[DISCUSSION] Is Pirate Legend worth the grind? Now and in the future.

  • Hi there!

    I'm an aspiring YouTuber looking to start up my channel by talking about Sea of Thieves with other people that share our enjoyment of this game.

    I want to start a discussion about Pirate Legend status as it is now, and whether it's worth bothering to grind for today, or if it'll be worth it later on.

    Feel free to check out my quick video on the subject at https://youtu.be/nk37L3luLH8 and let me know your thoughts.

    As for my thoughts, I feel disappointed but not surprised about finding how little Legend adds at this point.

    I'm hoping more comes fast but at this point the sense of purpose keeps getting smaller and smaller as we go.

    Let's talk!

  • 17
  • As of now, no, literally no point to stride for it, only thing really worthwhile is getting gold for cosmetics, rep is more of an afterthought for me. In the future, maybe, depends on where the game goes.

  • Is the grind worth grinding? What’s the rush anyway?

  • @faal-zoor-kriid

    I agree. There's not enough waiting there to really make it a goal yet. Sacrificing any enjoyment to focus on grinding is just going to burn you out for almost no reward.

    I hope a lot more gets added very soon. Rare might need to push some content out earlier than planned if possible. Bite sizes instead of big patches.

  • @mrtristifer as a founder since day one alpha test, I was a little let down not much was changed, however, if the devs take a lot of the communities ideas like customizing tre different parts of a ship like the cannons, more incentive to not shoot on sight, gambling, more ships, more skins, more anything, the game will only get better. At the moment I give the props for fixing the general bugs and getting the respawn mechanics and such sorted out, as they are rather glaring issues.

  • It is indeed worth the grind in the future, as someone with experience in heavy grind games I can tell you that if you like the game enough to even consider doing all the grind until level 50 you will love the game a few months from now and the grind will be worth it.

    On the other hand if you don't want to commit to that you might regret it later if you like the content that gets added in the future, but you will surely have saved quite a few hours of not much enjoyment.

    Leaving the game for the future might be a good idea if you don't really like the gameplay loop.
    That way you don't get as much burnt out with it and can enjoy it once it has enough content to draw you in again.

  • @aidwell

    A good point. There shouldn't be a big rush for it.

    There's always those that'll push to make the process as short as possible, though. The destination is all that matters to them, and the journey is just in the way.

    At this point, we just need to enjoy the moments we make as we go.

  • Thanks to the streamer that got carried to legend, we now know it isn't worth the current grind.

  • @wturok

    I know a few of my friends that had a but of fun but are now putting the game down for a while. They'll likely come back to see what's been added later and are looking to me to tell them when it'll meet their expectations, haha.

  • I am not even grinding and gaining reputation. Speed is irrelavant, but you will miss out if you are not lvl50 in the future eventually.

  • @mrtristifer The same happened with Pokemon Go, heavy grind, people leaving all over the place but plenty of core fans still playing it too.
    Today I still see groups of people around my city farming pokemons and fighting gyms so don't worry about the game dying, it won't happen any time soon, you can wait for your moment to play.

    No need to rush things down and end up dissapointed.

  • @wturok

    I've been playing Pokémon GO since release as well, but taking it really slow. Same idea. Don't burn out and just enjoy it at a pace that doesn't devour everything there is to do as fast as possible.

  • @mrtristifer I'm letting the game developt until I play again, probably this summer will play again hopefully they have released gen 4 by the time I do it.

  • I would wait till getting to 50 is a little bit faster, It's very slow right now and someone got to pirate legend in 20+ hours by playing every day since release so.

  • @wturok

    I'm using it to help me be more active this summer. Gives me more reasons to get active and walk outside, besides the whole "healthy living" thing.

  • @theunknownd

    It does get really slow after 20. I'm going to focus on getting some money and maybe creating some of my own fun with special conditions or objectives for a play session. Maybe even a little RP if I'm feeling extra piratey.

  • @mrtristifer said in [DISCUSSION] Is Pirate Legend worth the grind? Now and in the future.:


    It does get really slow after 20. I'm going to focus on getting some money and maybe creating some of my own fun with special conditions or objectives for a play session. Maybe even a little RP if I'm feeling extra piratey.

    Yeah, It does.

    Also, The rewards are like the same pretty much.

6 out of 17