Sea of Thieves - Opening Text

  • Rare treasures and riches vast, from pirate legends in the past

    Shared voyages with faithful crew, called to sail the ocean blue

    In the sea of thieves, the rumours fare, a fortune lies buried there

    Hidden route under fearsome sky, a fortune calls to those that try

    The Gold Hoarders seek beneath the sands, the keys to chest within their hands

    The Order Of Souls are full of mystery, they came to seek the skulls of history

    The Merchant Alliance are seeking coin, a profit made by those that join

    Athena's Fortune now calls to ye, to become legend upon the sea

    This is the opening text you see when you log-in to the game, I copied it word for word to share with you guys

    • My Archive of Lore Related Texts (Just like this one)

    Text Archive

    Reason for posting this - If you are asking "Why did this guy post this on the forums we see this all the time?" here is why. I have started a collection of books and texts I have found or are in the game. I also think the opening text will change come the Hungering Deep so I wanted there to be a copy of the text.

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  • @d42striker ive actually logged and documented a bunch of books myself on my Twitter @thefroste complete with screenshots of all the pages and a compass/location screeenshot of where books spawn. If youre interested

  • @d42striker Wow.
    Thank you for your time and effort. Much appreciated.

    Fair winds and happy sailing. :o)

  • @banana-bandlt That would be handy. :o)

  • Its all there :) Always a pleasure to help fellow lore seekers anyway i can.

  • @d42striker I regret only; That I've one like to give, but that one, be all yours mate!

    I love the lore in games, and while Sea of Thieves delivers it sparingly, I still love to soak up every bit of it, so thank you for taking the time to write down these little bits of it for us all.

  • @banana-bandlt Wow, I will have to take a look at that :)

  • @admiral-rrrsole No problem, I like writing down the lore/texts and sharing it will everyone. I might post the Wanted posters later as well.

  • @tundra-793 Aye, and my like be yours as well.

  • @d42striker You are a noble and a scholar! Thanks for collecting all this information! I love learning the lore of this world!

  • @westworld2106 Not a problem, I just found a third mysterious journal :)

  • @d42striker nice collection there. Would really like to be able to view them as journal like the #SeaofTease pages

  • Thank you very much for this :)

  • @scoobywrx555 What I am thinking of doing (when I get enough books and text and other stuff) is make a website housing a record of every book and text I find. With the pages for the books having a journal like aspect to them.

  • @m4dkraut No problem mate!

  • @d42striker good idea. Hoped that they would include a journal with all the pages you collect.

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