Athenas quests take way to long...

  • They need to give us a shorter mission, maybe a sub type that takes half as long but rewards half as much? I would take that happily. I simply dont have the time to dump 4+ hours into an Athenas run. Give us people with budgeted time something. We cant sink 6 hour sessions in at a time.

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  • It shouldn't be taking you 4 - 6 hours in any way..

    what I can't get over is how much of a middle finger rep hand ins are lol, before next rank rep intentionally leaves you just a small hair off from next rank, whoever designed that and came up with the numbers there is still probably laughing about it lol

  • An Athena 4+ hours? You're doing something wrong then, or you are doing a quest with islands on the opposite side of the map.

  • @xrekkoffx said in Athenas quests take way to long...:

    They need to give us a shorter mission, maybe a sub type that takes half as long but rewards half as much? I would take that happily. I simply dont have the time to dump 4+ hours into an Athenas run. Give us people with budgeted time something. We cant sink 6 hour sessions in at a time.

    Dang if they only would add somethingg tthat made it easy to get 50% athena rep so casuals could rank uup easy & quick!

  • @xrekkoffx I don't rush, I pick up every chest and skull in athena voyage, and for me it's between 2-3 hours to do a Athéna's voyage.

    And if you rush without picking up any chest you will probably do it between 1-2 hours.

  • Did those mean PvPers make it where the Athenas quest took over 4 hours?

  • @el-dth-taco Nowhere did anyone mention PvP at all. Are you cold about something?

  • @jonaldinho said in Athenas quests take way to long...:

    @el-dth-taco Nowhere did anyone mention PvP at all. Are you cold about something?

    He's probably predicting that's where he thinks the thread will end up.

  • I think we're likely looking down the barrel of the notion that as the game ages more of solo sloop types and less grindy, grindy, power through or casual players are starting to show their ID's and get through the gateway of PL ranks 50/50/50/X.

    Without experience handling the Athena's it really is fair to say that the first few will take a player forever. It was, or felt like it was, a thousand times harder before the Gun Powder Skellies came along to help out on the OoS portions as well. So while it's true that a slower crew or a crew with less practice zooming through an Athena's can take forever tackling one of the voyages, it does improve with some Athena's experience.

    It also improves, like the whole game does, with a crew of 3+...

    We shouldn't have to 'speed run' considering the only reward in the game is cash and the Athena's is worth c**p on it's own usually. Playing the game without digging up the chests and merely tapping 'em is IMO simply not playing the game in a valuable way. After all, if your a customization collector your going to need cash, and what use if Rank 10 Athena's if you've no cash to buy the gear! But that's personal choice there at least.

  • One of the biggest reasons I don't play nearly as much as I used to anymore is the time investment v. reward. One doesn't just play SoT for a hour, and if I do get a chance to actually sit down for a good play session i've got nothing to work towards really so it's kind of mess around 'light' play.

  • I think people just want a way to gain Athena's rep without having to sink 2+ hours into the game. I should be able to hop on for one hour, do some short Athena's type quest and gain some rep at the end.

    My idea is to create an Athena's quest that sends you to one of the inactive forts to take on a rogue Pirate Lord with an Athena's type item in the stronghold. Turn in a Skull of Legends for defeating the pirate lord and his crew of scallywags, maybe for slightly less Athenas rep.

  • alt text

  • @jonaldinho said in Athenas quests take way to long...:

    I think people just want a way to gain Athena's rep without having to sink 2+ hours into the game. I should be able to hop on for one hour, do some short Athena's type quest and gain some rep at the end.

    My idea is to create an Athena's quest that sends you to one of the inactive forts to take on a rogue Pirate Lord with an Athena's type item in the stronghold. Turn in a Skull of Legends for defeating the pirate lord and his crew of scallywags, maybe for slightly less Athenas rep.

    I just want something else...

    Some other way of leveling Athenas and getting the chest of legends without having to do 2x Merchant, 4x Gold Hoarders, and 2x Order of Souls...

    Even if its something that takes roughly the same amount of time.. just get me doing something new

  • @jonaldinho The OP is usually complaining about PvPers...

  • @xrekkoffx If alliances are something you would do, you can join one and have crews running Athena's. When another ship on your alliance turns one in, you get half the loot and half the rep on the Athena chest. However, that doesn't really help with your time crunch issue.

  • I don't speed run I solo them and takes me about an hour and a half. I feel that you need more practice and eventually you will be able to do them quicker. I see no reason to make them shorter. If you are pressed for time then you shouldn't do Athena's until you can give it it's appropriate time. Also, look for some pirate legends who do Athena's at a decent speed, and look at their tips and tricks. I know you can do it. Keep up the work.

