What is your ship role?

  • I was thinking about this the other night, I always seem to have the same jobs when I am on with my galleon crew. For me I am either the look out up in the crows nest or I am the captain. What do you do? Are you best at steering? Or do you man the crows nest? Are sails your thing? Or do you solo it? Also is there anything you are known for? Im known for being good at steering during combat situations and for always keeping a pet chicken on board.

    Feel free to share.

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  • @combatxkitty ahhh yes the good luck chicken. A must have.

  • I fit into every slot, but if I'm with my main crew my mate normally likes to be the helmsman and I will command the others to do sails and other tasks, I'm also an incredible cannon shot and I'm good a boarding other ships and taking out their crew. So normally I try and be that guy. ;)

  • @combatxkitty Really, crows nest lookout? That would be like playing with a crew member short. You can scan the horizon from the deck with more than enough warning of approaching ships.
    The only time I use the crow's nest as a look-out vantage point is if I'm minding the ship at a skull fort. Otherwise it's just the place to dump powder kegs.

    I like to be an all round typical deck hand. Adjusting sails, repairs, bailing, navigation when required, manning the cannons and of course part of the landing party.

    My least preferred duty would have to be helmsman.
    BTW, the "captain" rarely steers the ship, a helmsman does.

  • @admiral-rrrsole how is that leaving the crew a member short? All you need is two competent ppl on sails , one steering and other on look out. From the crows nest i look out for other ships, rocks, islands, shinies on the shores, ship wrecks ect. Im not glued in the crows nest lol, i can easily help patch or help with cannons or whatever if needed. I like being up there, it works very well for our crew but ty for your concern....

    I meant as captain its my ship. My decor on it, choose missions, whether we will fight or flight. We take turns. There is only one captain. Im known for steering good in combat but that has nothing to do with being a captain. I will steer too if our usual steerer is tired. Thats my fault though i should been more clear as to what i meant by that.

  • Usually sails/ looking for ships to attack, also for combat scenarios im usually 5 shots with the cannon and then boarding crew or boom barrel deployment

  • Im a PvP loving pirate so Im an Attacker and captain

  • @combatxkitty I am not having a got at you, sorry if it sounds like it, just expressing my views.
    Although you are using the crow's nest for its intended purpose, it sounded like you pulled up a seat and glued your butt there for the entire voyage.
    We recently had a friend do that who later confessed to watching YouTube clips the whole time. :/
    It just doesn't seem fair for one or two to do all of the work while someone sunbaths with panoramic views during a free ride.

    Failing that position you captain the ship which many think / assume means steering it. I'm sorry but that's what your post indicated, you are either in the crow's nest or steering.

    As for firing orders in a regular crew, that should not be necessary. You would all have equal experience working together on a regular basis. My helmsman steers while I adjust sails and we dock perfectly every time. I don't need him to say "more wind" or "less sail". This goes for either vessel, galleon or sloop.
    If on a galleon and I see the wind change direction I will say something like "The wind has changed, sails to the... " (which ever direction is required). I am not assuming a leadership role, it's just a "heads up, guys" sort of thing.
    Usually nobody listens and I end up doing all three sails myself. lol

    When it comes to skull forts, with a crew of 3 or 4 ,we usually rotate look-out / watch duties. As soon as someone dies they inform the look-out who then takes a last scan of the horizon before joining the others fighting skeleton waves. When the deceased return from the ferry they are the next on look-out duty.... and so on.

    The same equality should apply to the crew as a whole voting or at least voicing their opinions or needs as to which type of quests to do, challenge a fort, attack another vessel, search for highchairs or statues, fight the megalodon, etc.
    We are all playing our own game as a team, we're not pawns to one ruler.

    I have been in crews where one thinks that they are above all others and it's not much fun. This is a game not a job, bosses belong in work environments.
    Until they implement ranks in the game we are all just ahem seamen. :o)

    Enjoy what you do and let others enjoy their gaming experience too.

  • Usually the captain/shot caller. Also from what I have heard I'm top notch with the cannon.

