NVIDIA RTX Graphics cards Ray tracing and sea of thieves

  • What are Rare's plans for this revolution in game rendering? Will they alter Sea of Thieves to use this new technology?
    What do you think? Will you get one of the new cards?

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  • @p4p3rm4t3 said in NVIDIA RTX Graphics cards Ray tracing and sea of thieves:

    What are Rare's plans for this revolution in game rendering? Will they alter Sea of Thieves to use this new technology?
    What do you think? Will you get one of the new cards?

    Do you honestly think that? SoT isn't even capable of rendering objects that are right in front of you (speaking about rendering distances) or character models on a ship that isn't right beneath yours.

    So I'd say it's highly unlikely. Especially due to the Xbox community that will burst out in jealousy because "Pc PlAyErS WiLl GeT aN aDvAnTaGe"-sort of thing.

  • It's not even their own engine. It's licensed Unreal 4. So no, I don't think so. As for the new graphics cards - No, I won't get one. They are way too expensive. And I'm still on a 1080p @ 60 Hz screen, since I don't have the money to upgrade to a 4k @ 144 Hz G-Sync screen. Every game I play runs more than fine at 1080p on my "old" GTX 1070.

  • @l4chsfps I don't see players crying because consoles will get ray tracing too, eventually. Indeed it affords no advantage. In fact, I see disadvantage for PC using ray tracing. No artificial light sources means very dark caves and spaces. Harder to see in certain situations.

    Furthermore, the staggering beauty that could be accomplished should not be abandoned because of.. these reasons you mentioned.

    (English is my only language, and I'm bad at writing it, worse at speaking it.)

  • @nd3e said in NVIDIA RTX Graphics cards Ray tracing and sea of thieves:

    It's not even their own engine. It's licensed Unreal 4. So no, I don't think so. As for the new graphics cards - No, I won't get one. They are way too expensive. And I'm still on a 1080p @ 60 Hz screen, since I don't have the money to upgrade to a 4k @ 144 Hz G-Sync screen. Every game I play runs more than fine at 1080p on my "old" GTX 1070.

    Hmmm... very nice indeed then.

  • I'd be pretty surprised if it came to Sea of Thieves. If it were currently planned it would have probably been used along with the likes of BF5 to help sell the cards.

    Will I get one? Initially I would say no, I will wait at least another generation to see how they improve upon the architecture, but while my 1080 Ti hasn't shown any signs of slowing down yet, I also have more money than sense when it comes to these things and will probably fork over the cash for a founders 2080 Ti because I like my games to look as shiny and new as possible.

  • @drunkpunk138 I had a 2080ti in the hopper to replace my 1080ti. But I didn't pull the trigger for a couple reasons. First being I don't know how it performs with all the stuff that isn't ray traced. Second being I usually wait until the third party cards hit. The only reason I almost hit buy now is because that price was locked. Time will tell if I should have clicked buy now.

    (i think FE cards are sold out now)

  • @p4p3rm4t3 said in NVIDIA RTX Graphics cards Ray tracing and sea of thieves:

    @drunkpunk138 I had a 2080ti in the hopper to replace my 1080ti. But I didn't pull the trigger for a couple reasons. First being I don't know how it performs with all the stuff that isn't ray traced. Second being I usually wait until the third party cards hit. The only reason I almost hit buy now is because that price was locked. Time will tell if I should have clicked buy now.

    (i think FE cards are sold out now)

    From what I read, it should outperform the 1080 Ti pretty significantly. I need to do more digging. You'll likely be able to get a cheaper 2080 Ti if you wait for the non-founders versions to hit, I think it's supposed to be 100 bucks cheaper. Not surprised it's sold out already, luckily I have someone who can get one my way regardless.

  • Surely the next big Microsoft console will have ray tracing.
    %100 Sure it will. So much less work to light games. How long before all new games are ray trace only?

  • Seems 21 games currently will be launching ray tracing support sometime in the near future. Honestly it's a rather lackluster list at the moment, but I imagine most AAA games that hit the PC will be developed with this technology, and once a new console generation launches to utilize it, it'll become a new norm.

  • It would be awesome if Sea of Thieves got ray tracing support. From my understanding of watching the Nvidia presentation it's not a complicated thing to activate. Tho I could have misunderstood that completely seeing I'm no game developer or have any deep graphical knowledge.

    But I can only imagine how incredible Sea of Thieves would be with real lighting,shadows and reflections. If you thought the water was stunning now...imagine it with ray tracing...it would be insane.

  • @p4p3rm4t3 It looks tempting... could afford it, just not sure what it will do for my gaming "really" just yet.

    See Ted's response below! It's on his radar!

  • I am running Ultra settings on a 27 inch 2k monitor at 144htz using a strix 1080ti.

    So I would image I will not be upgrading for at least 5 years minimum.

  • @biter-wylie "What's all this ray tracing garble?! Hand placed lighting is far superior and will be for many years to come! "

    How your post read in my head.

  • I don't see any developer altering their existing titles to support a brand new and unproven technology for a small minority of players.
    Games launching with RTX support do so because Nvidia is paying them to in order to promote/sell graphic cards. And as always, it's best to skip the first generation of new tech because the refinements and bug fixing that comes with subsequent generations are usually vast improvements.

  • @crazed-corsair

    I expect there will be a few newer AAA titles that might go back and add it.

    The question I guess is how many new AAA titles will have it in future. I would expect most if it actually brings both much better graphical fidelity and performance improvements.

    I think your really looking into the 3-5 year region though before its worth getting an RTX card.

    I bet when sites like Tomshardware get them and run the benchmark tests on non Ray Trace games the new cards will not be a big leap over the last generation!

  • @p4p3rm4t3 said in NVIDIA RTX Graphics cards Ray tracing and sea of thieves:

    Surely the next big Microsoft console will have ray tracing.
    %100 Sure it will. So much less work to light games. How long before all new games are ray trace only?

    I would expect the next gen consoles to have it! I can’t imagine them not doing so as you would expect nearly all games to have RT in future unless it added significantly to the programming cost for some weird reason.

    Sea Of Thieves - We know performance is an issue and the Devs are always trying to optimise for this. But Neither Xbox or any PC gamers could see the benefit currently so I would say no. Not worth SOT spending any resources on it.

    The hardware needs to be out there! Someone’s got to be first! Make the investment and let us know :)

  • Rare care to comment?

  • I'm a nVidia fan for several years now and I am happy with my mini 1060. I usually don't upgrade my video card until it overheats or get's too old for games. If I ever have to upgrade I'd probably get one of the new cards. Hopefully my 1060 will last for a while.

  • @p4p3rm4t3 said in NVIDIA RTX Graphics cards Ray tracing and sea of thieves:

    Rare care to comment?

    They would say interesting.. But no, not the right time.

  • Unreal just got ray tracing support, so Rare can now add ray tracing to sea of thieves,

  • I was kinda wondering what will happen to the game next gen also. Not sure about ray tracing, but the fact that this game is on xbox and there will be a new xbox sometime, sooner than later, i am interested in seeing what Rare will do to keep the game graphically fresh. As a PC and Xbox player i can tell you the biggest improvement for the Xbox would be 60fps. Its the only thing i really notice going between the two.

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