  • @zodemere I am sure suggesting someone cheating is against TOS. :P

  • @vincent-xiii said in Athenas quests take way to long...:

    @zodemere I am sure suggesting someone cheating is against TOS. :P

    i've seen/heard of PC players doing it. I don't recommend dooiinhg it buut hey it's in the game atm. I'm sure rare will figure a way to prevent that at some point in time.

  • Or yoy can simply join alliance who are doing athenas and just mess around & farm free rep that way too! It's never been easier to rank up to PL / Athena 10!!

  • @zodemere no off switch for you eh? Lol

    All you're ever on about is how much easier everyone has it to hit 10 athena..

    Afking definitely isn't more efficient, just more lazy

    Alliances maybe, but you still need to actively seek out people to want to play nice enough and work towards it without breaking alliance.

    You make it sound like hitting PL is the annoying part, and that its all gravy from then on, according to you everyone should be athena 10 in minutes

  • @zodemere I am not sure how you got to running scripts and going away for hours from suggesting to join an alliance??? I have never and will never cheat or go afk. I play most every day and reached my current PL and Athena 9 legit. Even on Athena's, we don't speed run because we all want the loot and several of the friends I run with are not to legend yet. We normally are not in alliances and do them on our own, but alliances are not cheating anyways. Also as FYI, I am on Xbox if that matters.

  • 2-3 hours is still way too long. and speedrunning is not my bag. there needs to be items or short fetch quests for rep.

  • @marsmayflower You can easily do them solo between and hour and a half. Keep practicing you can do it!

  • @marsmayflower said in Athenas quests take way to long...:

    2-3 hours is still way too long. and speedrunning is not my bag. there needs to be items or short fetch quests for rep.

    Maybe they should simply allow peeps to buy athena levels for dablooms?

  • What i see in this thread, is someone wanting the game to be ez-mode..

  • @succubuzz Nope not really. OP suggested a shorter voyage with a scaled down reward. They are someone who doesn't have as much time to play.

    Besides, as others have mentioned, thr game is already easy mode since alliances were introduced.

    @xRekkoffx I think your idea has merit. New voyage type would be nice in general, but a shorter option with less reward sounds like a balanced alternative to help out busier pirates.

  • @succubuzz said in Athenas quests take way to long...:

    What i see in this thread, is someone wanting the game to be ez-mode..

    IIt's getting easier & eeasier so why not make it so athena can be done easier?

  • @succubuzz said in Athenas quests take way to long...:

    What i see in this thread, is someone wanting the game to be ez-mode..

    nope. I have a job, a wife, and a teenage daughter.

  • @marsmayflower said in Athenas quests take way to long...:

    @succubuzz said in Athenas quests take way to long...:

    What i see in this thread, is someone wanting the game to be ez-mode..

    nope. I have a job, a wife, and a teenage daughter.

    You can't argue with that, happy wife = happy life! Git this pirate some athena rep staat! Maybe have PvE ONLY servers dedicated to anhena only alliances so that way he can log in & in 15-20 jmins he get 50% athena rep as long as all 6 ships were doin athenna! Easy fix.

  • @zodemere I wouldn’t be surprised if athena ranks were able to be purchased via dubloons at some point, especially considering that they’ve dumbed down everything else so far. From purchasing ranks with dubloons to hit PL sooner, joining alliances to hit Athena 10 much sooner, to removing hard earned commendations, it would only make sense that they’d strip away any distinguishing traits between players who earned their Athena 10 in a more legit fashion by allowing Athena ranks to be purchased via dubloons.

  • @they-sank said in Athenas quests take way to long...:

    @zodemere I wouldn’t be surprised if athena ranks were able to be purchased via dubloons at some point, especially considering that they’ve dumbed down everything else so far. From purchasing ranks with dubloons to hit PL sooner, joining alliances to hit Athena 10 much sooner, to removing hard earned commendations, it would only make sense that they’d strip away any distinguishing traits between players who earned their Athena 10 in a more legit fashion by allowing Athena ranks to be purchased via dubloons.

    AGREED!!!!I fully expect this too happen as welll & i'm all for it! Everything is sooo easy & there's nothing to set everyone apart so why not let them use dabooms for athena rep! Geez people have lives & this game was NOT meant to be grindy! If u want grinnd go play different game like DESTINY 2 or something hard/challenging!!

  • @zodemere just simply provide different missions like gold hoarders and souls?

    finding 2 to three people who are competent, I want to sail with, and who can stick around for two hours is not fun.

  • @zodemere

    Ahoy there -

    I've deleted your post as we do not accept discussion around cheats, hacks or their use on the forums.

    Cheats and Hacks
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  • @vincent-xiii said in Athenas quests take way to long...:

    @marsmayflower You can easily do them solo between and hour and a half. Keep practicing you can do it!

    lol. uh, yea, I have 5 million meters of practice. I've done plenty. it's not practical, period.

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