(3D MODEL) 6 Player Ship

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    Modeled in RHINO

    A Discussion of additional ships for Sea of Thieves on this thread below!
    EDIT: Additional Image to Show Deck from Above
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    Edit: Imagine this as an emergent PVP Boss
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  • 83
  • Awesome job man!

  • You sir, is a legend

  • @shoothere4exp Come on man, I can only get so excited about this game before I have a heart attack, lol. That looks fantastic! Any chance we can get a couple closer screen shots of the deck?

  • @ShootHere4EXP AHOY!

    AYE have been waiting for this discussion for a long time! ARR!! A fine model indeed!
    Given any thoughts on the technically of having 6 MIGHTY canons on each side ?
    I suggested a long time ago to restrict the angle on the lower ones. This would restrict their use in closer ranges rather than firing away in the distance ?

    I am all hears for I'd like te know more about this mighty ship! And what it could be in the hands of the sea gods!

  • One word, Awesome !

  • @Cows-n-Muffins Sure! Here are some shots of the deck, I still have a bit of work to do on the inside but this should give a pretty good idea!

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    EDIT: Middle Right Image: Contains Map Table

  • I feel like it should have more sails than the galleon.

    But oh my lanta, your work is freaking beautiful dude! This is why I subbed to you ;)

  • Love it but it should have a triangle sail on the front and a rear sail in the back.

  • @shoothere4exp I really like the front front top deck area that has a small "room" of it's own. Adds a lot of personality and combined with a ship customisation it could really become a nice crew area.
    One thing I'm not certain about is how many people will be needed to turn the sails.
    I think 3 is a little too little for a 6 man ship (unless it's really slow and they'd have to cooperate. Which makes me think... is it even possible to team up for turning the sails? :O)
    and if the diagonal rope that goes from under the crows nest is a 4th turning winch thingy... That is actually pretty great. If not, it might be a good idea to make it one as that would make a reason for one person to constantly be atop the mast area which would be really great for the whole team and so cool :3!
    Love the ideas and appreciate all the effort. Well done once again. You never cease to amaze me!

  • @xcalypt0x It does have more sails. Check the extra top sails at the top with the thin walkway between them. In the main design thread those 4 smaller top sails need to be unfurled and stowed separately from the main sails below. The rotation of all sails is still controlled in the same way as the galleon from below.

    Link to the post in the last thread where that idea was born.

  • @shoothere4exp Wow, that deck looks really good. Your attention to detail is very impressive :)

  • @shoothere4exp seriously, why hasn't Rare gotten in touch with you. Great job man.

    I am not exactly in favor of larger crews, but damn if your creations are now causing me to second guess that.

  • @ironuzuka & how many pounds or kilos will these cannon balls weigh fellow cap’n??

  • @shoothere4exp
    I see you went with the ladder up to the top sail instead of the rigging idea.
    Visually i think you made the right choice, it fits nicer with the in game style.

  • @shoothere4exp as always, incredible work! Can't wait to see the 3d of the Brig!

  • @Cows-n-Muffins Ah, okay thanks for the link. I did not see that specif reply in that thread.

    I was referring more to the triangle sails that sort of go up the bow-spirit, but reply you linked explains why those are not present.

    That idea could work, although I think I would rather have someone have to go up there to turn them as well, but IDK.

  • @Ironuzuka I thought about it! And actually my first Man O' War model had 3 of the cannons below deck in portholes restricting their aim. It's still a tempting idea to me, but I decided instead on this split level deck design so the 3 bottom cannons could maintain full functionality and rotation, but still evoke being below on a gun deck. If you want to see an option of below deck guns, check out my other thread!https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/topic/30448/5-ship-types-for-sea-of-thieves-speculation-graphic/257

    @MarvelIronFist Thanks! That's the goal of the game to become one isn't it? ;)

    @Cows-n-Muffins Thanks for clarifying on the sails, that is exactly how I intended it like we discussed in the other thread. And thanks it was a lot of work!

    @Retto-Elbaroda Yes like @Cows-n-Muffins said the furling happens up at the crosstree platforms but rotation would happen below. I'm glad you like the idea of having a crew member up in the sails because I always have too! I think there is an opportunity for that in a larger group. I was actually thinking of that rope as a rope you would use to cross to the other crosstree, where you would then be able to unfurl/furl the front topsails. Thank you so much for the great feedback!

    @Avirex-Idyll I'll just be happy if this encourages rare to add more ships to the game, and thank you! I can understand your hesitation for larger crews, I still want 4 to be the norm , but I do think it could help flesh out the emergent world if there were opportunities to group up for 6 like a Raid in destiny. Just like there is a PVE emergent boss (Kraken), I imagine this as the PVP emergent boss.

    Perhaps there is only 1 and you have to find it in the world?