  • @admiral-rrrsole well not everyone needs to play the game as you do. There is nothing wrong with taking turns to decide what missions we do, that way everyone has the chance to do what they want or what we need to rank up in. We take turns, so we all get to play how we want. All ships have a captain, there is nothing wrong with it as long as you dont take it too serious and turn into a bossy egotistical jerk of course. Also you can still have crew votes even with a captain. Our crew will and does vote on stuff. However when im captaining the ship i have certain way i like to play, such as i like to stop at outpost frequently and thats not something that needs a vote. Also when it comes to pvp we vote on whether to fight or not but ultimately if the captain thinks its to risky or seriously not needed they can override. Its hard to explain but we all work very well together and pretty much have all successful voyages.

    You say no one listens and you end up doing all the work yourself? Thats not cool. Next time get on that ship and tell them you are the captain and what you say to get done lol..maybe they will listen.

  • I flex. I'm the guy who does whatever needs to be done. I keep lookout. I constantly adjust the sails. I check the map. I take the helm. I patch when needed, cannon when not. I repel boarders, and initiate boarding at times.

    Basically, I'm the ship's handyman.

  • I’m a Navigator I know where most of the islands are from just by looking around I also tend to be on a Sloop with a buddy so I also work the sails and crows nest when we have our heading and once in a blue moon I’m the helmsman but navigating is my true skill unless you want to know east from West I seem to mess that up all the time

  • @combatxkitty I hold the proud title of border #2, responsible for anchoring the other ship and distracting them while border #1 barrels them.

    I love my job :)

  • Typically I play duo sloop, and I usually end up doing: Sails, navigation, and lookout. My sloop partner is usually on the helm and does repairs and bailing.

  • @combatxkitty i used to always be helmsman, but a few of the Legends in my crew often seem to take that role nowadays so it's sails for me and look out from the bowsprit.

    I'm known though as well for falling off the bowsprit...

  • @combatxkitty Me crew and I are mostly ol' Alpha players, so we found a good rhythm early on, we sort of copied the actual Pirate ranks and functions, since that to us just seemed to work.

    @Chriso-Dster Is our Helmsman, and also handles navigation, and usually mans the rear sail. He's also our last line of defense against boarders.

    @Bill-Cosby-33 Be our Quartermaster, he keeps excellent track of our supplies, is a capable fighter and when we crew with new folk, or strangers he's the first to tell them to straighten up, and work the ship as needed.

    Our Boson doesn't appear to have a profile here, but he's also the newest to the game out of the 4 of us, so he's generally just doing all the basic tasks, like Sails and lookout. He's usually also the first pick for combat actions.

    And I serve as Captain, but the only times I ever actually give orders, and expect them to be followed is in active PvP combat. The rest of the time we just vote on our next job, and where to go etc. And all the usual tasks we all do as needed, sails and repairs for example.

  • everyone not helping adjusting/lowering (wich means rolling them together) the sails on a galleon should walk the plank!

  • I'm the lookout, navigator, treasure finder (I'm like a sniffer dog when it comes to finding the X), and sometimes tactician

  • @thealcani said in What is your ship role?:

    everyone not helping adjusting/lowering (wich means rolling them together) the sails on a galleon should walk the plank!

    Umm it doesn't take an entire galleon crew to do sails but ok....

  • @tundra-793 I like your game play. I really enjoy having roles set because i find things go much smoother that way. I definitley think it comes down to the crew though and how well you work together. Our permanent roles on our ship are:

    Navigator/sails- my two friends do a good job at this. One only navigates at a time. We have our main navigator but the other takes over if he is afk or isn't on yet. Also they work the cannons and do deck work.

    We have the steerer- she steers the ship of course and also stays on the ship while we dock to keep watch over it.

    Then there is me the look out- Keep an eye out for islands, rocks,other ships, ship wrecks, shinies, treasure. I also work cannons during combat, do deck duties (patching, lift, raise anchor), and its my job to take over steering if the steerer goes afk or gets tired. I will also help with sails during combat.

    Like i said captain is a rotating role and we have fun with it. We do votes too for ecample like if we want to do a skull fort, if we should pvp (captain at the time can override that) ect.

  • When I am playing with randoms I am the whole crew, I basically do everything unless there is someone else on the ship that knows what they are doing and helps me. I mainly just don't trust people when I play with randoms so I do it all myself.

    When I am with my crew we are all everything, especially navigation because we don't need to look at the map.

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