

    Not for me!! I have the same account on windows pc and xbox insider still doe not work crashes onto the desktop

  • I get this issue nearly every time I play, I've personally found the most effective way is to just uninstall the game and download it again from the store, it never seems to take long either!

  • @l-flowerpower-l

    What happens if you download a free (useless) app from the xbox store and then try? I've seen this work a few times. It seems to reset registry keys.

  • @pokepaws Also did it once... actually, I could never manage to start this game on my rig at all.. such a shame and i think the entire ideology and the actual working method in windows with this marketplace and the silly Microsoft apps make our life harder and more stressful, on steam these problems max minor ....

  • @face-0-o you are right! the same thing happens quit right after it starts... what should I do ??

  • @l-flowerpower-l said in Game loads to grey screen then crashes:

    @face-0-o you are right! the same thing happens quit right after it starts... what should I do ??

    The only thing I can think of is it uninstall the xbox app and xbox insider altogether, then reinstall.

  • @face-0-o Already did it a few times... :(

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