Dear RARE, This is what a pirate flag looks like:

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  • And here is the international sign for "we surrender"

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  • While we're at it.

    A pirate ship:
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    Stuff that a pirate ship needs:
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  • @sanni Those photos bring back so much nostalgia. The feels.

  • this is perfect.

  • Oh, I don't think I'd be the first to complain right out the gate with the notion that....srsly?

    The Jolly Roger isn't the DEFAULT?!

  • @shovel-guy-556 sagte in Dear RARE, This is how a pirate flag looks like::

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    My favorite Flags :
    1.Jack Rackam
    2.Henry Every
    3.Richard Worley
    4.Edward England

  • Don’t worry - Rare only sees the posts with swearing in them. We all get to keep on surrendering until the Christmas update when everyone gets a “Snow White” flag for 150,000 gold!

  • @haydnsym45 said in Dear RARE, This is how a pirate flag looks like::

    Don’t worry - Rare only sees the posts with swearing in them. We all get to keep on surrendering until the Christmas update when everyone gets a “Snow White” flag for 150,000 gold!

    Um, They are already white?

  • @shovel-guy-556 good lord - sarcasm man!

  • @durengo-germany
    I've always been partial to Sparrow's flag, meself -

    There have been a good few people on the forums also offering to create flag designs for others which is where this one came from :) -

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    Or mine! The Jolly Roger of Baron Swordfish.

  • Pirates of the Burning Sea was a game that back in the day allowed me to sail under my own banner. :)

  • @only-alexraptor said in Dear RARE, This is how a pirate flag looks like::

    Pirates of the Burning Sea was a game that back in the day allowed me to sail under my own banner. :)

    Oh that takes me back. I had 4 approved:

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  • @only-alexraptor That's something PotCO never got around to, sails yes, but not flags....

  • @excitedcaius said in Dear RARE, This is how a pirate flag looks like::

    @only-alexraptor said in Dear RARE, This is how a pirate flag looks like::

    Pirates of the Burning Sea was a game that back in the day allowed me to sail under my own banner. :)

    Oh that takes me back. I had 4 approved:

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    Very Nice! I'd honestly kill for SoT to have a similar feature.

  • Even just to have flags would be good that you could hoist and lower at will. At the moment we can only buy designer sails and you have to have a large sum of gold for that. A flag or sail designer would be cool. Another thing that would be good to have is to be able to just have just standard coloured flags/sails. So for example a red flag and black sails or a pink flag and orange sails. These would be much cheaper than the designed sails/flags and add a bit more of a personal touch to the ship especially if your at a lower level.

  • I'd like the option to choose our flag color between Black, White, Red, Blue, Green, Yellow

    Then give us the option to fly it plain or with an emblem on it. The emblems would be unlocked by completeing specific tasks/achievements.

  • @el-dunco I like the idea we can unlock unique emblems by doing achievements/tasks. I suggest that those tasks actually be unlocking commendations so at least you can show that you've got to a certain level in them because some of them take ages to get too.

  • @alphacenturion2 if you base them off the commendations then you have the opportunity of unlocking tiers of these emblems. Maybe the higher up in the commendations you get the cooler the emblem gets

  • @el-dunco My thought exactly

  • @Only-Alexraptor @ExcitedCaius
    Just to be clear. When I made this topic, it wasnt with "Custom Flags and Sails" in mind. I´ve seen too many games where that is possible, and half the emblems are either b*****s/genetalia or swaztikas, and such.
    I just dont want that in SoT.
    A purely black flag, however, should be easier to manage.
    Now, there is a black flag in SoT, but as of now it seems to be either randomly equipped, or perhaps a glitch. See separate topics on that mysterious matter.

    @el-Dunco @AlPhAcEnTuRiOn2 I like your ideas

    @katttruewalker said in Dear RARE, This is how a pirate flag looks like::

    @only-alexraptor That's something PotCO never got around to, sails yes, but not flags....

    What does that mean?

    @haydnsym45 said in Dear RARE, This is how a pirate flag looks like::

    @shovel-guy-556 good lord - sarcasm man!

    I dont think youre taking this seriously enough, young man.

  • @shovel-guy-556 "Never" Happened in Pirates of the Burning Sea. Content created had to go through an approval process before it was added to the game.

  • @Only-Alexraptor I think you meant that for @KattTruewalker

    Otherwise I dont know what youre saying.

  • Dear RARE, This is What a pirate flag looks like
    (sorry just commenting on your illiteracy)

  • Sail cosmetics down the line are a definite must.

    Pets are coming in a later, as of yet unannounced update.

  • @blam320 said in Dear RARE, This is how a pirate flag looks like::

    Sail cosmetics down the line are a definite must.

    Pets are coming in a later, as of yet unannounced update.

    Agreed. I'm betting there will be a generous update down the line with various flags

  • @shovel-guy-556 said in Dear RARE, This is how a pirate flag looks like::

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    Love this keep up the good work!

  • @buzzman92 said in Dear RARE, This is how a pirate flag looks like::

    @blam320 said in Dear RARE, This is how a pirate flag looks like::

    Sail cosmetics down the line are a definite must.

    Pets are coming in a later, as of yet unannounced update.

    Agreed. I'm betting there will be a generous update down the line with various flags

    I wager somewhat early next year, since the devs already have plans set in for the rest of this year.

    It would definitely be a welcome surprise if they add them this year, as part of a large ship customization update, or even part of Cursed Sails.

  • I wish we would get an official response about the flags. Seems like we should know by now.

  • @chief-beef-dsp You comment about literacy, or lack thereof, with grammar and punctuation errors while simultaneously adding nothing to the topic.
    Y u du dis???/?

    On topic: Allow us to make custom flags please!!!

  • @shovel-guy-556 "...and half the emblems are either b*****s/genetalia or swaztikas, and such."

  • @only-alexraptor I cant believe this forum censors the word b*****s. Seriously? what do you expect me to write? Female chest appendages? jeez.

    @HorizonLegendo Maybe theyre waiting for us to figure out the black flag thing?

    @chief-beef-dsp said in Dear RARE, This is how a pirate flag looks like::

    Dear RARE, This is What a pirate flag looks like
    (sorry just commenting on your illiteracy)

    Thnx. Fixd.

  • Facepalm
    Your clearly still not getting it...

  • @only-alexraptor Im ok with that.

33 out of 37