    @LaughsManiacaly Thanks! Yes I'm trying to keep the model as close as I can to current game design while still moving the bar on gameplay variety

    @xCALYPT0x Thanks Man! And yeah I'm opting for square sails to keep it consistent with in game squares... perhaps we will see triangles in the future when the GOlden Age of Piracy comes. I also notice the devs have refrained from putting sails on the front bow or the rear, so I'm trying to keep the model consistent with that.

  • @shoothere4exp said in (3D MODEL) 6 Player Ship:

    I also notice the devs have refrained from putting sails on the front bow or the rear, so I'm trying to keep the model consistent with that.

    Good observation and choice. Less work for Rare if they want to adopt your designs :) You know, they are hiring right now ;)

  • @shoothere4exp
    One adaptation to consider, maybe extend the cross beams, the sails look a touch shy to the overall size.

    Can't wait to see this beast in colour.
    P. S. When do we get the full animated fly through. (ok so maybe a little eager here)

  • @laughsmaniacaly Now that I look at it they may be a tad small.

    And don't worry the flythrough is something I'm working on ;)

  • @xcalypt0x Thanks! yes theres lots of little things I'm trying to keep consistent with Rare's ship models (Just in case they're interested in implementing :) )

    • 2 Enclosed Decks below for patching holes (Sloop has 1 1/2) Portholes below deck can't be open.
    • Front Bow is a social space, not a sailing space
    • Square sails only (Easiest to understand for rotating into wind)
    • The "Rare" Look: Sea of Thieves has a distinct look, inspired real life simplified into fun shapes. No straight lines.. everything is beaten up a little bit. This also meant I couldn't just copy a real Man O' War's proportions, the Galleon was a good example for me to start with.
      *Don't overcomplicate it... front bow is simplified... hull is simplified but eclectic..
      *Decks have unique roles: Can't just add decks randomly.. you must consider what the role of the deck is in gameplay.
      *Crew Workload - The amount of work for a crew is scaled to the crew size (amount of sails to manage, speed of capstan, etc.)
      *Distance between Work: Larger ships have all its features more spread out, this actually impacts gameplay requiring more coordination between teammembers.
  • @shoothere4exp said in (3D MODEL) 6 Player Ship:

    Perhaps there is only 1 and you have to find it in the world?

    Ooooooh man, do I like that idea. Though just like the pirate legend title, there can't be just one. Allow me to elaborate:

    At the end of some elaborate riddle that spawns as part of an event and can actually be dropped on death and spawns back into the world if not completed in that play session. Who ever solves the riddle gets access to the Man O' War.

    The ship becomes available to each member of that crew.
    So every event brings up to 4 Man O' Wars into the server if each crew member began a play session on their own.
    If the crew member already has a Man O' War available, they can not pick up the riddle in the next event.
    Thus ensuring that eventually everyone will have it, just like the legend title, but only the true legends will have it first. Certainly a ship worthy of a pirate legend.

  • @shoothere4exp

    As a ship person, I have some issues... (PM me if you would like to talk)
    But I hope someone at Rare sees this and it changes their mind!
    Bring on the Man O' Wars!

  • @shoothere4exp She is beautiful man, GG.

  • Awesome ship design, but if Rare puts anything like that in the game, they're gonna need bigger outpost docks cause that thing is a beast!

  • Really impressive!
    Very good for 6 players!

  • Just hire this guy already.

    Outstanding high quality work you've done here. Clap!

  • @shoothere4exp you ever considered getting into something like autodesk maya?
    Amazing Job!

  • ye should put a triangle sail on the back that goes with the wind matey...and maybe the triangle sails in between each mast and 1...maybe 2 or 3 on the front attached to the rigging pointin out my friend


  • @juice8070 As I mentioned earlier, my decision not to include triangle sails or any sails on the front/rear is intentional and based on observing the existing SoT Galleon and Sloop models. Rare has clearly made a decision to focus the sailing gameplay mechanic on the main square sails, and the front of the ship acts as a social space not a sailing space. Not including these things is part of the SoT look, which I'm trying to keep consistent with.

    That being said, if Rare ever adds these features in the future as part of customization I would be happy to add them to my proposal.

    @Fantus I've considered MAYA and actually have it on my computer. I've used it sparingly both personally and for work its one of those programs I would like to get better at. Due to my Architecture background I'm more familiar with RHINO, Revit, CAD, Sketchup etc. But MAYA is definitely a program I would like to conquer. Ideally I should have built this ship in MAYA as I'm sure that's what the devs use but I'm much more adept in RHINO at this point and therfore quicker.

    @Thunder-Piggey @Mildred64 @Emanuel-Wynnn @FonZaye @RGBKnights Thanks for the fantastic support!

  • @shoothere4exp Yeah, its totally fair your using the Autocad's then, Maya is the 'pretty much' go to for the game design 3D.

    Also, I don't know how much you'd like it because you seem to be all in hard surface. but Zbrush is the funnest thing honestly.

  • How do people simultaneously want 6 person ships and complaining about solo sloops not having a chance? (Spoiler alert- solos always have a chance once you're experienced)

  • This wonderful! Awesome job matey!

13 out of 83